02. The big bang 初遇佩妮

1.2 The big bang 初遇佩妮

1. 5毫米的台阶

Are you still made about the sperm bank?
You want to hear an interesting thing about stairs?
Not really.
If the height of a single step is off by as little as two millimeters, most people will trip
I don't care.
Two milli... that doesn't seem right.
No,it's true. I did a series of experiments when I was 12.
My father broke his clavicle.
Is that why they sent you to boarding school?
No. That was a result of my work with lasers.

  • 单词

    • be made about - 感到不快
    • not really
    • a series of experiments - 一系列实验
    • clavicle - 肩胛骨
    • send sb to sp
    • broading school - 寄宿学校
    • laser - 激光
  • 句式

    • 疑问句,回答句
    • 假设句
    • 陈述句

2. 和新邻居打招呼

new neighbor? - Evidently.
Significant improvement over the old neighbor.
200-pound transvestite with a skin condition? Yes,she is.
Oh,hi. - Hi.
Hi. - Hi.
Hi. - Hi?
We don't mean to interrupt. We live across the hall.
Oh,that's nice.
Oh,no,uh,we don't live together.I mean ,we live together ,bu in separate, heterosexual bedrooms.
Oh. Okay,well,guess I'm your new neighbor. Penny.
Oh. Leonard. Sheldon.
Hi. - Hi.
Hi. Hi. Hi.
Well,uh... oh,uh,welcome to the building.
Oh,thank you. Maybe we can have coffee sometime.
Oh,great. - Great.
Great. - Great.
Well,uh,bye. - Bye.
Bye. - Bye.
  • 单词

    • evidently - 显然
    • significant - 重要的
    • over
    • pound - 磅
    • transvesite - 变性人
    • don't mean to interrupt - 不是故意打扰
    • live across the hall - 楼道对面
    • hall - 楼道
    • heterosexual - 异性恋
    • hetero - 异性
    • well,uh... - 嗯,嗯...
    • guess - 猜测
  • 句式

    • 祈使句
    • 陈述句

3. 邀请佩妮吃晚餐

Should we have invited her for lunch?
No. We're gonna start season two of battlestar galactica.
We already watched the season two dvds.
Not with commentary.
I think we should be good neighbors and invite her over, make her feel welcome.
We never invited louie-slash-louise over.
Well... and that was wrong of us.
We need to widen our circle.
I have a very wide circle.
I have 212 friends on myspace.
Yes,and you've never met one of them.
That's the beauty of it.
I'm gonna invite her over.
We'll have a nice meal and... chat.
Chat? We don't chat. At least not offline.
Well,it's not difficult. You just listen to what she says
and then you say something appropriate in response.
To what end?
  • 单词

    • invite sb for lunch
    • season two of battlestar galactica - 战星舰队第二季
    • battlestar 星际战争
    • galaxy - 星系
    • galacticate - 星系
    • commentary - 评论
    • invite sb over - 邀请某人来
    • make sb feel welcome - 让某人感到受欢迎
    • louie-slash-louise - 一个人的两个名字
  • 句式

    • 疑问句
    • 称述句
posted @ 2023-02-20 23:34  积极向上的徐先生  阅读(20)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报