AspNetPager 详细属性

AccessKey (从 WebControl 继承) Gets or sets the access key that allows you to quickly navigate to the Web server control.
AlwaysShow 获取或设置一个值,该值指定是否总是显示AspNetPager分页按件,即使要分页的数据只有一页。
AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory (从 Control 继承) Gets or sets the application-relative virtual directory of the Page or UserControl object that contains this control.
Attributes (从 WebControl 继承) Gets the collection of arbitrary attributes (for rendering only) that do not correspond to properties on the control.
BackColor (从 WebControl 继承) Gets or sets the background color of the Web server control.
BackImageUrl (从 Panel 继承) Gets or sets the URL of the background image for the panel control.
BindingContainer (从 Control 继承) Gets the control that contains this control's data binding.
BorderColor (从 WebControl 继承) Gets or sets the border color of the Web control.
BorderStyle (从 WebControl 继承) Gets or sets the border style of the Web server control.
BorderWidth (从 WebControl 继承) Gets or sets the border width of the Web server control.
ButtonImageAlign 指定当使用图片按钮时,图片的对齐方式。
ButtonImageExtension 获取或设置当使用图片按钮时,图片的类型,如gif或jpg,该值即图片文件的后缀名。
ButtonImageNameExtension 获取或设置已禁用的页导航按钮图片名后缀字符串。
CenterCurrentPageButton 已过时. 获取或设置一个值,该值指定是否总是将当前页索引居中显示。
ClientID (从 Control 继承) Gets the server control identifier generated by ASP.NET.
CloneFrom 获取或设置要克隆属性值及事件处理程序的另一个 AspNetPager 的ID。
Controls (从 Control 继承) Gets a ControlCollection object that represents the child controls for a specified server control in the UI hierarchy.
ControlStyle (从 WebControl 继承) Gets the style of the Web server control. This property is used primarily by control developers.
ControlStyleCreated (从 WebControl 继承) Gets a value indicating whether a Style object has been created for the ControlStyle property. This property is primarily used by control developers.
CpiButtonImageNameExtension 获取或设置当前页索引按钮的图片名后缀。
CssClass 获取或设置由 AspNetPager 服务器控件在客户端呈现的级联样式表 (CSS) 类。
CurrentPageButtonClass 获取或设置AspNetPager分页控件当前页导航按钮的级联样式表 (CSS) 类。
CurrentPageButtonPosition 当前页数字按钮在所有数字分页按钮中的位置,可选值为:Beginning(最前)、End(最后)、Center(居中)和Fixed(默认固定)
CurrentPageButtonStyle 获取或设置AspNetPager分页控件当前页导航按钮的CSS样式文本。
CurrentPageButtonTextFormatString 获取或设置当前页数值导航按钮上文本的显示格式。
CurrentPageIndex 获取或设置当前显示页的索引。
CustomInfoClass 获取或设置应用于用户自定义信息区的级联样式表类名。
CustomInfoHTML 获取或设置在显示在用户自定义信息区的用户自定义HTML文本内容。
CustomInfoSectionWidth 获取或设置用户自定义信息区的宽度。
CustomInfoStyle 获取或设置应用于用户自定义信息区的CSS样式文本。
CustomInfoTextAlign 获取或设置用户自定义信息区文本的对齐方式。
DefaultButton (从 Panel 继承) Gets or sets the identifier for the default button that is contained in the Panel control.
Direction (从 Panel 继承) Gets or sets the direction in which to display controls that include text in a Panel control.
Enabled (从 WebControl 继承) Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Web server control is enabled.
EnableTheming 获取或设置一个值,该值指定是否为控件应用主题。
EnableUrlRewriting 获取或设置一个值,该值指定是否启用URL重写。
EnableViewState (从 Control 继承) Gets or sets a value indicating whether the server control persists its view state, and the view state of any child controls it contains, to the requesting client.
EndRecordIndex 当前页最后一条记录的索引。
FirstPageText 获取或设置为第一页按钮显示的文本。
Font (从 WebControl 继承) Gets the font properties associated with the Web server control.
ForeColor (从 WebControl 继承) Gets or sets the foreground color (typically the color of the text) of the Web server control.
GroupingText (从 Panel 继承) Gets or sets the caption for the group of controls that is contained in the panel control.
HasAttributes (从 WebControl 继承) Gets a value indicating whether the control has attributes set.
Height (从 WebControl 继承) Gets or sets the height of the Web server control.
HorizontalAlign (从 Panel 继承) Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the contents within the panel.
