IOCCC(The International Obfuscated C Code Contest)
国际 C 语言混乱代码大赛(IOCCC, The International Obfuscated C Code Contest)是一项国际编程赛事,从 1984 年开始,每年举办一次(1997年、1999年、2002年、2003年和2006年例外)。目的是写出最有创意的最让人难以理解的C语言代码。
- 1984 anonymous prints hello world, where read is write
- 1984 decot prints garbage, weird cpp defines (keywords for others)
- 1984 laman prints spiralling numbers, laid out in columns
- 1984 mullender hardcoded vax and pdp-11 code to move :-) across the screen
- 1985 applin one-liner to print hello world, with execlp
- 1985 august cpp obfuscated, compressed, main-recursive primes in binary
- 1985 lycklama heavily cpped with o_oo identifiers, scrolls text right
- 1985 shapiro two defines, one 7-liner, results in a maze
- 1985 sicherman rot13 with strange #defs that create comment headers etc.
- 1986 applin hello world works under cc, /bin/sh, and f77
- 1986 august struct-heavy e-computation, memory allocation with sbrk
- 1986 bright hex dump, cpp compressed, uses lost of << for constants
- 1986 hague morse code filter written with 'DIT DAH _DIT DIT_DAH'
- 1986 holloway prints hello world! via a recursive main
- 1986 marshall train engine-shaped program prints "choo choo"
- 1986 pawka prints 'obfuscated?' big, uses xyyyx idents...
- 1986 stein prints HHMMSS in UTC time
- 1986 wall dvorak keyboard emulator
- 1987 biggar program: "P;" defined on command line
- 1987 heckbert obfuscated fold program
- 1987 hines counts goto's, all ids anagrams of 'goto', all flow w goto
- 1987 korn one-liner that prints a message on a Un*x system
- 1987 lievaart very good othello player
- 1987 wall roman numeral -> decimal and vice versa conversion
- 1987 westley individually palindromic lines prints a palindrome
- 1988 applin massive #define stuff, includes itself; prints table of primes
- 1988 dale prints command line, using lots of system calls
- 1988 isaak table driven table of the elements; cpp, self-inclusion
- 1988 litmaath sorts each arg using only argc, argv, and 'while(<cond>);'
- 1988 phillipps 'first day of christmas', tables, heavily main() calling
- 1988 reddy prints name of 'char *(*(foo[16])();', compressed
- 1988 robison print e in any base, uses only --, >=, and while()
- 1988 spinellis #include "/dev/tty"
- 1988 westley prints '3.141', circle made of '_-_-_-_' in layout
- 1989 fubar self-reconstructing, recompiling factorial program
- 1989 jar.1 char*_="Hello world.\n";
- 1989 jar.2 lisp interpreter, compressed
- 1989 ovdluhe monkey-typer following template, 'APE' identifiers
- 1989 paul print fibonacci base 2 by simulating turing machine
- 1989 robison apl-expression interpreter (binary), written in C--
- 1989 roemer prints e, script-pi shaped layout, _31415 identifiers
- 1989 tromp squished tetris
- 1989 vanb one-liner prints all subsets of arguments
- 1989 westley reversible, rot13able program that reverses and/or rot13s.
- 1990 baruch short prog to solve N-queens problem
- 1990 cmills squished blackjack game
- 1990 dds basic interpreter, heavily compressed
- 1990 dg rot13 done with strange cpp macros
- 1990 jaw compress & atob standins
- 1990 pjr the quick brown fox... cppd, structs of functions
- 1990 scjones trigraph-abusing self-reproducing program
- 1990 stig nested-comment tester (all on command line)
- 1990 tbr simple compressed shell, silly layout
- 1990 theorem numerically solves the equation y'=f(x,y)
- 1990 westley poetic exchange between lovers, prints "luvs me, luvs not"
- 1991 ant compressed vi-like editor
- 1991 brnstnd sorta stack language
- 1991 buzzard walk thru a maze from a first person point of view
- 1991 cdupont prints a message without vowels
- 1991 davidguy plays life on a root window, doesn't need Xlib or include files
- 1991 dds basic compiler, heavily compressed
- 1991 fine rot13s lines of input
- 1991 rince game with sprites, boulders, dimonds, and keys
- 1991 westley plays tic-tac-toe, compile output for next move, prints board
- 1992 adrian grep-like utility using a state machine transition language
- 1992 albert factors multi-precision numbers with factors < MAX_LONG
- 1992 ant make utility
- 1992 buzzard.1 print factorial, gcd or prime test using a Babbage-like engine
- 1992 buzzard.2 forth-like stack machine
