[24] Zookeeper-算法&源码1

1. 基础算法#

1.1 Paxos 算法#


a. 产生背景#

Paxos 算法是分布式技术大师 Lamport 提出的,主要目的是通过这个算法,让参与分布式处理的每个参与者逐步达成一致意见。用好理解的方式来说,就是在一个选举过程中,让不同的选民最终做出一致的决定。

Lamport 为了讲述这个算法,假想了一个叫做 Paxos 的希腊城邦进行选举的情景,这个算法也是因此而得名。在他的假想中,这个城邦要采用民主提议和投票的方式选出一个最终的决议,但由于城邦的居民没有人愿意把全部时间和精力放在这种事情上,所以他们只能不定时的来参加提议,不定时来了解提议、投票进展,不定时的表达自己的投票意见。Paxos 算法的目标就是让他们按照少数服从多数的方式,最终达成一致意见。

b. 流程概述#



  • 第一阶段:因为存在多个“提议者”,如果都提意见,那么“接受者”接受谁的不接受谁的?太混乱了。所以,要先明确哪个“提议者”是意见领袖有权提出提议,未来“接受者”们就主要处理这个“提议者”的提议了(这样也可以在提出提议时就尽量让意见统一,谋求尽早形成多数派);
  • 第二阶段:由上阶段选出的意见领袖提出提议,“接受者”反馈意见。如果多数“接受者”接受了一个提议,那么提议就通过了。


  1. 怎么明确意见领袖呢?通过编号。每个“提议者”在第一阶段先报个号,谁的号大,谁就是意见领袖。如果不好理解,可以想象为贿选。每个提议者先拿着钞票贿赂一圈“接受者”,谁给的钱多,第二阶段“接受者”就听谁的。(注:这里和下文提到的“意见领袖”,并不是一个新的角色,而是代表在那一轮贿赂成功的“提议者”。所以,请把意见领袖理解为贿赂中胜出的“提议者”即可);
  2. 有个跟选举常识不一样的地方,就是每个“提议者”不会执着于让自己的提议通过,而是每个“提议者”会执着于让提议尽快达成一致意见。所以,为了这个目标,如果“提议者”在贿选的时候,发现“接受者”已经接受过前面意见领袖的提议了,即便“提议者”贿选成功,也会默默的把自己的提议改为前面意见领袖的提议。所以一旦贿赂成功,胜出的“提议者”再提出提议,提议内容也是前面意见领袖的提议(这样,在谋求尽早形成多数派的路上,又前进了一步)。
  3. 钱的多少很重要,如果钱少了,无论在第一还是第二阶段“接受者”都不会鸟你,直接拒绝。
  4. 上面 [2] 中讲到,如果“提议者”在贿选时,发现前面已经有意见领袖的提议,那就将自己的提议默默改成前面意见领袖的提议。这里有一种情况:如果你是“提议者”,在贿赂的时候“接受者1”跟你说“他见过的意见领袖的提议是方案 1”,而“接受者2”跟你说“他见过的意见领袖提议是方案2”,你该怎么办?这时的原则也很简单,还是:钱的多少很重要!你判断一下是“接受者1”见过的意见领袖有钱,还是“接受者2”见过的意见领袖有钱?如何判断呢?因为“接受者”在被“提议者”贿赂的时候,自己会记下贿赂的金额。所以当你贿赂“接受者”时,一旦你给的贿赂多而胜出,“接受者”会告诉你两件事情:① 前任意见领袖的提议内容(如果有的话);② 前任意见领袖当时贿赂了多少钱。这样,再面对刚才的情景时,你只需要判断一下“接受者1”和“接受者2”告诉你的信息中,哪个意见领袖当时给的钱多,那你就默默的把自己的提议,改成那个意见领袖的提议。
  5. 最后这一部分最有意思,但描述起来有点绕,如果不能一下子就理解可以先看后面的例子。在整个选举过程中,每个人谁先来谁后到,“接受者”什么时间能够接到“提议者”的信息,是完全不可控的。所以很可能一个意见领袖已经产生了,但是由于这个意见领袖的第二阶段刚刚开始,绝大部分“接受者”还没有收到这个意见领袖的提议。结果,这时突然冲进来了一个新的土豪“提议者”,那么这个土豪“提议者”也是有机会让自己的提议胜出的!这时就形成了一种博弈:a. 上一个意见领袖要赶在土豪“提议者”贿赂到“接受者”前,赶到“接受者”面前让他接受自己的提议,否则会因为自己的之前贿赂的钱比土豪少而被拒绝;b. 土豪“提议者”要赶在上一个意见领袖将提议传达给“接受者”前,贿赂到“接受者”,否则土豪“提议者”即便贿赂成功,也要默默的将自己的提议改为前任意见领袖的提议。这整个博弈的过程,最终就看这两个“提议者”谁的进展快了。但最终一定会有一个意见领袖,先得到多数“接受者”的认可,那他的提议就胜出了。


