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最大的问题是含糊,对于ISV来说,还不如选择MS SQL/Oracle来的舒心。
If you need further clarification, please contact MySQL.


网络上找到了报价了,还是用MS SQL和Oracle算了(人家可没要分发客户端连接库都要许可,举个例子,如果你的ORM需要支持不同的数据库,但是你都无法确定客户会选择哪种,但是MySQL要求链接了客户端库的代码要么遵守GPL,要么买许可),要么选择postgresql(BSD许可):
Material Description                       License Type                          User Number         List Price         Support
MySQL  PRO Version
(for Linux和windows)                                     Server                                1           21,000.00               12
MySQL  PRO Version
(for   Unix)                                                      Server                                1           42,000.00              12
MY SQL   Classic Version
(for Linux和windows)                                      Server                                1           11,000.00               12
MY SQL  Cluster Version                                     Cpu                                 1           180,000.00               12

备注:1、以上价格为人民币;具体购买报价根据用户需求数量的多少享受不同级别的折扣. 2、服务期限为:12个月。3、版本之间的区别:Classic Version不带事务处理功能,PRO Version带事务处理功能,Cluster Version是做集群用的。

1、 社区版:
可以自由从网上下载,不提供没有任何技术支持服务。而且源码无规律, 出现问题后不容易查找。相当于一个大众测试版本。许多新的未经严格测试的特性都会很快加到社区版中让大家下载测试,类似于“试验田”,可靠性、稳定性不高。
2、商业版 :

You have a GPL'ed program that I'd like to link with my code to build a proprietary program. Does the fact that I link with your program mean I have to GPL my program?
Does the libstdc++ exception permit dynamic linking?

Yes. The intent of the exception is to allow people to compile proprietary software using gcc.

Can I apply the GPL when writing a plug-in for a non-free program?
If the program uses fork and exec to invoke plug-ins, then the plug-ins are separate programs, so the license for the main program makes no requirements for them. So you can use the GPL for a plug-in, and there are no special requirements.

If the program dynamically links plug-ins, and they make function calls to each other and share data structures, we believe they form a single program, which must be treated as an extension of both the main program and the plug-ins. This means that combination of the GPL-covered plug-in with the non-free main program would violate the GPL. However, you can resolve that legal problem by adding an exception to your plug-in's license, giving permission to link it with the non-free main program.

Can I write free software that uses non-free libraries?
If you do this, your program won't be fully usable in a free environment. If your program depends on a non-free library to do a certain job, it cannot do that job in the Free World. If it depends on a non-free library to run at all, it cannot be part of a free operating system such as GNU; it is entirely off limits to the Free World.

So please consider: can you find a way to get the job done without using this library? Can you write a free replacement for that library?

If the program is already written using the non-free library, perhaps it is too late to change the decision. You may as well release the program as it stands, rather than not release it. But please mention in the README that the need for the non-free library is a drawback, and suggest the task of changing the program so that it does the same job without the non-free library. Please suggest that anyone who thinks of doing substantial further work on the program first free it from dependence on the non-free library.

Note that there may also be legal issues with combining certain non-free libraries with GPL-covered Free Software. Please see the question on GPL software with GPL-incompatible libraries for more information

posted on 2007-05-06 16:59  liujun  阅读(1106)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报