Photon——Licenses 许可证


Licenses 许可证

     When starting Photon without a License, it will run with a 20 CCU limitation. You can also get a free License for 100 CCU in our download section. Find more information regarding Licenses below.

Free License 免费许可证

     Photon can be used free of charge for up to 100 concurrent connections (players that are connected at the same time). You can use the free license even in commercial games and you can have any number of monthly active users.Get your free license here: .
     Photon可以使用免费许可证,有100 CCU。您可以使用免费的许可证在商业游戏上,并且你可以有任意数量的每月活跃用户。

License Options 许可证操作

     Once your project is growing past the 100 CCU limit of the free license, you can buy Photon licenses in our online shop . Smaller indie developers get a discount.Existing licenses can be upgraded for the cost difference to the new one. Please contact us for that!

Using the License 使用许可证

     Photon uses .license files, which are provided by Exit Games. New license files are simply copied into the folder where the Photon executables are. Other .license files should be removed.PhotonControl and the Photon Server will read the files on start, so a new license currently requires a restart.
     将Photon使用许可证文件简单的拷贝到Photon 执行文件所在的文件夹中。另外,许可证文件被移除时,Photon控制器和Photon服务器将读取新的许可证文件并重启服务。

Floating Licenses 动态许可证

     Photon’s “Floating Licenses” are not bound to hardware or IP. They will run on any machine but need to contact our Floating License Monitor. On start, this HTTPs call must succeed. The following hourly contact has to succeed once every 24 hours. If the Monitor is not available for that long, Photon will shut down.
     Photon的“Floating Licenses” 是不绑定硬件和IP的。他们可以运行在任意机器上,但是需要连接到我们的动态许可证监视器。在启动的时候。这HTTPs调用必须是成功的。之后每24小时需要成功连接一次。如果监视器长时间不可用,Photon将停止运行。

The License Monitor 许可证监视器

     A Photon does not start without contacting the License Monitor, so we made sure that our License Monitor is highly available. To achieve this, we use the Google App Engine service, which is available 24/7.
posted @ 2013-05-15 14:06  M守护神  阅读(2189)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报