- 一. 安装下载Anaconda注意事项,一定注意,否则白费力气
- 二. 如何彻底卸载anaconda3(win10)
- 三. Uninstalling Anaconda Distribution(准官方文档---卸载篇)
- Full Uninstall
- 1. In Windows, open Anaconda Prompt. In Mac or Linux, open your terminal application.
- 2. Install the `anaconda-clean` package:
- 3. Then, run `anaconda-clean`. Run the command by itself to remove all Anaconda-related files and directories with a confirmation prompt before deleting each one, or use the --yes argument to remove all those files and directories without being asked to confirm each one.
- 4. `anaconda-clean` creates a backup of all files and directories that might be removed in a folder named `.anaconda_backup` in your home directory. Also note that `anaconda-clean` leaves your data files in the AnacondaProjects directory untouched.
- Simple remove
- Removing Anaconda path from .bash_profile
一. 安装下载Anaconda注意事项,一定注意,否则白费力气
计算机相关专业初学者在学习时总会对版本产生误解,认为最新的版本就是最好的,殊不知最新的版本发行后也是在试用阶段,不稳定,在大数据、深度学习领域,主流的python版本是Python 3.7
和Python 3.8
,他们与3.9相差不是很大,但是前两者是经过市场检验过的稳定版本,也适配绝大多数深度学习所用到的相关文件与库,因此,请删除Python3.9 换前两者吧,这并不会对你的学习产生负面影响,相反,这适配与市面上绝大多数的代码,对你的学习帮助会更大,想要删除Python3.9,在控制面板卸载程