- 整体代码片段

<template> <div id="container" style="position:relative;"></div> </template> <script> /* eslint-disable */ import G6 from "@antv/g6"; import methods from "./config/methods"; export default { name: "G6Dom", props: { datas: { type: Array, default() { return []; }, }, }, data() { return { graph: null }; }, watch: { datas() { if (this.graph) {; this.graph.render(); } }, }, mounted() { this.init(); if (document.getElementById("container")) { const container = document.getElementById("container"); const width = container.scrollWidth; const height = (container.scrollHeight || 500) - 20; const graph = new G6.Graph({ container: "container", width, height, defaultNode: { size: [300, 400], type: "dice-er-box", color: "#5B8FF9", style: { fill: "#9EC9FF", lineWidth: 3, }, labelCfg: { style: { fill: "black", fontSize: 20, }, }, }, defaultEdge: { type: "dice-er-edge", style: { stroke: "#e2e2e2", lineWidth: 4, endArrow: true, }, }, modes: { default: [ "dice-er-scroll", "drag-node", "drag-canvas", "drag-combo", // { // type: 'tooltip', // formatText(model) { // return model.label; // }, // offset: 15 // } ], }, layout: { type: "dagre", rankdir: "LR", align: "UL", controlPoints: true, nodesepFunc: () => 0.2, ranksepFunc: () => 0.5, center: [0, 300], }, fitCenter: true, // 平移图到中心将对齐到画布中心,但不缩放。 animate: true, });; graph.render(); this.graph = graph; } }, methods: { ...methods, dataTransform(data) { const nodes = []; const edges = []; => { // 表与表关联 if ( { => { if (item.tableId) { edges.push({ source: node.tableId, target: item.tableId, }); } }); } const attrsArr = []; if (node.children) { node.children.forEach((attr) => { const { fieldId, name } = attr; attrsArr.push({ key: fieldId, type: name, }); if ( { => { edges.push({ source: node.tableId, target: relation.tableId, sourceKey: attr.fieldId, targetKey: relation.fieldId, }); }); } }); } const { tableId, tableName } = node; nodes.push({ id: tableId, label: tableName, attrs: attrsArr, }); }); return { nodes, edges, }; }, // 放大 onZoomIn() { this.graph.zoom(1.2); this.graph.emit("afterrender"); }, // 缩小 onZoomOut() { this.graph.zoom(0.8); this.graph.emit("afterrender"); }, onLayout() { // 更新布局 const grid = { type: "grid", begin: [0, 20], preventOverlap: true, // 防止重叠 }; // const dagre = { // type: 'dagre', // rankdir: 'LR', // align: 'UL', // controlPoints: true, // nodesepFunc: () => 0.2, // ranksepFunc: () => 0.5, // } this.graph.updateLayout(grid); }, }, }; </script> <style lang="less" scoped> #container { width: 100%; height: 100%; } .toolbar_box { padding: 10px 0 10px 18px; i { cursor: pointer; margin: 0 10px 0 0; color: #409dfe; } } /deep/.g6-tooltip { padding: 5px; color: #444; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9); border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 4px; } </style>
- 部分代码片段,methods.js

import G6 from "@antv/g6"; const { Util, registerBehavior, registerEdge, registerNode } = G6; import { isInBBox, fittingString } from "@/util/utils"; const itemHeight = 30; const globalFontSize = 30; /* eslint-disable */ const methods = { init() { this.customRegisterBehavior(); this.customRegisterEdge(); this.customRegisterNode(); }, // 滚动 customRegisterBehavior() { registerBehavior("dice-er-scroll", { getDefaultCfg() { return { multiple: true, }; }, getEvents() { return { itemHeight, wheel: "scorll", click: "click", "node:mousemove": "move", }; }, scorll(e) { e.preventDefault(); const { graph } = this; const nodes = graph.getNodes().filter((n) => { const bbox = n.getBBox(); return isInBBox(graph.getPointByClient(e.clientX, e.clientY), bbox); }); const x = e.deltaX || e.movementX; let y = e.deltaY || e.movementY; if (!y && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") > -1) y = (-e.wheelDelta * 125) / 3; if (nodes) { const edgesToUpdate = new Set(); nodes.forEach((node) => { const model = node.getModel(); if (model.attrs.length < 2) { return; } const idx = model.startIndex || 0; let startX = model.startX || 0.5; let startIndex = idx + y * 0.02; startX -= x; if (startIndex < 0) { startIndex = 0; } if (startX > 0) { startX = 0; } if (startIndex > model.attrs.length - 1) { startIndex = model.attrs.length - 