



 1 def dfsIterative(G, start, dest):
 2     stack = [] # vertex
 3     visited = set() # vertex id
 4     parent = {} # vertex id
 5     stack.append(start)
 6     while len(stack) != 0:
 7         curr = stack.pop() # vertex
 8         print("visiting ", curr.getVertexID())
 9         if (curr.getVertexID() == dest.getVertexID()):
10             return parent
11         neighbors = G.getNeighbors(curr.getVertexID())
12         for n in neighbors:
13             id = n.getVertexID()
14             if id in visited:continue
15             visited.add(id)
16             parent[id] = curr.getVertexID()
17             stack.append(n)
18     return None
 1 def dfs(G, currentVert, visited):
 2     visited[currentVert] = True  # mark the visited node 当前节点
 3     print("traversal: " + currentVert.getVertexID())
 4     for nbr in currentVert.getConnections():  # take a neighbouring node 
 5         if nbr not in visited:  # condition to check whether the neighbour node is already visited
 6             dfs(G, nbr, visited)  # recursively traverse the neighbouring node
 7     return 
 9 def DFSTraversal(G):
10     visited = {}  # Dictionary to mark the visited nodes 
11     for currentVert in G:  # G contains vertex objects
12         if currentVert not in visited:  # Start traversing from the root node only if its not visited 
13             dfs(G, currentVert, visited)  # For a connected graph this is called only onc


 广度优先搜索(BFS:Breadth-First Search):警察抓小偷,设定一个搜索范围,在这个搜索范围没有搜索到之后,再去扩大搜索范围。一步能走到的地方-->两步-->三步-->四步......




 1 from collections import deque
 2 def bfs(G, start, dest):
 3     queue = deque() # vertex
 4     visited = set() # vertex id
 5     parent = {} # vertex id
 6     queue.append(start)
 7     while len(queue) != 0:
 8         curr = queue.popleft() # vertex
 9         print("visiting ", curr.getVertexID())
10         if (curr.getVertexID() == dest.getVertexID()):
11             return parent
12         neighbors = G.getNeighbors(curr.getVertexID())
13         for n in neighbors:
14             id = n.getVertexID()
15             if id in visited:continue
16             visited.add(id)
17             parent[id] = curr.getVertexID()
18             queue.append(n)
19     return None


posted @ 2020-02-25 18:27  LinBupt  阅读(156)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报