【MySQL】基础知识-case when函数

case when 用法:

  1. case when expression1 then XXX when expression2 then XXX end;
    例:select case when grade <60 then “不及格”
    when grade >=60 then “及格”
    end AS STATUS
    from class;

  2. case column when A1 then XXX when A2 then XXX,eles XXX end;
    例:select case grade when 60 then “刚好及格”
    when 0 then “抓紧玩儿去”
    else “都太平庸”
    end AS FAIL
    from class;

  3. 也可以将case when 用在Where条件中(例子可能不大合适,只是说明用法)

1 select paymentno,amount from penalties
2 where case 
3 when amount>0 and amount<=40 then ‘low’ 
4 when amount>40 and amount<=80 then ‘moderate’ 
5 when amount>80 then ‘high’ 
6 else ‘incorrect’ end =’low’;


posted on 2016-08-10 17:01  皮五天  阅读(144)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
