Python参考手册----第一章: Python简介(二)


f = open("/home/liulipeng/test.c")      
line = f.readline()       
while line:              
    print line,
    # print(line, end='') 
    line = f.readline()

# readline()方法读取一行内容,包括结尾的换行符在内。
# 读至文件结尾时返回空字符串

for line in open("/home/liulipeng/test.c"):
    print line,

principal = 1000
rate = 0.05
numyears = 5
year = 1

f = open("out","w");
while year <= numyears:
    principal = principal * (1 + rate)
    print >>f, "%3d %0.2f" % (year, principal)
    #f.write("%3d %0.2f\n" % (year,principal))
    #print("%3d %0.2f" % (year,principal),file=f)
    year += 1

import sys
sys.stdout.write("Enter your name:")
name = sys.stdin.readline()
name = raw_input("Enter your name:")
#Python3 中raw_input()叫做input()

#1.5字符串 #1)创建字符串字面量 a = "Hello World!" b = 'Python is groovy' c = """Computer syas 'NO'""" print '''Content-type:text/html <h1> HelloWorld</h1> Click<a href="">here</a> ''' #NOTE: #引号必须成对出现 #使用单引号和双引号指定的字符串必须在一个逻辑行上 #两个三引号之间出现的所有文本都视为字符串的内容 #2)提取字符串 a = "Hello World" b = a[4] #b = 'o' #切片运算符 s[i:j] i<= k < j c = a[:5] #c = "Hello" 从字符串的开始位置开始 d = a[6:] #d = "World" 到字符串的结尾位置 e = a[3:8] #e = "lo wo" #3)字符串的连接 g = a + "This is a test" x = "37" y = "42" z = x + y print z #z = "3742" #4)数学计算 int() float() z = int(x) + int(y) #z = 79(Inter +) #非字符串值转换为字符串表示形式 #str() repr() format() #str()和print()得到的输出相同 #repr()创建的字符串可以表示程序中某个对象的精确值 #format()函数的作用是利用特定格式将值转换成字符串 s = "The value of x is " + str(x) s = "The value of x is " + repr(x) s = "The value of x is " + format(x,"4d")

posted on 2012-12-03 13:41  屁屁侠  阅读(268)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
