Intraspecific variation in epiphyte functional traits reveals limited effects of microclimate on community assembly in temperate deciduous oak canopies

Intraspecific variation in epiphyte functional traits reveals limited effects of microclimate on community assembly in temperate deciduous oak canopies
和上一篇文章一样,种内size变异(表型可塑性)和群落结构改变是群落适应环境(气温)变化的两种机制,本文中,功能形状的种内变异(Intraspecific variation in epiphyte functional traits )和群落组成(community assembly)均受微气候(microclimate)的影响,而且种内的性状变异限制了微气候对群落组成的影响的。本文的研究对象是地衣,epiphyte是附生植物或者真菌的意思,这里应该取前者;而微气候差异的产生是由树冠产生的( in temperate deciduous oak canopies,温带落叶栎树冠层)。
Forest canopies are heterogeneous environments where changes in microclimate over short distances create an opportunity for niche-based filtering of canopy-dwelling species assemblages.
This environmental filtering may not occur if species' physiological capacities are flexible or if rapid dispersal alleviates compositional differences. I assess the role of humidity, light and temperature gradients in structuring epiphyte communities in temperate deciduous oak (Quercus) canopies and determine whether gradients filter species with fixed traits or whether environmental constraints act primarily to alter individual phenotypes.
I measured environmental conditions and seven functional traits related to water and light acquisition on individual macrolichens at 60 sample locations in northern red oaks Quercus rubra in two Piedmont forests in North Carolina, USA.
The effects of environmental variables on individual-level traits and community composition were evaluated using linear mixed models and constrained ordination (RDA).
1、In general, traits and community composition responded weakly to environmental variables and trait variation within taxa was high.
2、Cortex thickness exhibited the strongest response, such that individuals with thicker cortices were found in samples experiencing lower humidity and higher light levels.
3、Overall, gradients of humidity, light and temperature were not strong environmental filters that caused large changes in community composition.
This was probably due to phenotypic variability within taxa that enabled species to persist across the full range of environmental conditions measured.
Thus, humidity affected the phenotype of individuals, but did not limit species distributions or alter community composition at the scale of branches within trees.
Community and trait responses were primarily associated with site-level differences in humidity, suggesting that in these forests landscape-scale climatic gradients may be stronger drivers of epiphyte community assembly than intra-canopy environmental gradients.
Coyle, J. R. Intraspecific variation in epiphyte functional traits reveals limited effects of microclimate on community assembly in temperate deciduous oak canopies. Oikos 126, 111–120 (2017).
posted @ 2017-01-18 06:47  LeleLiu  阅读(157)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报