Size differences of Arctic marine protists between two climate periods—using the paleoecological record to assess the importance of within-species trait variation

ecology and evolution ,个人觉得这个期刊点数虽不高,但属于主流期刊。
文献:Mousing, E. A. et al. Size differences of Arctic marine protists between two climate periods—using the paleoecological record to assess the importance of within-species trait variation. Ecol Evol 7, 3–13 (2017).
  • 研究指标:size,是体型的大小,这是一个很基本的生物性状;
  • 研究材料:Arctic marine protists,北极水生原生动物; [məˈrin] ['proʊtɪst]
  • 研究思路:between two climate periods,有对比才有结论,不同时间的环境差异,不是以往的空间代替时间;
  • 研究方法:using the paleoecological record,古生态学记录,应该指的是化石;
  • 研究目的:to assess the importance of within-species trait variation,评估种内变异的重要性。
Mean body size decreases with increasing temperature in a variety of organisms.This size–temperature relationship has generally been tested through space but rarely through time. 
We analyzed the sedimentary [ˈɑrkaɪv]  of dinoflagellate cysts in a sediment record taken from the West Greenland shelf and show that mean cell size decreased at both intra- and interspecific scales in a period of relatively warm temperatures, compared with a period of relatively cold temperatures.
这是研究内容,dinoflagellate (腰鞭毛虫)应该是一类原生动物,它在沉积岩石里有化石记录。
We further show that intraspecific changes accounted for more than 70% of the change in community mean size, whereas shifts in species composition only accounted for about 30% of the observed change.
Literature values on size ranges and midpoints for individual taxa were in several cases not representative for the measured sizes, although changes in community mean size, calculated from literature values, did capture the direction of change.
While the results show that intraspecific variation is necessary to accurately estimate the magnitude of change in protist community mean size, it may be possible to investigate general patterns, that is relative size differences, using interspecific-level estimates.










Changes in community mean size can be caused by both

changes in community structure, that is, species shifts (interspecific changes),

and changes in the cyst size of individual species, that is, phenotypic plasticity (intraspecific changes).


In order to assess the relative importance of intraspecific vs. interspecific changes, we first calculated the weighted community mean size including the influence of both intra- and interspecific changes (xintra+inter) for each period following Equation 1:

display math(1)

where Øobs are individual observations of cyst diameter and wobs is the weight of each observation given by Equation 2.

display math(2)

where Nspe is the number of observations of each species and wspe is the weight of each species given by Equation 3.

display math(3)

where Nspe is the number of cysts of each species and N is the total number of cysts (as in Figure 2b).

We then calculated the weighted community mean size excluding intraspecific changes (xinter) for each period following Equation 4.

display math(4)

where Øavg is the mean cyst size for each species across both periods and wspe is the weight of each species in each period. The relative contribution of intra- and interspecific changes to total change can then be calculated following Equations (5)-(7).

display math(5)
display math(6)
display math(7)

where Δxintra+inter is the size change attributed to the combined effects of intra- and interspecific changes, and Δxinter and Δxintra are the contribution of interspecific and intraspecific changes to Δxintra+inter.



 In addition to the weighted mean, we also calculated the weighted standard deviation and standard error of the mean. A Welch two-sample weighted t-test (Bland & Kerry, 1998) was used to assess the difference in the weighted mean between the two periods.

posted @ 2017-01-17 05:35  LeleLiu  阅读(333)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报