01. The big bang 基因诈骗

1.1 The big bang

1.the double slit experiment.光子双缝实验

so if a photon is directed througn a plane with two slits in it and either slit is observed,it will not go through both slits. 
// 只要有任意一个缝隙被观察,光子就不会通过两个缝隙。

If it's unobserved, it will. 
// 如果没有被观察,它就会通过两个缝隙。

However,if it's observed after it's left the plane but before it hits its target,it will not have gone though both slits. 
// 然而,如果它在离开平面之后,但在击中目标之前被观察,它就不会通过两个缝隙。

  • 单词

    • photon 光子 [phot = light 光;-on[GK]n.=nuclear particle …核子 →“发光的核子”]
    • slit 细缝
    • either 任何一个
  • 句式

    • if从句,主句
    • if从句,从句
    • if从句(and,but并列从句),主句
    • 一般陈述句:主动宾方定时(方式、地点、时间)
      • 我昨天一个人在家看电视
      • 我看电视一个人在家昨天
      • I watched TV alone at home yesterday.
Agreed. What's your point? There's no point. I just think it's a good idea for a t-shirt.

2. crossword puzzle 填字游戏

- Excuse me.
- Hang on.
- Uh,one across is "aegean. " // 第一行是“aegean. ”
- Eight down is "nabokov. " 26 across is "mcm. " // 第八列是- “nabokov. ”第26行是“mcm. ”
- down is... move your finger... // 下面是...移动你的手指...
- "phylum" which makes 14 across "port-au-prince" // "phylum"使14 - 行成为"port-au-prince"
- see,"papa doc's capitol idea," that's "port-au-prince. " // 看,- "papa doc's capitol idea,"那就是"port-au-prince. "
- Haiti. // 海地
  • 单词
    • excuse me 对不起
    • hang on 等一下
    • across 横向
    • down 纵向
    • aegean 爱琴海
    • nabokov 纳博科夫
    • mcm 一种服装品牌
    • phylum 界
    • port-au-prince 波多黎各
    • papa doc's capitol idea 爸爸医生的首都理念
    • Haiti 海地

3. high-iq sperm bank 高智商精子银行

- Can I help you? - Yes.
- Um... is this the high-iq sperm bank?
- If you have to ask, maybe you shouldn't be here.
- I think this is the place.
- Fill these out. - Thank you.
- We'll be right back.
- Oh,take your time. I'll just finish my crossword puzzle.
  • 单词
    • sperm 精子

    • fill sth out 填写

    • crossword puzzle 交叉字谜,填字游戏

    • BRB - 这是 “Be right back” 的常见缩写形式,通常用于在线聊天或文字消息中,表示对方很快就会回来。例如,“我得去接个电话,BRB。”

      • Just stepping out - 这个短语表示暂时离开,通常是因为需要做某些事情。例如,“我得出门一下,但很快就回来。”
      • Back in a jiffy - 这个短语意味着很快就回来,通常表示离开的时间非常短。例如,“我只是去一下洗手间,马上回来。”
      • Hold that thought - 这个短语表示希望对话的另一方在稍后继续。例如,“等等,我得去接个电话,你能稍等一下吗?Hold that thought。”
      • Taking a quick break - 这个短语表示正在休息一下,通常是因为需要休息一下,喝杯水或者去洗手间。例如,“我正在工作,但需要休息一下,所以我要去喝杯咖啡,Taking a quick break。”

4. bye 不辞而别

- Oh,wait.
- leonard, i dont think i can do this.
- what, are you kidding ? You are a semi-pro.
- No. We are committing genetic fraud.
- There is no gurantee that our sperm is going to generate high-iq - offspring. Think about that.
- i have a sister with the same basic dna mix who hostesses at fuddruckers.
- sheldon, this was your idea.
- A little extra money to get fractional t-1 bandwith in the apartment.
- I know, and I do yearn for faster downloads.
- But there is some poor woman who is gonna pin her hopes on my sperm.
- What if she winds up with a toddler who doesn't know if she should use an intergral or a differential to solve the area under a curve?
- I am sure she will still love him.
- I wouldn't.
- Well, what do you want to do?
- I want to leave. Okay.
- What is the protocol for leaving?
- I don't know, I have never reneged on a proffer of sperm before.
- Let's try just walking out.
- Okay.
- Bye. Bye.Nice meeting you.
  • 单词

    • semi-pro

      [semi-=half, pro = professional] 半职业

    • genetic fraud

      [gen(e) n. 基因;-etic a.=relating to 与…有关的→“relating to genes 关于基因的”→]基因诈骗

    • offspring 后代

    • hostess n.女主人 v.招待

    She hostessed the party with grace and charm.

    • fuddrucker

    • fractional

      [ fract=to break 破;-ion n.=the result 表行为结果;-al a -> 部分的;分数的 ]

      Fractional T1 是指將 T1 的频宽加以分割,提供给频宽需求低于 T1 速度的使用者

    • yearn for 渴望 [year + n -> v 渴望一年]

      The people yearned for peace.人民渴望和平。

    • pin hope on pin钉针

    • wind up with ↓

      wind 风
      wind up 结束 ; 给上发条 ; 给… 上弦 ; 完成 ; 停止 ; 关停,关闭 ; 最终沦落到 ;

    • toddler

      n, 蹒跚学步的孩子 ; 学步的儿童 ; 刚学会走路的孩子

    • intergral 整合 积

    • differential 微分

    an infinitesimal difference between two values of variable quantity 变量的两个值之间的无穷小差值

    • renege on 食言
    • a proffer of sperm 提供精子
posted @ 2023-02-20 23:33  积极向上的徐先生  阅读(31)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报