  1. Paxos 算法包括两个阶段:第一个阶段主要是贿选,还没有提出提议;第二个阶段主要根据第一阶段的结果,明确接受谁的提议,并明确提议的内容是什么(这个提议可能是贿选胜出“提议者”自己的提议,也可能是前任意见领袖的提议,具体是哪个提议,见下面第 3 点原则);
  2. 编号(贿赂金额)很重要,无论在哪个阶段,编号(贿赂金额)小的,都会被鄙视(被拒绝);
  3. 在第一阶段中,一旦“接受者”已经接受了之前意见领袖的提议,那后面再来找这个“接受者”的“提议者”,即便在贿赂中胜出,也要被洗脑,默默将自己的提议改为前任意见领袖的提议,然后他会在第二阶段提出该提议(也就是之前意见领袖的提议,以力争让大家的意见趋同)。如果“接受者”之前没有接受过任何提议,那贿选胜出的“提议者”就可以提出自己的提议了。

c. 举例说明#



(2)3 个“接受者”记录下贿赂金额,因为目前只有一个“提议者”出价,因此 $1 就是最高的了,所以“接受者”们返回贿赂成功。此外,因为没有任何先前的意见领袖提出的提议,因此“接受者”们告诉“提议者 1”没有之前接受过的提议(自然也就没有上一个意见领袖的贿赂金额了)。

(3)“提议者1”向“接受者1”提出了自己的提议:1 号提议,并告知自己之前已贿赂 $1。

(4)“接受者1”检查了一下,目前记录的贿赂金额就是 $1,于是接受了这一提议,并把 1 号提议记录在案。

(5)在“提议者1”向“接受者2”“接受者3”发起提议前,土豪“提议者2”出现,他开始用 $2 贿赂“接受者1”与“接受者2”。

(6)“接受者1”与“接受者2”立刻被收买,将贿赂金额改为 $2。但是,不同的是:“接受者1”告诉“提议者2”,之前我已经接受过 1 号提议了,同时 1 号提议的“提议者”贿赂过 $1;而“接受者2”告诉“提议者2”,之前没有接受过其他意见领袖的提议,也没有上一个意见领袖的贿赂金额。

(7)这时,“提议者1”回过神来了,他向“接受者2”和“接受者3”发起 1 号提议,并带着信息“我前期已经贿赂过 $1”。

(8)“接受者2”“接受者3”开始答复:“接受者2”检查了一下自己记录的贿赂金额,然后表示,已经有人出价到 $2 了,而你之前只出到 $1,不接受你的提议,再见。但“接受者 3”检查了一下自己记录的贿赂金额,目前记录的贿赂金额就是 $1,于是接受了这一提议,并把 1 号提议记录在案。

