AECT2005定义:Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and esources.
AECT官方2007年出了一本书《Educational Technology: A Definition with Commentary
这本书Amazon上卖$32.35 ,有兴趣的可以看看。对全面了解教育技术的发展历史很有好处。
AECT94定义:Instructional Technology is the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management and evaluation of processes and resources for learning
【推荐】凌霞软件回馈社区,博客园 & 1Panel & Halo 联合会员上线
【推荐】轻量又高性能的 SSH 工具 IShell:AI 加持,快人一步