Weekly planning and summary_2018-10-28
Monday, October 22, 2018Planning:1.Get up early and spend one hour learning English2.Go to lab to finish the second week of sencond course of study and take notes well3.Spend half an hour doing English reading questions4.Complete the revision of a conference paper5.Spend three hours reading one paperSummary:Planning 1 has been completed and gets up at 7:30am;Planning 2 has been completed;Planning 3 has been completed;Planning 4 is not completed;Planning 5 has been completed.
Tuesday, October 23, 2018Planning:1.Get up early and spend one hour learning English2.Complete one summary abour a paper which is read last night3.Complete the revision of a conference paper4.Spend half an hour doing English reading paper5.Understand an experiment about second week of sencond course6.Spend two hours reading a paperSummary:Planning 1 has been completed and gets up at 7:20am;Planning 2 has been completed;Planning 3 has been completed;Planning 4 has been completed;Planning 5 has been completed;Planning 6 is not completed because I suddenly get a task to be finish today.
Wednesday, October 24, 2018Planning:1.Get up early and spend one hour learning English2.Go to the lab and search five papers about education3.Spend three hours reading a paper4.Spend half an hour doing English questions5.Spend one and half hours reading one paperSummary:Planning 1 has been completed and gets up at 7:20am;Planning 2 has been completed but I get three papers;Planning 3 has been complete;Planning 4 has been complete and I should keep careful when I read;Planning 5 has been completed.
Thursday, October 25, 2018Planning:1.Get up early and spend one hour learning English;2.Go to the lab to finish the third week of the second course3.Spend half an hour doing English questions4.Spend half and one hours finishing a summary about papersSummary:Planning 1 has been completed and gets up at 7:20am;Planning 2 is not completed;Planning 3 is not completed;Planning 4 has been completd.
Friday, October 26, 2018Planning:1.Get up early and spend one hour learning English2.Go to the lab to look at the algorithm experiment questions3.Spend half an hour doing English questions4.Register the experimental of data structure course report resultsSummary:Planning 1 has been completed and gets up at 7:20am;Planning 2 has been completed;Planning 3 has been completed;Planning 4 has been completed.
Saturday, October 27, 2018Planning:1.Go to the lab to attend experiment class2.Watch a high-rated movie3.Look at one doucmation about one conference paperSummary:Planning 1 has been completed;Planning 2 has been completed, the movie is very nice;Planning 3 has been completed.
Sunday, October 28, 2018Planning:1.Get up early and spend one hour learning English2.Finish one paper about eduction3.Spend half an hour doing English questions4.Search reference about one paper in the afternoon5.Go out with my roommateSummary:Planning 1 has been completed;Planning 2 has been completed;Planning 3 is not completed;Planning 4 is not completed;Planning 5 has been completed.What I want to say this week: keep a good attitude and complete daily tasks with high efficiency.