(9)到这里,“提议者1”已经得到两个接受者的赞同,已经得到了多数“接受者”的赞同。于是“提议者1”确定 1 号提议最终通过。

(10)下面,回到“提议者2”。刚才说到,“提议者2”贿赂了“接受者1”和“接受者2”,且被“接受者1”告知:“之前已经接受过 1 号提议了,同时 1 号提议的 '提议者' 贿赂过 $1”,还被“接受者2”告知:“之前没有接到过其他意见领袖的提议,也没有其他意见领袖的贿赂金额”。这时“提议者2”,拿到信息后,判断一下,目前贿赂过最高金额(即 $1)的提议就是 1 号提议了,所以“提议者2”默默的把自己的提议改为与 1 号提议一致,然后开始向“接受者1”“接受者2”发起提议(提议内容仍然是 1 号提议),并带着信息:之前自己已贿赂过 $2。

(11)这时“接受者1”“接受者2”收到“提议者2”的提议后,照例先比对一下贿赂金额,比对发现“提议者2”之前已贿赂 $2,并且自己记录的贿赂金额也是 $2,所以接受他的提议,也就是都接受 1 号提议。

(12)于是,“提议者2”也拿到了多数派的意见,最终通过的也是 1 号提议。


那很可能 1 号提议就不会成为最终选出的提议。因为当“提议者2”先贿赂到了“接受者2”“接受者3”,那等“提议者1”带着议题再去找这两位的时候,就会因为之前贿赂的钱少($1<$2)而被拒绝。所以,这也就是刚才讲到可能存在博弈的地方:

  1. “提议者1”要赶在“提议者2”贿赂到“接受者2”“接受者3”之前,让“接受者2”“接受者3”接受自己的意见,否则“提议者1”会因为钱少而被拒绝;
  2. “提议者2”要赶在“提议者1”之前贿赂到“接受者”,否则“提议者2”即便贿赂成功,也要默默的将自己的提议改为“提议者1”的提议。


以上,只是把大致的 Paxos 算法的思路介绍了一下,因为情景实在太复杂,比如:“提议者”、“接受者”如果是 4 个、5 个 ……;比如:“提议者”与“接受者”之间的交互谁先谁后,等等各类情况。但是,其实都是能够严谨的推导出最后能够选出一个多数派的,不过篇幅就会太长了。大家有兴趣可以按照上面的思路,自己再模拟模拟“提议者”“接受者”数量或多或少,交互或先或后的各种情况,结果肯定是最终唯一一个提议会获得多数票而胜出。

d. 算法流程#


1.2 Zab 协议#

Zab 借鉴了 Paxos 算法,是特别为 Zookeeper 设计的支持崩溃恢复的原子广播协议。基于该协议,Zookeeper 设计为只有一台客户端(Leader)负责处理外部的写事务请求,然后 Leader 客户端将数据同步到其他 Follower 节点。即 Zookeeper 只有一个 Leader 可以发起提案。

Zab 协议包括两种基本的模式:消息广播、崩溃恢复。

a. 消息广播#

  1. 客户端发起一个写操作请求;
  2. Leader 服务器将客户端的请求转化为事务 Proposal 提案,同时为每个 Proposal 分配一个全局的 ID,即 zxid;
  3. Leader 服务器为每个 Follower 服务器分配一个单独的队列,然后将需要广播的 Proposal 依次放到队列中去,并且根据 FIFO 策略进行消息发送;
  4. Follower 接收到 Proposal 后,会首先将其以事务日志的方式写入本地磁盘中,写入成功后向 Leader 反馈一个 Ack 响应消息;
  5. Leader 接收到超过半数以上 Follower 的 Ack 响应消息后,即认为消息发送成功,可以发送 commit 消息;
  6. Leader 向所有 Follower 广播 commit 消息,同时自身也会完成事务提交。Follower 接收到 commit 消息后,会将上一条事务提交;
  7. Zookeeper 采用 Zab 协议的核心,就是只要有一台服务器提交了 Proposal,就要确保所有的服务器最终都能正确提交 Proposal。

Zab 协议针对事务请求的处理过程(类似于一个两阶段提交过程):

  1. 广播事务阶段
  2. 广播提交操作

这两阶段提交模型有可能因为 Leader 宕机带来数据不一致,比如:

  • Leader 发起一个事务 Proposal1 后就宕机, Follower 都没有 Proposal1;
  • Leader 收到半数 Ack 后宕机,没来得及向 Follower 发送 Commit 怎么解决呢?

