Photon——Application - LoadBalancing 负载均衡应用


Application - LoadBalancing 负载均衡应用

     This article explains the server-side implementation of the LoadBalancing application.

Content 目录

  • Concept 概念
  • Basic Workflow 基本工作流
  • Master Server 主服务器
  • Master: Handling Client Peers 处理客户端用户
  • Master: Handling Game Server Peers 处理游戏服务端用户
  • Game Server 游戏服务器
  • Game Server: Handling Client Peers 处理客户端用户
  • Game Server: Reporting Game States to the Master 报告游戏状态给主服务
  • LoadBalancing implementation 负载均衡的实现
  • Game Servers: Determine Workload 游戏服务:确定工作负荷
  • Implementation Details 实现细节
  • Master Server: LoadBalancing Algorithm 主服务:负载均衡算法
  • Configuration and Deployment 配置和部署
  • Deploying a Game Server 部署游戏服务
  • Deploying a Master Server 部署主服务

Concept 概念

     The LoadBalancing Application (literally) extends the Lite Application. It provides all the well-known Lite functions - like Rooms, Events, Properties and so on, and adds a layer of scalability, that enables you to run the application on multiple servers.
     The basic setup is simple: There is always 1 Master Server and 1..N Game Servers.
     The Master Server has two roles:
  • keep track of the games that are currently open on the Game Servers.
  • keep track of the workload of the connected Game Servers and assign peers to the appropriate Game Servers.
  • 保持跟踪当前打开着的游戏服务
  • 保持跟踪连接着的游戏服务器的工作负荷和分配用户到对应的游戏服务器
     The Game Servers have two tasks as well:
  • host the game rooms. They run a slightly modified version of the Lite Application for this purpose.
  • regularly report their current work load and the list of their games to the Master Server.
  • 承载游戏房间。为此运行一个略做修改版本的Lite
  • 定期报告他们当前的工作负荷和游戏列表到主服务器上

Basic Workflow 基本工作流

     The workflow from a client side perspective is quite simple as well:
     Clients connect to the Master Server, where they can join the lobby and retrieve a list of open games.
     When they call a CreateGame operation on the Master, the game is not actually created - the Master Server only determines the Game Server with the least workload and returns its IP to the client.
     When clients call a JoinGame or JoinRandomGame operation on the Master, the Master looks up the Game Server on which the game is running, and returns its IP to the client.
     The client disconnects from the Master Server, connects to the Game Server with the IP it just received, and calls the CreateGame or JoinGame operation again.
     From then on, everything works the same way as with a Lite application.

Master Server 主服务器

     This section explains the Master Server implementation - see the LoadBalancing.MasterServer namespace in the \src-server\Loadbalancing\Loadbalancing.sln solution.
     The MasterApplication decides if incoming connections are originated by game clients (on the “client port”) or by game servers (on the “game server port”).

