1. 用户输入帐号密码进行登陆
2. 用户信息保存在文件内
3. 用户密码输入错误三次后锁定用户

1 f=open('user_list','r') 2 3 dic={} 4 lock_list=[] 5 with open('lock_file','r+') as f_file: 6 for line in f: 7 line = line.strip().split() 8 9 dic[line[0]] = line[1] 10 print(dic) 11 12 count = 0 13 while True: 14 username=input('请输入用户名》:') 15 passwd=input('请输入密码》:') 16 if username in dic: 17 print('you') 18 if username in lock_list: 19 print('您的用户%s已经被锁定' %username) 20 21 else: 22 if passwd==dic[username]: 23 print('登陆成功') 24 25 else: 26 count+=1 27 if count==3: 28 print('您的%s密码输入错误三次,已经被锁定' %username) 29 lock_list.append(username) 30 print(lock_list) 31 with open('lock_file','a')as f_lock: 32 f_lock.writelines(str(lock_list)+'\n') 33 else: 34 print('密码有误,请重新输入') 35 else: 36 print('无效用户') 37 f.close()