ID (从 Control 继承) Gets or sets the programmatic identifier assigned to the server control.
ImagePath 获取或设置当使用图片按钮时,图片文件的路径。
InvalidPageIndexErrorMessage 获取或设置当用户输入无效的页索引(负值或非数字)时在客户端显示的错误信息。
LastPageText 获取或设置为最后一页按钮显示的文本。
MoreButtonType 获取或设置“更多页”(...)按钮的类型,该值仅当PagingButtonType设为Image时才有效。
NamingContainer (从 Control 继承) Gets a reference to the server control's naming container, which creates a unique namespace for differentiating between server controls with the same ID property value.
NavigationButtonType 获取或设置第一页、上一页、下一页和最后一页按钮的类型,该值仅当PagingButtonType设为Image时才有效。
NavigationToolTipTextFormatString 获取或设置导航按钮工具提示文本的格式。
NextPageText 获取或设置为下一页按钮显示的文本。
NumericButtonCount 获取或设置在 AspNetPager 控件的页导航元素中同时显示的数值按钮的数目。
NumericButtonTextFormatString 获取或设置页索引数值导航按钮上文本的显示格式。
NumericButtonType 获取或设置页导航数值按钮的类型,该值仅当PagingButtonType设为Image时才有效。
Page (从 Control 继承) Gets a reference to the Page instance that contains the server control.
PageCount 获取所有要分页的记录需要的总页数。
PageIndexBoxClass 获取或设置应用于页索引输入文本框或下拉框的CSS类名。
PageIndexBoxStyle 获取或设置页索引输入文本框或下拉框的CSS样式文本。
PageIndexOutOfRangeErrorMessage 获取或设置当用户输入的页索引超出范围(大于最大页索引或小于最小页索引)时在客户端显示的错误信息。
PageSize 获取或设置每页显示的项数。
PagesRemain 获取当前页之后未显示的页的总数。
PagingButtonLayoutType 指定分页导航按钮(数字和上页、下页、首页、尾页)布局方式,可以将这些元素包含在<li> 或<span>标签中以方便应用CSS样式,默认不包含在任何标签中。
PagingButtonSpacing 获取或设置分页导航按钮之间的间距。
PagingButtonType 获取或设置分页导航按钮的类型,即使用文字还是图片。
Parent (从 Control 继承) Gets a reference to the server control's parent control in the page control hierarchy.
PrevPageText 获取或设置为上一页按钮显示的文本。
RecordCount 获取或设置需要分页的所有记录的总数。
RecordsRemain 获取在当前页之后还未显示的剩余记录的项数。
ReverseUrlPageIndex 获取或设置当启用Url分页方式时,是否以反方向显示分页页索引参数,以利于优化搜索引擎搜索结果。
ScrollBars (从 Panel 继承) Gets or sets the visibility and position of scroll bars in a Panel control.
ShowBoxThreshold 获取或设置自动显示页索引输入文本框的最低起始页数。
ShowCustomInfoSection 获取或设置显示用户自定义信息区的方式。
ShowDisabledButtons 获取或设置一个值,该值指定是否显示已禁用的按钮。
ShowFirstLast 获取或设置一个值,该值指示是否在页导航元素中显示第一页和最后一页按钮。
ShowNavigationToolTip 获取或设置一个值,该值批示当鼠标指针悬停在导航按钮上时是否显示工具提示。
ShowPageIndex 获取或设置一个值,该值指示是否在页导航元素中显示页索引数值按钮。
ShowPageIndexBox  获取或设置一个值,该值指示是否在页导航元素中提供跳转到按钮,“GO”。
ShowPrevNext 获取或设置一个值,该值指示是否在页导航元素中显示上一页和下一页按钮。
Site (从 Control 继承) Gets information about the container that hosts the current control when rendered on a design surface.
SkinID 获取或设置要应用于控件的皮肤的ID。
StartRecordIndex 当前页数据记录的起始索引。
Style (从 WebControl 继承) Gets a collection of text attributes that will be rendered as a style attribute on the outer tag of the Web server control.
SubmitButtonClass 获取或设置应用于提交按钮的CSS类名。
SubmitButtonImageUrl 获取或设置提交按钮的图片路径,若该属性值为空,则提交按钮显示为普通按钮,否则显示为图片按钮并使用该属性的值做为图片路径。
SubmitButtonStyle 获取或设置应用于提交按钮的CSS样式。
SubmitButtonText 获取或设置提交按钮上的文本。
TabIndex (从 WebControl 继承) Gets or sets the tab index of the Web server control.
TemplateControl (从 Control 继承) Gets or sets a reference to the template that contains this control.
TemplateSourceDirectory (从 Control 继承) Gets the virtual directory of the Page or UserControl that contains the current server control.
TextAfterPageIndexBox 获取或设置页索引页索引输入文本框或下拉框后的文本字符串值。
TextBeforePageIndexBox 获取或设置页索引页索引输入文本框或下拉框前的文本字符串值。
ToolTip (从 WebControl 继承) Gets or sets the text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the Web server control.
UniqueID (从 Control 继承) Gets the unique, hierarchically qualified identifier for the server control.
UrlPageIndexName 获取或设置当启用Url分页方式时,在url中表示要传递的页索引的参数的名称。
UrlPageSizeName 获取或设置Url中指定每页显示记录数的参数的名称,或该值不为空或Url中该值对应的参数的值大于0,则PageSize属性将使用该参数的值做为每页显示的记录数。
UrlPaging 获取或设置是否启用url来传递分页信息。
UrlPagingTarget 获取或设置Url分页时分页按钮或超链接指向的目标窗口或框架的名称。
UrlRewritePattern 获取或设置要URL的重写格式。
Visible (从 Control 继承) Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a server control is rendered as UI on the page.
Width (从 WebControl 继承) Gets or sets the width of the Web server control.
Wrap 获取或设置一个值,该值批示是否允许控件中的内容换行。


