
观pirates of the caribbean

2011-05-28 21:02  sensensen  阅读(258)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报


suspend 剥夺 your ** right, suspended.

I can't help but wonder ...

It was she who pretend to love me. She betrayed me.

You fail to answer...

black pearl 黑珍珠,jack sparrow船长最喜欢的船

what remains...

I reckon...

I am the captain since I have the charts(航海图)。

vote for you

monster 怪兽

destiny 类似命运的东西


There is never a guarantee of coming back,but...

no doubt

That's just a legend.

you can kill me, but you can't insult me.士可杀不可辱。


whisper   betrayal

perilous 危险的


intend for

we give no quarter.不留活口

wind you sail.一帆风顺


The trick is living with yourself forever. 活出自我。

Well, I have watched a number of movies, such as transformers, pirates of the caribbean.

I think highly of pirates of the caribbean. Jack Sparrow is a great captain who is indifferent of fortune or longevity.But since he is rather brilliant, many people resort to him or you can say threaten him to do things at their will.

The captain is kind-hearted indeed. But he also has the characteristics of a pirate. He is brave and smart. He is accustomed to a tortuous life but he remains kind to those who are kind, strict to those who are devil.

He is indifferent of other people's life rather than his friends' and lovers'. He will never save you totally, but he will give you chance to survive.