说明:在教育技术学领域有许多值得深入研究的专题,了解该领域的前沿动态对于专业学习与学术研究都将是十分有意义的事情。下面所提供的热点话题是根据2001年举办的该领域四个国内外知名会议所涉及的会议主题汇总而成的。这四个会议分别是:ICCE2001(The International Conference on Computers in Education)、International Conference on Learning and Teaching On-line、GCCCE2001(Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education)和CBE2001(Computer-based Education)。
No. |
中文 |
英文 |
1 |
人工智能工具在学习技术领域的应用 |
Application of artificial intelligence tools in learning technology |
2 |
教学设计理论的应用 |
Application of instructional design theories |
3 |
学习技术系统的架构 |
Architecture of learning technology systems |
4 |
教育中的人工智能 |
Artificial Intelligence in Education |
5 |
人工智能或知识工程与计算机辅助教育 |
Artificial Intelligence or knowledge engineering and CBE |
6 |
著作工具 |
Authoring tools |
7 |
双语教学 |
Bilingual teaching |
8 |
知识经济或信息经济与计算机辅助教育 |
CBE and knowledge economy or information economy |
9 |
认知和观念变化 |
Cognition and Conceptual Change |
10 |
协作学习/群件/合作学习 |
Collaborative learning/Groupware/Cooperative learning |
11 |
计算机辅助语言学习 |
Computer-Assisted Language Learning |
12 |
以计算机为媒介的通信 |
Computer-Mediated Communication |
13 |
建构主义观点 |
Constructivist perspectives |
14 |
创新学习 |
Creative Learning |
15 |
跨国界的联接及其在文化和教育方面的影响 |
Cross-border linkages and its cultural and educational impact |
16 |
跨文化教育 |
Cross-culture education |
17 |
网络社会的文化挑战 |
Cultural challenges in the networked society |
18 |
国际和国内的计算机辅助教育的现状和展望 |
Current status, trend and prospects of CBE in nation and international |
19 |
课程设计、网上学习和教学模式及其最好的实践 |
Curriculum design, on-line learning and teaching modes, and best practices |
20 |
远程学习系统的设计 |
Design of Distance Learning Systems |
21 |
设计原则 |
Design principles |
22 |
远程教育网的设计项目 |
Design project of long-distance education network |
23 |
分布式学习环境 |
Distributed Learning Environments |
24 |
作用/效果评价 |
Evaluation of impact |
25 |
学习技术系统的评价 |
Evaluation of learning technology systems |
26 |
网上学与教的评价 |
Evaluation of on-line learning and teaching |
27 |
示范项目 |
Exemplary projects |
28 |
在教育机构、ICT业界和政府之间创建新型伙伴关系的经验、课程、展望和策略 |
Experience, lesson, prospects and strategies in creating new partnerships among educational institutions, ICT industries and governments |
29 |
全球化对本土化 |
Globalization vs. Localization |
30 |
人文学科与学习技术 |
Humanities and Learning Technology |
31 |
ICT——现状、发展趋势和展望 |
ICT——Current status ,trend and prospects |
32 |
实施经验 |
Implementation experiences |
33 |
信息技术与科学教育 |
Information technology and Science education |
34 |
网络时代高校结构、功能和现状的改革 |
Innovations in the university structures, functions and status in the networked age |
35 |
教学设计 |
Instructional Design |
36 |
教师联网 |
Instructor networking |
37 |
教师培训与支持 |
Instructor training and support |
38 |
集成学习环境 |
Integrated learning environments |
39 |
智能导师系统 |
Intelligent Tutoring Systems |
40 |
交互学习环境 |
Interactive Learning Environments |
41 |
基于internet的系统 |
Internet based systems |
42 |
知识建构和导航 |
Knowledge Construction and Navigation |
43 |
面向学习过程的评价 |
Learning process oriented evaluation |
44 |
终身学习 |
Lifelong Learning |
45 |
系统设计的方法论 |
Methodologies for system design |
46 |
教育中的多媒体和超媒体 |
Multimedia and Hypermedia in Education |
47 |
多媒体/超媒体应用 |
Multimedia/Hypermedia Applications |
48 |
多媒体/超媒体系统 |
Multimedia/Hypermedia Systems |
49 |
网络化社会学习 |
Networked Social Learning |
50 |
网络时代素质教育的客观模型 |
Objective model of quality education in the networked age |
51 |
教法问题 |
Pedagogical Issues |
52 |
政策、道德、规范和法律问题 |
Policies, Ethics, Standards, and Legal Issues |
53 |
著作工具的实际应用 |
Practical uses of authoring tools |
54 |
研究观点 |
Research perspectives |
55 |
模拟与游戏 |
Simulation and Game |
56 |
特殊教育 |
Special Education |
57 |
在本地、国家、区域和国际的层次上学校、高校和ICT业界的未来合作策略 |
Strategies for future collaboration among schools, universities and ICT industries at local, national, regional and international levels |
58 |
系统设计与开发 |
System design and develop |
59 |
教学/学习策略 |
Teaching/learning strategies |
60 |
远距离和合作学习的技术支持 |
Technology support for distance and cooperative learning |
61 |
学校与学校之间、学校与大学之间的网络和ICT基础建设的发展 |
The development of Network and ICT infrastructures between schools, and between schools and universities |
62 |
虚拟实验室/教室/学校 |
Virtual Lab/Classroom/School |
63 |
教育中虚拟现实 |
Virtual Reality in Education |
64 |
虚拟大学 |
Virtual universities |
65 |
基于Web的学习 |
Web-Based Learning |
66 |
基于WWW的课程网站 |
WWW-based course sites |
67 |
基于WWW的课程支持系统 |
WWW-based course-support systems |
68 |
基于WWW的学习资源 |
WWW-based learning resources |