- 1992 gson anagram generator
- 1992 imc Mandelbrot/Julia drawer
- 1992 kivinen X11 space invaders, dropout and knockout games
- 1992 lush prints "Hello, World" using error messages
- 1992 marangon game to balance a grid of digits to all 5's
- 1992 nathan obfuscation by (trivial) encryption (source not exported)
- 1992 vern plays chess
- 1992 westley print ASCII world map and mark a location by lat/long
- 1993 ant egrep utility with Posix-like documentation
- 1993 cmills X11 program that shatters and bounces windows
- 1993 dgibson plays the game of like using cpp
- 1993 ejb tower of Hanoi and patience pizzle
- 1993 jonth game of Tetris
- 1993 leo game of mastermind (cows & bulls)
- 1993 lmfjyh source is the filename, prints value of __FILE__
- 1993 plummer prints numbers up to a given value
- 1993 rince game state machine language, comes with a number of games
- 1993 schnitzi answers questions about English text in a file
- 1993 vanb calculator that prints in octal
- 1994 dodsond1 plays a game of othello
- 1994 dodsond2 Hunt the Wumpus (gziped source)
- 1994 horton Plot cubic equations on a tty
- 1994 imc print a random n by n magic square
- 1994 ldb print a random line from stdin
- 1994 schnitzi flips stdin along a diagonal (source mirrored along diagonal)
- 1994 shapiro print time of day on an tty
- 1994 smr world's smallest self reproducing program
- 1994 tvr interactive fractals for the X Window System
- 1994 weisberg prints prime numbers
- 1994 westley Adventure/Dungeon like game played via the C pre-processor
- 1995 cdua Generate a maze on the scren and then solve it
- 1995 dodsond1 Text to "Pig Latin" translator
- 1995 dodsond2 Interactive 3D Maze
- 1995 esde Searches for words in a file which have the same Soundex code
- 1995 garry Environment-expansion and binary output via escaped env vars
- 1995 heathbar 16 bit addition the easy/hard way
- 1995 leo Output interesting patterns and cycles in PostScript
- 1995 makarios Emits the base 8 representation of prime palindromic in base 8
- 1995 savastio Infinite-precision factorial calculator
- 1995 schnitzi Find divisors: where a core dump is a feature, not a bug
- 1995 spinellis Abusing the rules
- 1995 vanschnitz Towers of Hanoi via the C pre-processor
- 1996 august Subset of C compiler and byte code interpreter
- 1996 dalbec Generator of strong probable-primes to a given base
- 1996 eldby Flying 3D spheres in an ASCII display
- 1996 gandalf Displays the ASCII and 8 bit character tables
- 1996 huffman Braille to ASCII and vice versa
- 1996 jonth X based dual player tic-tac-toe game
- 1996 rcm Gunzip equivalent
- 1996 schweikh1 Calculates Easter dates from 1582 to 2199 AD
- 1996 schweikh2 Search for a limited class of expressions that equal a constant
- 1996 schweikh3 Determins the memory allocation honesty of the OS
- 1996 westley Shows the time on clock with a configurable face and style
- # There is no 1997 IOCCC contest
- 1998 banks A flight simulator!
- 1998 bas1 Outputs a gziped 3D beam maze in Postscript
- 1998 bas2 determines the size of stdin under IOCCC sizing rules
- 1998 chaos Rotates and zooms an object using ASCII graphics
- 1998 df A word guessing game
- 1998 dlowe Pootifies stdin (useful to view Microsoft html files)
- 1998 dloweneil A very addictive ASCII poot game
- 1998 dorssel ASCII / Morse code translator
- 1998 fanf Translates Lambda expressions into combinator expressions
- 1998 schnitzi Prints a C program that sorts arguments using strange functions
- 1998 schweikh1 Tests to see if your compiler and headers are standard
- 1998 schweikh2 Prints random 0's and 1's; causes some gcc's as passes to choke
- 1998 schweikh3 Finds duplicate files that waste disk space
- 1998 tomtorfs CRC generator
- # There is no 1999 IOCCC contest
- 2000 anderson ASCII to semaphore code convertor
- 2000 bellard Prints M6972593 (2^6972593-1) by Modular Fast Fourier Transform
- 2000 bmeyer An image compressor
- 2000 briddlebane Verbally abuses the user
- 2000 dhyang Saitou Hajime image that prints a prog that prints a prog ...
- 2000 dlowe A dc-style calculator that uses embedded Perl
- 2000 jarijyrki An X-based spreadsheet program with graphing features!
