Photon——Lite Lobby Chat Demo Lite大厅的聊天演示


Lite Lobby Chat Demo Lite大厅的聊天演示

     This demo shows some of the things you can do with Photon’s “Lite Lobby” Application, purely from the client side. No server programming is involved here. The client is written in C# and uses the Unity Engine (which also has a free edition) as framework and GUI.
     这个演示展示了一些你能用Photon的“Lite Lobby” 应用程序做的东西,纯粹从客户端的角度来说。这里没有涉及服务器编程。客户端是用c#编写的,并使用统一的引擎 (这也有一个免费版)作为框架和GUI。
     The Lite Lobby Chatroom Demo part of the Unity Client SDK v6.2.0 (and up). Get the SDK and demo here .
     Lite Lobby 聊天室演示部分,统一客户端使用SDK v6 2 0(和 )。

Content 内容

  • Quick Walkthrough 快速演练
  • Development Toolkit 开发工具包
  • The Lobby 大厅
  • The Chatroom 聊天室
  • Using Properties for Usernames 使用户名作为属性
  • Sending and Receiving Chat Messages 发送和接收聊天信息
  • Lite Lobby Chat Demo Live Lite Lobby聊天室演示

Quick Walkthrough 快速演练

     First off, let’s go through the screens. When you start, the demo will automatically connect to Photon on the local machine. If this fails (and whenever connection is lost), it will display an error message.
     首先,让我们浏览一下屏幕。当你开始,演示将自动连接到本地机器上的Photon。 如果失败了,它将显示一条错误消息。
     You will be asked to enter a name and “Proceed to Lobby”. A short text explains “debug mode” keys to control multiple clients. This will come in handy in a minute. Enter the lobby. As no one else is on your server, you should create a room. Enter a name and click “Enter”. The next screen is a simple chat: Messages are entered at the bottom, users listed on the right side and there is a button to leave. Now, more users would be nice.
     你将被要求输入一个名称和“Proceed to Lobby”。 一个短文本提供“调试模式”的key来控制多个客户端。这将在一分钟内派上用场。进入大厅。因为没有人是在你的服务器上, 您应该创建一个房间。输入一个名称,然后单击“进入”。接下来的屏幕是一个简单的聊天:在底部输入消息,用户列表在右侧,还有一个离开按钮。现在,用户越多越好。
Photon Server: Lite Lobby Chat Demo Empty Chat
     Of course, you could start the demo several times to get more people in the chat. To make things easier, you can instantiate a chat client by pressing insert and switch between the simulated clients with Page Up and page down key.
     Press: insert, then page down. You will see the name input screen once more. Keep in mind: now the input controls another client. Choose another name and press the button and now you will see a button. The lobby will create a button for each room that’s in use. You can join that room or create another.

Development Toolkit 开发工具包

     In this demo (and in general) things get easier to develop if you don’t have to run a game many times to test multiplayer. For that reason, we will create clients that maintain their connection and state but not their input. Input is something we do in a central place and apply to an active client.
     The PhotonClient is the lowest level we can automate a client. This can be re-used in other applications and will simply keep a state and connection. Extending it is the ChatPhotonClient, which adds chat-related states, a few methods and most of all, it handles our custom chat events.
     To make this run in Unity, we need to attach the ChatGUI script and an initial ChatPhotonClient to any game object. We used the empty object “PhotonScripts”. The public values of the initial ChatPhotonClient let us edit the server before we start the demo. While running, we can check each client’s state, name, room and control if we want it’s debug out in the console. This setup makes things transparent and we might even save a few debugging sessions.
Photon Server: Lite Lobby Chat Demo Scripts in Editor
     Missing in the client library is a special peer class for Lite Lobby, which is more or less treated like any game you would develop. To fill the gap, we implement a LiteLobbyPeer class, which is used instead of the LitePeer. Once you create your own operations for your game, you should also create a fitting “myGamePeer” class.
     对于大厅来说在客户端库中缺少的是一个特殊的peer类,这是或多或少被对待像任何你会开发的游戏。填补这种差距,我们实现了一个LiteLobbyPeer类,它是用来代替 LitePeer的。一旦你为你自己的游戏创建你自己的操作,你还应该创建一个恰当的“myGamePeer”类。

The Lobby 大厅

     The Lite Lobby Application defines two types of rooms: games and lobbies. But there is only one operation to join a room and there is no parameter to choose. The secret is that Lite Lobby creates a lobby when the roomname to join ends on “_lobby” and a game room in any other case. An optional parameter can be used to tell a game room to update a certain lobby. Read about the server side on page: Lite Lobby Concepts .
     Lite Lobby 应用程序定义了两种类型的房间:游戏和游戏大厅。但只有一个操作来加入一个房间,没有参数选择。这个是因为Lite大厅创建一个大厅同时roomname加入“_lobby”的最后,和创建一个游戏房间在任何其他情况下。一个可选的参数可用于告诉一个游戏房间更新一个确定的大厅。阅读服务器端页面: Lite大厅概念 。
     The additional features of Lite Lobby are currently not implemented by the client library. This where our LiteLobbyPeer class comes to use. It defined the needed operation- and event-codes and the codes for parameters and event-content already.
     As all rooms are created on the fly, it’s up to the client to create lobbies, too. This demo uses a single lobby called “chat_lobby” but you could also add a selection-screen for a list of lobbies. As Lite Lobby does not support listing of lobbies out of the box, you could either add a hard-coded list to select or change the server code to support it.
     因为所有的房间都是动态创建的,促使它的客户端也去创建大厅。该示例使用单个大厅称为“聊天大厅”,但是你还可以添加一个选择屏幕列表的大厅。因为Lite Lobby不支持大厅清单,你可以补充一个硬编码的列表,选择或更改服务器代码来支持它。