Adapter (从 Control 继承) Gets the browser-specific adapter for the control.
ChildControlsCreated (从 Control 继承) Gets a value that indicates whether the server control's child controls have been created.
ClientIDSeparator (从 Control 继承) Gets a character value representing the separator character used in the ClientID property.
Events (从 Control 继承) Gets a list of event handler delegates for the control. This property is read-only.
HasChildViewState (从 Control 继承) Gets a value indicating whether the current server control's child controls have any saved view-state settings.
IdSeparator (从 Control 继承) Gets the character used to separate control identifiers.
IsTrackingViewState (从 Control 继承) Gets a value that indicates whether the server control is saving changes to its view state.
LoadViewStateByID (从 Control 继承) Gets a value indicating whether the control participates in loading its view state by ID instead of index.
TagKey (从 WebControl 继承) Gets the HtmlTextWriterTag value that corresponds to this Web server control. This property is used primarily by control developers.
TagName (从 WebControl 继承) Gets the name of the control tag. This property is used primarily by control developers.
ViewState (从 Control 继承) Gets a dictionary of state information that allows you to save and restore the view state of a server control across multiple requests for the same page.
ViewStateIgnoresCase (从 Control 继承) Gets a value that indicates whether the StateBag object is case-insensitive.


Context (从 Control 继承) Gets the HttpContext object associated with the server control for the current Web request.
DesignMode (从 Control 继承) Gets a value indicating whether a control is being used on a design surface.
IsChildControlStateCleared (从 Control 继承) Gets a value indicating whether controls contained within this control have control state.
IsEnabled (从 WebControl 继承) Gets a value indicating whether the control is enabled.
IsViewStateEnabled (从 Control 继承)                                                                                           Gets a value indicating whether view state is enabled for this control.              


上一页  下一页 最后一页  第一页 显示 箭头

 <webdiyer:AspNetPager ID="AspNetPagerFile" runat="server" CssClass="paginator" CurrentPageButtonClass="cpb"
           PageSize="10" CustomInfoSectionWidth="50px" ShowPageIndex="false" ShowPageIndexBox="Never"
           ShowCustomInfoSection="right" CustomInfoHTML="%CurrentPageIndex%/%PageCount%">


posted on 2013-04-23 14:39  六欲  阅读(199)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