Master: Handling Client Peers 处理客户端用户

     The MasterClientPeer represents a client connection to the Master Server. The following operations are available for a MasterClientPeer:
  • Authenticate 验证
     The Authenticate operation has only a dummy implementation. The developer should use it as a starting point to implement his own authentication mechanism:
// MasterClientPeer.cs:
private OperationResponse HandleAuthenticate(OperationRequest operationRequest)
    OperationResponse response;
    var request = new AuthenticateRequest(this.Protocol, operationRequest);
    if (!OperationHelper.ValidateOperation(request, log, out response))
        return response;
    this.UserId = request.UserId;
    // publish operation response
    var responseObject = new AuthenticateResponse { QueuePosition = 0 };
    return new OperationResponse(operationRequest.OperationCode, responseObject);
  • JoinLobby 加入大厅
     The JoinLobby operation is used to add the MasterClientPeer to the AppLobby, which contains a GameList - the list of all open games on any Game Server. The peer receives an initial GameListEvent, which contains the current list of games in the GameList (filtered by the optional Properties of the JoinLobby operation):
     Afterwards, a GameListUpdateEvent is send to the client at regular intervals, which contains the list of changed games (also filtered by the optional Properties of the JoinLobby operation). The client will receive the update events as long as it is connected.
// AppLobby.cs:
protected virtual OperationResponse HandleJoinLobby(MasterClientPeer peer, OperationRequest operationRequest, SendParameters sendParameters)
    // validate operation
    var operation = new JoinLobbyRequest(peer.Protocol, operationRequest);
    OperationResponse response;
    if (OperationHelper.ValidateOperation(operation, log, out response) == false)
        return response;
    peer.GameChannelSubscription = null;
    var subscription = this.GameList.AddSubscription(peer, operation.GameProperties, operation.GameListCount);
    peer.GameChannelSubscription = subscription;
    peer.SendOperationResponse(new OperationResponse(operationRequest.OperationCode), sendParameters);
    // publish game list to peer after the response has been sent
    var gameList = subscription.GetGameList();
    var e = new GameListEvent { Data = gameList };
    var eventData = new EventData((byte)EventCode.GameList, e);
    peer.SendEvent(eventData, new SendParameters());
    return null;
  • JoinGame / JoinRandomGame 加入游戏/加入随机游戏
     The JoinGame operation is called when a client wants to join an existing game that is listed in the AppLobby’s GameList, specified by a unique GameId. If the game exists and the peer is allowed to join, the Master Server returns the IP of the Game Server, on which the Game is actually running, to the client.
     The Master Server also updates the GameState and adds the peer to its list of “joining peers”. It will be removed once it has joined the game on the Game Server (or after a certain timeout). This way, the Master Server can keep track of peers that are in transition between the Master and the Game Server.
     主服务器也更新游戏状态和添加用户到 “joining peers”列表。当它加入到游戏服务器时将被移除。这样,主服务器可以保持跟踪那些传输在主服务器和游戏服务器两边的用户。
     JoinRandomGame works in a similar way, except that the game is chosen by random by the Master Server and the GameId is returned to the client.
  • CreateGame 创建游戏
     The CreateGame operation is called when a client wants to create a new game. The Master Server determines a Game Server on which the new game will be created and returns the Game Server’s IP to the client. See the “LoadBalancing Algorithm” section for more details.
     In addition, a GameState object is created and added to the GameList, and the peer is stored as a “joining peer”.
     此外,一个游戏状态对象被创建并添加到游戏列表,用户被储存为 “joining peer”。
     Note that this GameState is only used to keep track of the games - the game itself only exists on a Game Server.

Master: Handling Game Server Peers 处理游戏服务端用户

     The Master Server always knows which Game Servers are available, how many games they host and how the current workload is.
     To achieve this, each Game Server connects to the Master Server on startup. The MasterApplication maintains a GameServerCollection, in which IncomingGameServerPeers are stored.
     The Game Server can only call one operation:
  • RegisterGameServer 注册游戏服务器 
     The Game Servers call the RegisterGameServer operation once after they are connected to the Master Server. The Game Server is added to the Master’s GameServerCollection and to its LoadBalancer (see the “LoadBalancing Algorithm” seection below). It will be removed from the GameServerCollection on disconnect.
     Check the “Game Server” section to see how the Game Server sends further updates about its games and its workload to the Master.
     检查 “Game Server”,看看游戏服务器是如何发送进一步的游戏更新和它的工作负载到主服务器

Game Server 游戏服务器

     This section describes the Game Server implementation. See the LoadBalancing.GameServer namespace in the \src-server\Loadbalancing\Loadbalancing.sln solution.

Game Server: Handling Client Peers 处理客户端用户

     The Game Server is derived from the Lite application. As soon as a client has received a Game Server address from the Master, the client can call any operation on the Game Server that is available in Lite. The only difference is that we have separate operation codes for JoinGame and CreateGame on the Game Server, while Lite handles both with JoinGame.