The Chatroom 聊天室

     We already noticed that the operation Join creates lobbies and games alike. When we create a room, we might set a lobby to report to. LiteLobbyPeer implements this version of operation Join as OpJoinFromLobby. It wraps up the required parameters and even allows us to set actor properties (but not room properties, which we don’t use in this demo anyways).
public virtual short OpJoinFromLobby(string gameName, string lobbyName, Hashtable actorProperties, bool broadcastActorProperties)
    if (this.DebugOut >= DebugLevel.ALL)
        this.Listener.DebugReturn(DebugLevel.ALL, String.Format("OpJoin({0}/{1})", gameName, lobbyName));
    // All operations get their parameters as key-value set (a Hashtable)
    Hashtable opParameters = new Hashtable();
    opParameters[(byte)LiteLobbyOpKey.RoomName] = gameName;
    opParameters[(byte)LiteLobbyOpKey.LobbyName] = lobbyName;
    if (actorProperties != null)
        opParameters[(byte)LiteOpKey.ActorProperties] = actorProperties;
        if (broadcastActorProperties)
            opParameters[(byte)LiteOpKey.Broadcast] = broadcastActorProperties;
    return OpCustom((byte)LiteLobbyOpCode.Join, opParameters, true);
     Inside the chatroom, we want to know who is there and we want to send messages to everyone in the room.

Using Properties for Usernames 使用户名作为属性

     In the Lite Lobby application, properties are key-value sets you can use to describe rooms and actors. This demo uses actor properties to store usernames. Each client sets its name in the Join operation and uses broadcast to send the new name to the others.
public void JoinRoomFromLobby(string roomName)
    this.RoomName = roomName;
    this.ChatState = ChatStateOption.JoiningChatRoom;
    this.ActorProperties = new Hashtable();
    Hashtable props = new Hashtable() { { ChatActorProperties.Name, this.UserName } };
    this.Peer.OpJoinFromLobby(this.RoomName, this.LobbyName, props, true);
     A new user won’t get a join event for players who were in the room before, so we use GetProperties to get everyone’s name. It’s result is the complete property set at the time being. From now on, we just add properties when someone joins or remove them on leave.
switch (eventCode)
        // this client or any other joined the room (lobbies will not send this event but chat rooms do)
        case (byte)LiteEventCode.Join:
            // update the list of actor numbers in room
            this.ActorNumbersInRoom = (int[])photonEvent[(byte)LiteOpKey.ActorList];
            // update the list of actorProperties if any were set on join
            Hashtable actorProps = photonEvent[(byte)LiteOpKey.ActorProperties] as Hashtable;
            if (actorProps != null)
                this.ActorProperties[originatingActorNr] = actorProps;
        // some other user left this room - remove his data
        case (byte)LiteEventCode.Leave:
            // update the list of actor numbers in room
            this.ActorNumbersInRoom = (int[])photonEvent[(byte)LiteOpKey.ActorList];
            // update the list of actorProperties we cache
            if (this.ActorProperties.ContainsKey(originatingActorNr))

Sending and Receiving Chat Messages 发送和接收聊天信息

     The Lite Lobby Application gives us rooms and events and a way to raise them. In our simple chat demo we don’t need the server to understand what the clients are talking about.
     Custom events are defined by the client and handled by the clients. The server just passes them on when a client calls RaiseEvent. In our case, we select a free event code and add in our text line.
public void SendChatMessage(string line)
    Hashtable chatEvent = new Hashtable();  // the custom event's data. content we want to send
    chatEvent.Add((byte)ChatEventKey.TextLine, line);   // add some content
    this.Peer.OpRaiseEvent((byte)ChatEventCode.Message, chatEvent, true);   // call raiseEvent with our content and a event code
    // because Photon won't send this event back to this client, we will add the chat line locally
    this.ChatLines.AppendLine(String.Format("{0}: {1}", this.UserName, line));
     Lite Lobby will create an event from our data and adds the origin to it. Other users in a room will receive the event and know who sent it. To keep things lean, this is done by the actorNumbers.
     Our sent text line is the data of our custom event. We fetch the name and put the line to the chat buffer.

Lite Lobby Chat Demo Live Lite Lobby聊天演示

     This is a live version of the Lite Lobby Chat Demo from the Unity Client SDK (v6.2.0 and up).If this page is loaded more than once, you will see a list of rooms in use and chat users inside those. 
     这是一个可用的Lite大厅聊天演示来自Unity客户端SDK(v6 2 0)。如果这个页面被加载不止一次,您将看到一列个房间列表被使用和聊天的用户在那里面。
posted @ 2013-05-15 13:44  M守护神  阅读(1876)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报