MySQL 案例:计算环比
select a.day_num as "序号", a.create_time as "上架时间", a.clue_num as "上架车源量", ((a.clue_num/b.clue_num)-1) as "环比" from ( select cast(date_diff('day',cast('2019-01-01' as timestamp),a.create_time) as int) as day_num, a.create_time, a.clue_num from ( SELECT --substr(create_time,1,7) as year_mo, date(from_unixtime(to_unixtime(cast(create_time as timestamp)))) as create_time, cast(count(distinct clue_id) as double) as clue_num FROM guazi_dw_dwd.dim_com_car_source_ymd as a WHERE dt = CAST(date_add('day', -1, current_date) AS VARCHAR) and substr(create_time,1,10) between '${date1}' and '${date2}' AND platform in (2,3) group by 1 )a )a left join ( select cast(date_diff('day',cast('2019-01-01' as timestamp),a.create_time) as int) as day_num, a.create_time, a.clue_num from ( SELECT --substr(create_time,1,7) as year_mo, date(from_unixtime(to_unixtime(cast(create_time as timestamp)))) as create_time, cast(count(distinct clue_id) as double) as clue_num FROM guazi_dw_dwd.dim_com_car_source_ymd as a WHERE dt = CAST(date_add('day', -1, current_date) AS VARCHAR) and substr(create_time,1,10) between '${date1}' and '${date2}' AND platform in (2,3) group by 1 )a )b on a.day_num = b.day_num + 1 order by 1 asc