

public List<ExamineUser> findExamineUsersByOrganId(Long organId,String canOptInspectorsType,String inspectorType) {
  Session session = DaoHelp.getInstance().getSession();
  String hql="";
  if("Y".equals(canOptInspectorsType)&&!"0".equals(inspectorType)){ //开启状态,并且人员类型不是全部
      //String type=inspectorType.replace("@", "'");
         //hql = "select u.id as id,u.USERID as userId,u.USERNAME as userName,u.CODE as code,u.ORGANID as organId,u.ORGANNAME as organName from ENTCHK_EXAMINEUSER u where u.valId='0' and u.inspectorType in ("+type+") and exists (select o.id from a_organ o where o.id=u.ORGANID start with o.id="+organId+" connect by prior o.id=o.parent)";
         StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
         sb.append("select u.id as id,u.USERID as userId,u.USERNAME as userName,u.CODE as code,");
         sb.append("u.ORGANID as organId,u.ORGANNAME as organName from ENTCHK_EXAMINEUSER u where u.valId='0' ");
         sb.append(" and exists (select o.id from a_organ o where o.id=u.ORGANID start with o.id="+organId);
         sb.append(" connect by prior o.id=o.parent)");
         hql = "select u.id as id,u.USERID as userId,u.USERNAME as userName,u.CODE as code,u.ORGANID as organId,u.ORGANNAME as organName from ENTCHK_EXAMINEUSER u where u.valId='0' and u.states='1' and exists (select o.id from a_organ o where o.id=u.ORGANID start with o.id="+organId+" connect by prior o.id=o.parent)";

public List<ExamineUser> findExamineUsersByOrganIdBj(Long organId,String canOptInspectorsType,String inspectorType) {
   Session session = DaoHelp.getInstance().getSession();
   String hql="";
      //String type=inspectorType.replace("@", "'");
         //hql = "select u.id as id,u.USERID as userId,u.USERNAME as userName,u.CODE as code,u.ORGANID as organId,u.ORGANNAME as organName from ENTCHK_EXAMINEUSER u where u.valId='0' and u.inspectorType in ("+type+") and exists (select o.id from a_organ o where o.id=u.ORGANID and (o.ID="+organId+" or (o.parent="+organId+" and ORGANTYPECODE='D' )) )";
         StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
         sb.append("select u.id as id,u.USERID as userId,u.USERNAME as userName,u.CODE as code,");
         sb.append("u.ORGANID as organId,u.ORGANNAME as organName from ENTCHK_EXAMINEUSER u where u.valId='0' ");
         sb.append(" and exists (select o.id from a_organ o where o.id=u.ORGANID and ");
         sb.append("(o.ID="+organId+" or (o.parent="+organId+" and ORGANTYPECODE='D' )) )");
         hql = "select u.id as id,u.USERID as userId,u.USERNAME as userName,u.CODE as code,u.ORGANID as organId,u.ORGANNAME as organName from ENTCHK_EXAMINEUSER u where u.valId='0' and states='1' and exists (select o.id from a_organ o where o.id=u.ORGANID and (o.ID="+organId+" or (o.parent="+organId+" and ORGANTYPECODE='D' )) )";

  * 检查人员类型sql拼接
  * @param faker
  * @return
 private String getGodRainSql(String faker){
  faker=faker.replace("@", "%");
   String sql=" and u.inspectorType like '"+faker+"'";
   return sql;
   String[] fakers=faker.split(",");
   StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
   for(int i=0;i<fakers.length;i++){
    String godRain=fakers[i];
    godRain=godRain.replace("@", "%");
    sb.append(" or u.inspectorType like '"+godRain+"'");
   String leBron =sb.toString().replaceFirst(" or ", "");
   return " and ("+leBron+")";

action 层:

if("Y".equals(canOptInspectorsType)){ //公示抽查是否可以选择检查人员类型,Y开启,N关闭
    String jqjbzlj=request.getParameter("jqjbzlj");//县区级分配已经验证过,不能在验证
     List<ExamineUser> euList = (List<ExamineUser>)examineUserManager.findExamineUsersByOrganIdBj(priorgId,canOptInspectorsType,inspectorType);
     String entChkGroup = SysParameter.getSysParameterValueByKey("entChkGroup");
          int everyGroupCount = (entChkGroup == null || "".equals(entChkGroup)) ? 2 : Integer.parseInt(entChkGroup);// 每组人数
      request.setAttribute("inspectorType", getinspectorTypeName(inspectorType));
      String url="/taskDistributionUI.do?msg=no"+"&entChkGroup="+entChkGroup;
      ActionForward gotoUrl = new ActionForward(url);
                return gotoUrl;
      return  actionMapping.findForward("success");
     return  actionMapping.findForward("success");
    return  actionMapping.findForward("success");

private String getinspectorTypeName(String inspectorType){
   return "0";//全部人员
   StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
   String[] inspectorTypes=inspectorType.split(",");
   for(int i=0;i<inspectorTypes.length;i++){
   String returnVal=sb.toString();
   return returnVal.substring(0, returnVal.length()-1);
   return getinspectorTypeName1(inspectorType);
 private String getinspectorTypeName1(String inspectorType){
   return "企业类";
  }else if("@2@".equals(inspectorType)){
   return "商广类";
  }else if("@3@".equals(inspectorType)){
   return "市场类";
  }else if("@4@".equals(inspectorType)){
   return "执法类";
   return "0";

posted on 2017-06-30 14:35  街角的守望者  阅读(286)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