Game Server: Reporting Game States to the Master 报告游戏状态到主服务

     The connection to the Master server is represented as an OutgoingMasterServerPeer in the Game Server. Once the connection is established, the Game Server calls a Register operation on the Master Server. Afterwards, the Game Server publishes all existing game states to the master server:
// OutgoingMasterServerPeer.cs:
protected virtual void HandleRegisterGameServerResponse(OperationResponse operationResponse)
    // [...]
    switch (operationResponse.ReturnCode)
    case (short)ErrorCode.Ok:
            log.InfoFormat("Successfully registered at master server: serverId={0}", GameApplication.ServerId);
            this.IsRegistered = true;
     This is done by sending a message to each Game that tells it to send it’s game state to the master:
// OutgoingMasterServerPeer.cs:
public virtual void UpdateAllGameStates()
    // [...]
    foreach (var gameId in GameCache.Instance.GetRoomNames())
        Room room;
        if (GameCache.Instance.TryGetRoomWithoutReference(gameId, out room))
            room.EnqueueMessage(new RoomMessage((byte)GameMessageCodes.ReinitializeGameStateOnMaster));
     The Game handles this in the ProcessMessage method and calls the UpdateGameStateOnMaster method to send an UpdateGameEvent to the master:
protected virtual void UpdateGameStateOnMaster(
            byte? newMaxPlayer = null,
            bool? newIsOpen = null,
            bool? newIsVisble = null,
            object[] lobbyPropertyFilter = null,
            Hashtable gameProperties = null,
            string newPeerId = null,
            string removedPeerId = null,
            bool reinitialize = false)
       // [...]
            var e = this.CreateUpdateGameEvent();
        e.Reinitialize = reinitialize;
            e.MaxPlayers = newMaxPlayer;           
        // [ ... more event data is set here ... ]
            var eventData = new EventData((byte)ServerEventCode.UpdateGameState, e);
            GameApplication.Instance.MasterPeer.SendEvent(eventData, new SendParameters());
     The game state is also updated on the master whenever a game is created, joined or left by a client or its properties are changed.

LoadBalancing implementation 负载均衡的实现

     The next section describes how the game servers report their current work load to the Master Server, and how the Master Server determines the Game Server that is best suited to handle new CreateGame requests - the actual LoadBalancing algorithm.

Game Servers: Determine Workload 确定工作负荷

     See the LoadBalancing.LoadShedding namespace in the \src-server\Loadbalancing\Loadbalancing.sln solution for implementation details.

     The Game Servers regularly report their current work load to the master server. The work load includes, for example: - CPU usage - Bandwidth usage - some Photon-specific values, like ENet + Business Queue Length, the average time the server spends on each request, etc. - Latency (when sending requests to itself)
     The most important (and easiest to understand) factor is the CPU load, so we will focus on the CPU load in this documentation.
     All these factors are summarized in a single value - the “Load Level” of a Game Server, which is reported to the Master.
     The lower the load level, the better is the Game Server suited to host new games.

