Openstack object list 一次最多有一万个 object

When you request a list of containers or objects, Object Storage returns a maximum of 10,000 names for each request. To get subsequent names, you must make another request with the marker parameter. Set the marker parameter to the name of the last item returned in the previous list. You must URL-encode the marker value before you send the HTTP request. Object Storage returns a maximum of 10,000 names starting after the last item returned.

curl -i $publicURL/?marker=oranges -X GET -H \"
 X-Auth-Token: $token"

注意 marker 是写在 URL 一起,不是 -H 参数。

posted on 2019-03-07 13:52  liujx2019  阅读(141)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
