


def a(first,last):
    full = f"{first} {last}"
    return full.title()

while True:                 ## 条件为真的话,一直循环
    print("\n\nplease tell me your name:")        ## 两个\n,每执行一次循环,空出两行
    print("(enter 'q' to quit in any time)")
    fname = input("first name:")
    if fname == "q":                            ## 设置退出条件
    lname = input("last name:")
    if lname == "q":

    name = a(fname,lname)
    print(f"hello, {name}")


please tell me your name:
(enter 'q' to quit in any time)
first name:aaaaa
last name:bbbbb
hello, Aaaaa Bbbbb

please tell me your name:
(enter 'q' to quit in any time)
first name:mmmm
last name:nnnn
hello, Mmmm Nnnn

please tell me your name:
(enter 'q' to quit in any time)
first name:q


posted @ 2021-03-10 10:33  小鲨鱼2018  阅读(346)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报