- 2000 natori Phase of the moon
- 2000 primenum Source with English words that looks like a prime tester
- 2000 rince Plots the positions of the four Galilean moons of Jupiter
- 2000 robison Highly Compressed Program for Playing Hygienic Checkers
- 2000 schneiderwent Prints the aproximate time in words
- 2000 thadgavin Prints a dazzeling moving image under multiple interfaces
- 2000 tomx C source, shell program and Makefile
- 2001 anonymous optimizing dynamic binary translator, x86 progs on any host
- 2001 bellard A C subset programming system for x86
- 2001 cheong Computes arbitrary-precision square root
- 2001 coupard Outputs current time as a sound file
- 2001 ctk A driver game
- 2001 dgbeards Plays suicide chess
- 2001 herrmann1 A Turing machine using preprocessor
- 2001 herrmann2 A SIRDS/3D generator, the source is SIRDS/3D itself
- 2001 jason An Adventure-like game
- 2001 kev A Pong game across network
- 2001 ollinger Prints primes with a sieve graph
- 2001 rosten Makes X mouse pointer have inertia or anti-inertia
- 2001 schweikh Shell glob matcher
- 2001 westley Sorts/scrambles, outputs as text/punch-cards
- 2001 williams Plays X-based missile command
- # There is no 2002 IOCCC contest
- # There is no 2003 IOCCC contest
- 2004 anonymous Rendering of a stroked font
- 2004 arachnid Curses maze displayer/navigator with only line-of-sight visibility
- 2004 burley A Poker game
- 2004 gavare A ray tracer
- 2004 gavin Mini-OS
- 2004 hibachi A CGI capable HTTP server
- 2004 hoyle Curses based polynomial graphing with auto-scale
- 2004 jdalbec Conway's look'n'say sequence split into elements
- 2004 kopczynski OCR of 8, 9, 10 and 11
- 2004 newbern Renders arbitary bitmapped fonts
- 2004 omoikane A CRC inserter
- 2004 schnitzi Editor animation
- 2004 sds Space/tab/linefeed steganography
- 2004 vik1 X Windows car racing game
- 2004 vik2 Calculates prime numbers using only CPP
- 2005 aidan Sudoku solver
- 2005 anon Multi-dimensional sliding tile puzzle generator
- 2005 boutines Voronoi diagram generator
- 2005 chia Java parody
- 2005 giljade 2D sliding tile puzzle solver
- 2005 jetro Audio synthesizer
- 2005 klausler Anagram generator
- 2005 mikeash Self-printing Common Lisp interpreter
- 2005 mynx Web browser
- 2005 persano Generates animated knots
- 2005 sykes Commodore PET emulator
- 2005 timwi A BF lanaguage interpreter
- 2005 toledo Play chess
- 2005 vik Wolfenstein style graphics engine
- 2005 vince Rotating GL Cube demo
- 2006 birken Circuit Simulator
- 2006 borsanyi Email address to gif image
- 2006 grothe Plays audio using a monitor
- 2006 hamre A calculator for rational numbers
- 2006 meyer A two player sudoku like game
- 2006 monge Graphical fractal generator
- 2006 night A maze game
- 2006 sloane Animated donut
- 2006 stewart IFS fractal generator
- 2006 sykes1 Bedlam cube solver
- 2006 sykes2 A clock in one line
- 2006 toledo1 Solve the knight chess problem
- 2006 toledo2 An 8080 emulator
- 2006 toledo3 An X11 chess game
- # There is no 2007 IOCCC contest
- # There is no 2008 IOCCC contest
- # There is no 2009 IOCCC contest
- # There is no 2010 IOCCC contest
- 2011 akari Downsampler with 3 embeded programs
- 2011 blakely Life/reverse life
- 2011 borsanyi Bar graph plotter
- 2011 dlowe Neural network classifier
- 2011 eastman Bouncing Ball in ANSI Graphics
- 2011 fredriksson Aproximate grep
- 2011 goren Magritte tribute
- 2011 hamaji Paint by number puzzle
- 2011 hou Scientific calculator
- 2011 konno QWERTY keyboard position identifer
- 2011 richards JIT dc
- 2011 toledo Dual player tank shooter game
- 2011 vik Tracker player
- 2011 zucker Text raytracing
- 2012 blakely Animated GIFs of surfaces
- 2012 deckmyn Music notation printer
- 2012 dlowe Conway's game of death
- 2012 endoh1 ASCII fluid dynamics
- 2012 endoh2 Pi/e quine
- 2012 grothe Shamir secret sharing
- 2012 hamano PDF with little dancing men
- 2012 hou Syntax highlighter
- 2012 kang Decodes spelled out numbers
- 2012 konno Linear cellular automaton 1-liner
- 2012 omoikane Encodes text as a C program
- 2012 tromp Lambda interpreter
- 2012 vik Steganography
- 2012 zeitak Brace matcher