Zab 引入了「崩溃恢复模式」。

b. 崩溃恢复#

一旦 Leader 服务器出现崩溃或者由于网络原因导致 Leader 服务器失去了与过半 Follower 的联系,那么就会进入崩溃恢复模式。


  1. 一个事务在 Leader 提出之后,Leader 挂了;
  2. 一个事务在 Leader 上提交了,并且过半的 Follower 都响应 Ack 了,但是 Leader 在 Commit 消息发出之前挂了。

Zab 协议崩溃恢复要求满足以下两个要求:

  1. 确保已经被 Leader 提交的提案 Proposal,必须最终被所有的 Follower 服务器提交(已经产生的提案 Follower 必须执行);
  2. 确保丢弃已经被 Leader 提出的,但是没有被提交的 Proposal(丢弃胎死腹中的提案)。

崩溃恢复主要包括两部分:Leader 选举和数据恢复。

(1)Leader 选举

根据上述要求,Zab 协议需要保证选举出来的 Leader 需要满足以下条件:

  1. 新选举出来的 Leader 不能包含未提交的 Proposal。即新 Leader 必须都是已经提交了 Proposal 的 Follower 服务器节点;
  2. 新选举的 Leader 节点中含有最大的 zxid。这样做的好处是可以避免 Leader 服务器检查 Proposal 的提交和丢弃工作。


  1. 完成 Leader 选举后,在正式开始工作之前(接收事务请求然后提出新的 Proposal),Leader 服务器会首先确认事务日志中的所有的 Proposal 是否已经被集群中过半的服务器 Commit;
  2. Leader 服务器需要确保所有的 Follower 服务器能够接收到每一条事务的 Proposal,并且能将所有已经提交的事务 Proposal 应用到内存数据中。等到 Follower 将所有尚未同步的事务 Proposal 都从 Leader 服务器上同步过,并且应用到内存数据中以后,Leader 才会把该 Follower 加入到真正可用的 Follower 列表中。

1.3 CAP 理论#

  • 一致性(Consistency)
  • 可用性(Available)
  • 分区容错性(Partition Tolerance)

这三个基本需求,最多只能同时满足其中的两项,因为 P 是必须的,因此往往选择就在 CP 或者 AP 中。

(1)一致性 C


(2)可用性 A


(3)分区容错性 P


ZooKeeper 保证的是 CP。

  1. ZooKeeper 不能保证每次服务请求的可用性(在极端环境下,ZooKeeper 可能会丢弃一些请求,消费者程序需要重新请求才能获得结果)。所以说,ZooKeeper 不能保证服务可用性。
  2. 进行 Leader 选举时集群都是不可用。

2. 基础功能源码#

ZooKeeper 集群中的每个服务器节点每次接收到写操作请求时,都会先将这次请求发送给 Leader,Leader 将这次写操作转换为带有状态的事务,然后 Leader 会对这次写操作广播出去以便进行协调。当协调通过(大多数节点允许这次写)后,Leader 通知所有的服务器节点,让它们将这次写操作应用到内存数据库中,并将其记录到“事务日志”中。

当“事务日志”记录的次数达到一定数量后(默认 10w 次),就会将内存数据库序列化一次,使其持久化保存到磁盘上,序列化后的文件称为“快照文件”。每次拍快照都会生成新的事务日志。需要强调快照文件名后缀 ZXID 是触发快照的瞬间,提交的最后一个事务 ID(如果是 ZXID5 触发快照,那么快照文件名就是 snapshot.ZXID5,快照之后的下一个事务的 ID 是 ZXID6,新的事务日志名就是 log.ZXID6)。

快照日志是将 ZooKeeper 服务器上某个时刻的全量内存数据,写入到指定磁盘文件中。可以这样理解,快照日志文件是存量数据,事务日志文件是增量数据,二者加起来就是最大限度的全量数据。