1; } graph.updateItem(node, { startIndex, startX, }); node.getEdges().forEach((edge) => edgesToUpdate.add(edge)); }); // G6 update the related edges when graph.updateItem with a node according to the new properties // here you need to update the related edges manualy since the new properties { startIndex, startX } for the nodes are custom, and cannot be recognized by G6 edgesToUpdate.forEach((edge) => edge.refresh()); } }, click(e) { const { graph } = this; const item = e.item; const shape = e.shape; if (!item) { return; } if (shape.get("name") === "collapse") { graph.updateItem(item, { collapsed: true, size: [300, 50], }); setTimeout(() => graph.layout(), 100); } else if (shape.get("name") === "expand") { graph.updateItem(item, { collapsed: false, size: [300, 80], }); setTimeout(() => graph.layout(), 100); } }, move(e) { const name = e.shape.get("name"); const item = e.item; if (name && name.startsWith("item")) { this.graph.updateItem(item, { selectedIndex: Number(name.split("-")[1]), }); } else { this.graph.updateItem(item, { selectedIndex: NaN, }); } }, }); }, // 连线 customRegisterEdge() { registerEdge("dice-er-edge", { draw(cfg, group) { const edge = group.cfg.item; const sourceNode = edge.getSource().getModel(); const targetNode = edge.getTarget().getModel(); const sourceIndex = sourceNode.attrs.findIndex( (e) => e.key === cfg.sourceKey ); const sourceStartIndex = sourceNode.startIndex || 0; let sourceY = 15; if (!sourceNode.collapsed && sourceIndex > sourceStartIndex - 1) { sourceY = 30 + (sourceIndex - sourceStartIndex + 0.5) * 30; sourceY = Math.min(sourceY, 300); } const targetIndex = targetNode.attrs.findIndex( (e) => e.key === cfg.targetKey ); const targetStartIndex = targetNode.startIndex || 0; let targetY = 15; if (!targetNode.collapsed && targetIndex > targetStartIndex - 1) { targetY = (targetIndex - targetStartIndex + 0.5) * 30 + 30; targetY = Math.min(targetY, 300); } const startPoint = { ...cfg.startPoint, }; const endPoint = { ...cfg.endPoint, }; startPoint.y = startPoint.y + sourceY; endPoint.y = endPoint.y + targetY; let shape; if ( !== { shape = group.addShape("path", { attrs: { stroke: "#5B8FF9", path: [ ["M", startPoint.x, startPoint.y], [ "C", endPoint.x / 3 + (2 / 3) * startPoint.x, startPoint.y, endPoint.x / 3 + (2 / 3) * startPoint.x, endPoint.y, endPoint.x, endPoint.y, ], ], endArrow: true, }, name: "path-shape", }); } else if (!sourceNode.collapsed) { let gap = Math.abs((startPoint.y - endPoint.y) / 3); if (startPoint["index"] === 1) { gap = -gap; } shape = group.addShape("path", { attrs: { stroke: "#5B8FF9", path: [ ["M", startPoint.x, startPoint.y], [ "C", startPoint.x - gap, startPoint.y, startPoint.x - gap, endPoint.y, startPoint.x, endPoint.y, ], ], endArrow: true, }, name: "path-shape", }); } return shape; }, afterDraw(cfg, group) { const labelCfg = cfg.labelCfg || {}; const edge = group.cfg.item; const sourceNode = edge.getSource().getModel(); const targetNode = edge.getTarget().getModel(); if (sourceNode.collapsed && targetNode.collapsed) { return; } const path = group.find( (element) => element.get("name") === "path-shape" ); const labelStyle = Util.getLabelPosition(path, 0.5, 0, 0, true); const label = group.addShape("text", { attrs: { ...labelStyle, text: cfg.label || "", fill: "#000", textAlign: "center", stroke: "#fff", lineWidth: 1, }, }); label.rotateAtStart(labelStyle.rotate); }, }); }, // 盒子 customRegisterNode() { registerNode("dice-er-box", { draw(cfg, group) { const width = 250; const height = 316; const itemCount = 10; const boxStyle = { stroke: "#096DD9", radius: 4, }; const { attrs = [], startIndex = 0, selectedIndex, collapsed, icon, } = cfg; const list = attrs; const afterList = list.slice( Math.floor(startIndex), Math.floor(startIndex + itemCount - 1) ); const offsetY = (0.5 - (startIndex % 1)) * itemHeight + 30; group.addShape("rect", { attrs: { fill: boxStyle.stroke, height: 30, width, radius: [boxStyle.radius, boxStyle.radius, 0, 0], }, draggable: true, }); let fontLeft = 12; if (icon && !== false) { group.addShape("image", { attrs: { x: 8, y: 8, height: 16, width: 16, ...icon, }, }); fontLeft += 18; } let text = fittingString(cfg.label, 500, globalFontSize); // 每个矩形框的标题 group.addShape("text", { attrs: { y: 22, x: fontLeft, fill: "#fff", text, fontSize: 12, fontWeight: 500, }, }); group.addShape("rect", { attrs: { x: 0, y: collapsed ? 