Implementation Details 实现细节

     The Game Server collects “Feedback” about the above-mentioned factors. There is one FeedbackController object for each factor - it consists of a FeedbackName and a FeedbackLevel:
internal enum FeedbackName
public enum FeedbackLevel
    Highest = 4,
    High = 3,
    Normal = 2,
    Low = 1,
    Lowest = 0
     The DefaultConfiguration class defines the thresholds for each value - e.g., a server has the “lowest” FeedbackLevel up to 20% CPU usage, it reaches the “highest” FeedbackLevel at 90% CPU and so on.
     DefaultConfiguration类定义了每个值的阀值,一个服务器有 “lowest” 级别的FeedbackLevel 提升20%的CUP使用,它达到“highest” 级别的FeedbackLevel 时CPU已经使用了90%
// DefaultConfiguration.cs:
internal static List<FeedbackController> GetDefaultControllers()
    internal static List<FeedbackController> GetDefaultControllers()
        var cpuController = new FeedbackController(
        new Dictionary<FeedbackLevel, int>
                    { FeedbackLevel.Lowest, 20 },
                    { FeedbackLevel.Low, 35 },
                    { FeedbackLevel.Normal, 50 },
                    { FeedbackLevel.High, 70 },
                    { FeedbackLevel.Highest, 90 }
    // [...]
     These values can also be configured in a workload.config file. The LoadBalancing.LoadShedding.Configuration namespaces takes care of reading values from a config file, or applies the DefaultConfiguration if no config exists.
     这些值可以被配置在workload.config文件中。 LoadBalancing.LoadShedding.Configuration命名空间关注于读取配置文件,或当配置文件不存在的时候应用默认值。
     At regular intervals, the Game Server checks some Windows Performance Counters, sets the current values for all its FeedbackControllers and calculates a new “overall feedback”.
     在一定的时间间隔内,游戏服务器会检查一些Windows性能计数器,为所有的FeedbackControllers设置当前值并计算一个新的“overall feedback”
     This is done in the WorkloadController class:
private void Update()
    FeedbackLevel oldValue = this.feedbackControlSystem.Output;
    if (this.cpuCounter.InstanceExists)
        var cpuUsage = (int)this.cpuCounter.GetNextAverage();
        Counter.CpuAvg.RawValue = cpuUsage;
    // [...]
    if (this.timeSpentInServerInCounter.InstanceExists && this.timeSpentInServerOutCounter.InstanceExists)
        var timeSpentInServer = (int)this.timeSpentInServerInCounter.GetNextAverage() + (int)this.timeSpentInServerOutCounter.GetNextAverage();
        Counter.TimeInServerInAndOutAvg.RawValue = timeSpentInServer;
    this.FeedbackLevel = this.feedbackControlSystem.Output;
    Counter.LoadLevel.RawValue = (byte)this.FeedbackLevel;
    if (oldValue != this.FeedbackLevel)
        if (log.IsInfoEnabled)
            log.InfoFormat("FeedbackLevel changed: old={0}, new={1}", oldValue, this.FeedbackLevel);
     If the overall feedback level changes, the OutgoingMasterServerPeer will report the new server state to the Master:
     如果overall feedback等级改变,OutgoingMasterServerPeer 将报告新的服务器状态到主服务器:
public void UpdateServerState()
    // [...]

Master Server: LoadBalancing Algorithm 主服务:负载均衡算法

     See the LoadBalancing.LoadBalancer class in the \src-server\Loadbalancing\Loadbalancing.sln solution for implementation details.

     The Master Server stores the LoadLevel for each Game Server in the LoadBalancer class. It also holds an additional list of all the servers that currently have the lowest load level.
     Whenever a client calls the CreateGame operation, the Master Server fetches the address of a server with the lowest load level from the LoadBalancer and returns it to the client, which then connects to that server.

Configuration and Deployment 配置和部署

     For demonstration purposes, the SDK contains a setup of 1 Master and 2 Game Servers in its deploy directory:
    • /deploy/LoadBalancing/Master
    • /deploy/LoadBalancing/GameServer1
    • /deploy/LoadBalancing/GameServer2
     This setup is only intended for local development.

Deploying a Game Server 部署游戏服务

     When you deploy your LoadBalancing project to a production server, you should not host 2 Game Server applications on one server. Remove all settings for “GameServer2” from the PhotonServer.config, and delete the /deploy/LoadBalancing/GameServer2 directory.
     You need to make sure that the Game Servers can register at the Master Server. Set the MasterIPAddress in the Photon.LoadBalancing.dll.config to the Master’s public IP.
     You also need to make sure that the game clients can reach the Game Servers. On each Game Server, you need to set the Public IP address of that Game Server. If you leave the value empty, the Public IP Address will be auto detected.
      <setting name="MasterIPAddress" serializeAs="String">
    <setting name="PublicIPAddress" serializeAs="String”>
        <!-- use this to auto-detect the PublicIPAddress: -->
        <!-- <value> </value> -->
      <!-- [...] -->
     You can also use the Photon Control to set a Public IP.

Deploying a Master Server 部署主服务

     You need to make sure that you only have 1 Master server: either remove all settings for the “Master” application from the PhotonServer.config on your Game Servers, or at least make sure that your game servers and clients all use the same IP to connect to the same, single Master server.
     你需要确保你至少有一个主服务器,在你的游戏服务器上的PhotonServer.config中移除所有的 “Master”设置,或者至少确保你的游戏服务器和客户端使用的IP可以连接到独立的主服务器。
     Otherwise, no special configuration is required on the master server.
posted @ 2013-05-15 14:05  M守护神  阅读(2280)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报