有了事务日志 TxnLog 和快照 SnapShot,就可以让任意节点恢复到任意时间点(只要没有清理事务日志和快照)。

[补链] https://it.cha138.com/shida/show-466243.html#_70

2.1 持久化源码#

Leader 和 Follower 中的数据会在内存和磁盘中各保存一份。所以需要将内存中的数据持久化到磁盘中。

在 org.apache.zookeeper.server.persistence 包下的相关类都是序列化相关的代码。

a. 快照#

public interface SnapShot {
     * deserialize a data tree from the last valid snapshot
     * and return the last zxid that was deserialized.
     * @param dt the datatree to be deserialized into
     * @param sessions the sessions to be deserialized into
     * @return the last zxid that was deserialized from the snapshot
     * @throws IOException
    long deserialize(DataTree dt, Map<Long, Integer> sessions) throws IOException;

     * persist the datatree and the sessions into a persistence storage
     * @param dt the datatree to be serialized
     * @param sessions
     * @throws IOException
    void serialize(DataTree dt, Map<Long, Integer> sessions, File name) throws IOException;

     * find the most recent snapshot file
    File findMostRecentSnapshot() throws IOException;

     * free resources from this snapshot immediately
    void close() throws IOException;

b. 操作日志#

public interface TxnLog {

     * Setter for ServerStats to monitor fsync threshold exceed
     * @param serverStats used to update fsyncThresholdExceedCount
    void setServerStats(ServerStats serverStats);

     * roll the current log being appended to
     * @throws IOException
    void rollLog() throws IOException;
     * Append a request to the transaction log
     * @param hdr the transaction header
     * @param r the transaction itself
     * returns true iff something appended, otw false
     * @throws IOException
    boolean append(TxnHeader hdr, Record r) throws IOException;

     * Start reading the transaction logs from a given zxid
     * @param zxid
     * @return returns an iterator to read the next transaction in the logs.
     * @throws IOException
    TxnIterator read(long zxid) throws IOException;

     * the last zxid of the logged transactions.
     * @return the last zxid of the logged transactions.
    long getLastLoggedZxid() throws IOException;

     * truncate the log to get in sync with the leader.
     * @param zxid the zxid to truncate at.
    boolean truncate(long zxid) throws IOException;

     * the dbid for this transaction log.
     * @return the dbid for this transaction log.
    long getDbId() throws IOException;

     * commit the transaction and make sure they are persisted
    void commit() throws IOException;

     * @return transaction log's elapsed sync time in milliseconds
    long getTxnLogSyncElapsedTime();

     * close the transactions logs
    void close() throws IOException;
     * an iterating interface for reading transaction logs.
    public interface TxnIterator {
         * return the transaction header.
         * @return return the transaction header.
        TxnHeader getHeader();

         * return the transaction record.
        Record getTxn();

         * go to the next transaction record.
        boolean next() throws IOException;

         * close files and release the resources
        void close() throws IOException;

         * Get an estimated storage space used to store transaction records
         * that will return by this iterator
        long getStorageSize() throws IOException;

c. 核心类#

2.2 序列化源码#

zookeeper-jute 中的代码是关于 Zookeeper 序列化的相关源码。

a. 序列化/反序列化方法#

public interface Record {
    public void serialize(OutputArchive archive, String tag) throws IOException;
    public void deserialize(InputArchive archive, String tag) throws IOException;

b. 迭代器#

 * Interface that acts as an iterator for deserializing maps.
 * The deserializer returns an instance that the record uses to
 * read vectors and maps. An example of usage is as follows:
 * <code>
 * Index idx = startVector(...);
 * while (!idx.done()) {
 *   .... // read element of a vector
 *   idx.incr();
 * }
 * </code>
public interface Index {
    public boolean done();
    public void incr();