30 : 300, height: 15, width, fill: "#eee", radius: [0, 0, boxStyle.radius, boxStyle.radius], cursor: "pointer", }, name: collapsed ? "expand" : "collapse", }); group.addShape("text", { attrs: { x: width / 2 - 6, y: (collapsed ? 30 : 300) + 12, text: collapsed ? "+" : "-", width, fill: "#000", radius: [0, 0, boxStyle.radius, boxStyle.radius], cursor: "pointer", }, name: collapsed ? "expand" : "collapse", }); const keyshape = group.addShape("rect", { attrs: { x: 0, y: 0, width, height: collapsed ? 45 : height, ...boxStyle, }, draggable: true, }); if (collapsed) { return keyshape; } const listContainer = group.addGroup({}); listContainer.setClip({ type: "rect", attrs: { x: -8, y: 30, width: width + 16, height: 300 - 30, }, }); listContainer.addShape({ type: "rect", attrs: { x: 1, y: 30, width: width - 2, height: 300 - 30, fill: "#fff", }, draggable: true, }); if (list.length > itemCount) { const barStyle = { width: 4, padding: 0, boxStyle: { stroke: "#00000022", }, innerStyle: { fill: "#00000022", }, }; listContainer.addShape("rect", { attrs: { y: 30, x: width - barStyle.padding - barStyle.width, width: barStyle.width, height: height - 30, ...barStyle.boxStyle, }, }); const indexHeight = afterList.length > itemCount ? (afterList.length / list.length) * height : 10; listContainer.addShape("rect", { attrs: { y: 30 + barStyle.padding + (startIndex / list.length) * (height - 30), x: width - barStyle.padding - barStyle.width, width: barStyle.width, height: Math.min(height, indexHeight), ...barStyle.innerStyle, }, }); } if (afterList) { afterList.forEach((e, i) => { const isSelected = Math.floor(startIndex) + i === Number(selectedIndex); let { key = "", type } = e; if (type) { key = type; } const label = key.length > 26 ? key.slice(0, 24) + "..." : key; listContainer.addShape("rect", { attrs: { x: 1, y: i * itemHeight - itemHeight / 2 + offsetY, width: width - 4, height: itemHeight, radius: 2, lineWidth: 1, cursor: "pointer", }, name: `item-${Math.floor(startIndex) + i}-content`, draggable: true, }); if (!cfg.hideDot) { listContainer.addShape("circle", { attrs: { x: 0, y: i * itemHeight + offsetY, r: 3, stroke: boxStyle.stroke, fill: "white", radius: 2, lineWidth: 1, cursor: "pointer", }, }); listContainer.addShape("circle", { attrs: { x: width, y: i * itemHeight + offsetY, r: 3, stroke: boxStyle.stroke, fill: "white", radius: 2, lineWidth: 1, cursor: "pointer", }, }); } listContainer.addShape("text", { attrs: { x: 12, y: i * itemHeight + offsetY + 6, text: label, fontSize: 12, fill: "#000", fontFamily: "Avenir,-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Segoe UI,PingFang SC,Hiragino Sans GB,Microsoft YaHei,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif,Apple Color Emoji,Segoe UI Emoji,Segoe UI Symbol", full: e, fontWeight: isSelected ? 500 : 100, cursor: "pointer", }, name: `item-${Math.floor(startIndex) + i}`, }); }); } return keyshape; }, getAnchorPoints() { return [[0, 0], [1, 0]]; }, }); }, } export default methods;
- 工具类,utils.js

export function isInBBox(point, bbox) { const { x, y } = point; const { minX, minY, maxX, maxY } = bbox; return x < maxX && x > minX && y > minY && y < maxY; } /** * format the string * @param {string} str The origin string * @param {number} maxWidth max width * @param {number} fontSize font size * @return {string} the processed result */ import G6 from '@antv/g6'; export function fittingString(str, maxWidth, fontSize) { const ellipsis = '...'; const ellipsisLength = G6.Util.getTextSize(ellipsis, fontSize)[0]; let currentWidth = 0; let res = str; const pattern = new RegExp('[\u4E00-\u9FA5]+'); // distinguish the Chinese charactors and letters str.split('').forEach((letter, i) => { if (currentWidth > maxWidth - ellipsisLength) return; if (pattern.test(letter)) { // Chinese charactors currentWidth += fontSize; } else { // get the width of single letter according to the fontSize currentWidth += G6.Util.getLetterWidth(letter, fontSize); } if (currentWidth > maxWidth - ellipsisLength) { res = `${str.substr(0, i)}${ellipsis}`; } }); return res; };
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