
Partition under Windows7

2013-01-29 23:50  robturtle  阅读(191)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

Tech around partition seens to become outdated over the time.  Two mainstream layout are recommanded currrently.  The 1st one is to keep one single C disk as the whole.  Reasons are the memory/filesystem management methods were improved so great under Windows 7 and a new advanced searching/indexing approach was involved.  It seens that there is no need to partition but, problems occured under such layout.

  1. indexing/searching became so slow and low efficient.
  2. Not robust when encountering big errors or events such as MBR error or reinstall/upgrade.

The second one is to partition a data part from the system part.  This seens to be nice and robust but it brought us some questions like how large should the c disk should be and which partition should contains user applications.  According to my experiments in these days I might have my own answer.

I recommand that the c disk should as large as 70GB -- large enough to contain system and applications having a very close association with the system.  The data partition should contain data and pure USER apps.  Such apps seldom use system dll or modify the registration tables, which means that these apps are portable and independent from the system.

Due to the small size of my c disk, I decided to free up some space and I google it then I acknowledged that the only way is to move the User directory away and make a link back to the original place.  After I did that, something abnormal happened like I can't follow a hyper-link on a chatting dialog ( the missing of User\default/public/Administrator may to blame ) and icons can't be shown normally at task bar.