c. 序列化支持的数据类型#

public interface OutputArchive {
    public void writeByte(byte b, String tag) throws IOException;
    public void writeBool(boolean b, String tag) throws IOException;
    public void writeInt(int i, String tag) throws IOException;
    public void writeLong(long l, String tag) throws IOException;
    public void writeFloat(float f, String tag) throws IOException;
    public void writeDouble(double d, String tag) throws IOException;
    public void writeString(String s, String tag) throws IOException;
    public void writeBuffer(byte buf[], String tag) throws IOException;
    public void writeRecord(Record r, String tag) throws IOException;
    public void startRecord(Record r, String tag) throws IOException;
    public void endRecord(Record r, String tag) throws IOException;
    public void startVector(List<?> v, String tag) throws IOException;
    public void endVector(List<?> v, String tag) throws IOException;
    public void startMap(TreeMap<?,?> v, String tag) throws IOException;
    public void endMap(TreeMap<?,?> v, String tag) throws IOException;

d. 反序列化支持的数据类型#

public interface InputArchive {
    public byte readByte(String tag) throws IOException;
    public boolean readBool(String tag) throws IOException;
    public int readInt(String tag) throws IOException;
    public long readLong(String tag) throws IOException;
    public float readFloat(String tag) throws IOException;
    public double readDouble(String tag) throws IOException;
    public String readString(String tag) throws IOException;
    public byte[] readBuffer(String tag) throws IOException;
    public void readRecord(Record r, String tag) throws IOException;
    public void startRecord(String tag) throws IOException;
    public void endRecord(String tag) throws IOException;
    public Index startVector(String tag) throws IOException;
    public void endVector(String tag) throws IOException;
    public Index startMap(String tag) throws IOException;
    public void endMap(String tag) throws IOException;

3. ZkServer 初始化源码#

3.1 启动脚本#

zkServer.sh start 底层的实际执行内容:

nohup "$JAVA"
+ 一堆提交参数
+ $ZOOMAIN  (org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain)
+ "$ZOOCFG" (zkEnv.sh 中的 ZOOCFG="zoo.cfg")

所以程序的入口是 QuorumPeerMain.java 类。

3.2 服务端启动#

public static void main(String[] args) {
    QuorumPeerMain main = new QuorumPeerMain();

    // ...


    // ...

protected void initializeAndRun(String[] args)
        throws ConfigException, IOException, AdminServerException {

    QuorumPeerConfig config = new QuorumPeerConfig();
    if (args.length == 1) {
        // [1] 解析参数: zoo.cfg、myid

    // [2] 启动定时任务,对过期的快照执行删除
    // Start and schedule the the purge task
    DatadirCleanupManager purgeMgr = new DatadirCleanupManager(config
            .getDataDir(), config.getDataLogDir(), config
            .getSnapRetainCount(), config.getPurgeInterval());

    if (args.length == 1 && config.isDistributed()) {
        // [3] 通信初始化
        // [4] 启动集群在[3]内部
    } else {
        LOG.warn("Either no config or no quorum defined in config, running "
                + " in standalone mode");
        // there is only server in the quorum -- run as standalone

a. 解析参数#


 * Parse a ZooKeeper configuration file
 * @param path the patch of the configuration file
 * @throws ConfigException error processing configuration
public void parse(String path) throws ConfigException {

    // 校验文件路径及是否存在
    File configFile = (new VerifyingFileFactory.Builder(LOG)

    Properties cfg = new Properties();
    FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(configFile);
    try {
        // 加载配置文件
        configFileStr = path;
    } finally {

    // 解析配置文件

    // ...

