Photon——Requirements 需求


Requirements 需求

     For developing and setting up your own server the following additional software is needed:

     Operating System to Run Photon Server 运行Photon服务器操作系统

  • Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8
  • recommended development OS(开发环境系统): Windows 7 x64
  • recommended production OS(生产环境系统): Windows Server 2008R2 x64

     .NET Framework & Visual Studio (VS) 开发环境

  • Microsoft .NET SDK 3.5 SP1 or .NET SDK 4.0
  • Microsoft VS 2008 or VS 2010
  • recommended: .NET SDK 4.0 & VS 2010

     Photon Uses the Following Ports for Communication 通信端口

  • UDP: 5055, 5056
  • TCP: 4520, 4530, 4531
  • TCP: 843 for Unity3D Webplayer and Flash Crossdomain requests
  • TCP: 943 for Silverlight Crossdomain requests
posted @ 2013-05-10 08:27  M守护神  阅读(839)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报