public void parseProperties(Properties zkProp) throws IOException, ConfigException {
    int clientPort = 0;
    int secureClientPort = 0;
    String clientPortAddress = null;
    String secureClientPortAddress = null;
    VerifyingFileFactory vff = new VerifyingFileFactory
    // 读取 zoo.cfg 中的属性值,并赋值给 QuorumPeerConfig 的类对象
    for (Entry<Object, Object> entry : zkProp.entrySet()) {
        String key = entry.getKey().toString().trim();
        String value = entry.getValue().toString().trim();
        if (key.equals("dataDir")) {
            dataDir = vff.create(value);
        } else if (key.equals("dataLogDir")) {
            dataLogDir = vff.create(value);
        } else if (key.equals("clientPort")) {
            clientPort = Integer.parseInt(value);
        } else if (key.equals("localSessionsEnabled")) {
            localSessionsEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(value);
        } else if (key.equals("localSessionsUpgradingEnabled")) {
            localSessionsUpgradingEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(value);
        } else if (key.equals("clientPortAddress")) {
            clientPortAddress = value.trim();
        } else if (key.equals("secureClientPort")) {
            secureClientPort = Integer.parseInt(value);
        } else if (key.equals("secureClientPortAddress")){
            secureClientPortAddress = value.trim();
        } else if (key.equals("tickTime")) {
            tickTime = Integer.parseInt(value);
        } else if (key.equals("maxClientCnxns")) {
            maxClientCnxns = Integer.parseInt(value);
        } else if (key.equals("minSessionTimeout")) {
            minSessionTimeout = Integer.parseInt(value);
        } else if (key.equals("maxSessionTimeout")) {
            maxSessionTimeout = Integer.parseInt(value);
        } else if (key.equals("initLimit")) {
            initLimit = Integer.parseInt(value);
        } else if (key.equals("syncLimit")) {
            syncLimit = Integer.parseInt(value);
        // else if ...

    // ...

    // backward compatibility - dynamic configuration in the same file
    // as static configuration params see writeDynamicConfig()
    if (dynamicConfigFileStr == null) {
        // ======== ↓ Step Into ↓ ========
        setupQuorumPeerConfig(zkProp, true);
        if (isDistributed() && isReconfigEnabled()) {
            // we don't backup static config for standalone mode.
            // we also don't backup if reconfig feature is disabled.

void setupQuorumPeerConfig(Properties prop, boolean configBackwardCompatibilityMode)
        throws IOException, ConfigException {
    quorumVerifier = parseDynamicConfig(
                        prop, electionAlg, true, configBackwardCompatibilityMode);
    // ======== ↓ Step Into ↓ ========

private void setupMyId() throws IOException {
    File myIdFile = new File(dataDir, "myid");
    // standalone server doesn't need myid file.
    if (!myIdFile.isFile()) {
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(myIdFile));
    String myIdString;
    try {
        myIdString = br.readLine();
    } finally {
    try {
        // 将解析 myid 中的 id 赋值给 serverId
        serverId = Long.parseLong(myIdString);
        MDC.put("myid", myIdString);
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("serverid " + myIdString
                + " is not a number");

b. 过期快照删除#


// Start and schedule the the purge task
DatadirCleanupManager purgeMgr = new DatadirCleanupManager(config.getDataDir(),
     config.getDataLogDir(), config.getSnapRetainCount(), config.getPurgeInterval()


// 最少保留的快照个数
protected int snapRetainCount = 3;
// 默认 0 表示关闭的
protected int purgeInterval = 0;


public void start() {
    if (PurgeTaskStatus.STARTED == purgeTaskStatus) {
        LOG.warn("Purge task is already running.");

    // 默认情况 purgeInterval=0 任务关闭,直接返回
    // Don't schedule the purge task with 0 or negative purge interval.
    if (purgeInterval <= 0) {
        LOG.info("Purge task is not scheduled.");

    // 创建一个定时器
    timer = new Timer("PurgeTask", true);
    // 创建一个清理快照任务
    TimerTask task = new PurgeTask(dataLogDir, snapDir, snapRetainCount);
    // 如果 purgeInterval 设置的值是 1,表示 1 小时检查一次是否有过期快照,有则删除
    timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, 0, TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(purgeInterval));

    purgeTaskStatus = PurgeTaskStatus.STARTED;

static class PurgeTask extends TimerTask {
    private File logsDir;
    private File snapsDir;
    private int snapRetainCount;

    public PurgeTask(File dataDir, File snapDir, int count) {
        logsDir = dataDir;
        snapsDir = snapDir;
        snapRetainCount = count;

    public void run() {
        LOG.info("Purge task started.");
        try {
            // 清理过期的数据
            PurgeTxnLog.purge(logsDir, snapsDir, snapRetainCount);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.error("Error occurred while purging.", e);
        LOG.info("Purge task completed.");


public static void purge(File dataDir, File snapDir, int num) throws IOException {
    if (num < 3) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(COUNT_ERR_MSG);

    FileTxnSnapLog txnLog = new FileTxnSnapLog(dataDir, snapDir);

    List<File> snaps = txnLog.findNRecentSnapshots(num);
    int numSnaps = snaps.size();
    if (numSnaps > 0) {
        purgeOlderSnapshots(txnLog, snaps.get(numSnaps - 1));

c. 初始化通信组件#


public void runFromConfig(QuorumPeerConfig config) throws ... {
 // ...

 LOG.info("Starting quorum peer");

 try {
  ServerCnxnFactory cnxnFactory = null;
  ServerCnxnFactory secureCnxnFactory = null;

  // 通信组件初始化,默认是 NIO 通信
  if (config.getClientPortAddress() != null) {
      // ======== ↓ Step Into ↓ ========
      cnxnFactory = ServerCnxnFactory.createFactory();
      // ======== ↓ Step Into ↓ ========
      config.getMaxClientCnxns(), false);

  if (config.getSecureClientPortAddress() != null) {
      secureCnxnFactory = ServerCnxnFactory.createFactory();
      config.getMaxClientCnxns(), true);

  // 把解析的参数赋值给该 Zk 节点 (每一个 ZooKeeper实例都对应一个 QuorumPeer)
  quorumPeer = getQuorumPeer();
  quorumPeer.setTxnFactory(new FileTxnSnapLog(config.getDataLogDir(),config.getDataDir()));
  quorumPeer.setZKDatabase(new ZKDatabase(quorumPeer.getTxnFactory()));
  quorumPeer.setQuorumVerifier(config.getQuorumVerifier(), false);
  if (config.getLastSeenQuorumVerifier()!=null) {
      quorumPeer.setLastSeenQuorumVerifier(config.getLastSeenQuorumVerifier(), false);

  // 管理 Zk 数据的存储
  // 管理 Zk 的通信

  if (config.sslQuorumReloadCertFiles) {

  // sets quorum sasl authentication configurations

  // ===== 启动 Zk 节点,开始加载数据(见#4) =====
 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      // warn, but generally this is ok
      LOG.warn("Quorum Peer interrupted", e);


static public ServerCnxnFactory createFactory() throws IOException {
  String serverCnxnFactoryName = System.getProperty(ZOOKEEPER_SERVER_CNXN_FACTORY);
  if (serverCnxnFactoryName == null) {
    serverCnxnFactoryName = NIOServerCnxnFactory.class.getName();
  try {
    ServerCnxnFactory serverCnxnFactory = (ServerCnxnFactory) Class.forName(
    LOG.info("Using {} as server connection factory", serverCnxnFactoryName);
    return serverCnxnFactory;
  } catch (Exception e) {
    IOException ioe = new IOException("Couldn't instantiate " + serverCnxnFactoryName);
    throw ioe;


public void configure(InetSocketAddress addr, int maxcc, boolean secure) {
    if (secure) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("SSL isn't supported in NIOServerCnxn");

    maxClientCnxns = maxcc;
    sessionlessCnxnTimeout = Integer.getInteger(
    // We also use the sessionlessCnxnTimeout as expiring interval for
    // cnxnExpiryQueue. These don't need to be the same, but the expiring
    // interval passed into the ExpiryQueue() constructor below should be
    // less than or equal to the timeout.
    cnxnExpiryQueue = new ExpiryQueue<NIOServerCnxn>(sessionlessCnxnTimeout);
    expirerThread = new ConnectionExpirerThread();

    int numCores = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
    // 32 cores sweet spot seems to be 4 selector threads
    numSelectorThreads = Integer.getInteger(
        Math.max((int) Math.sqrt((float) numCores/2), 1));
    if (numSelectorThreads < 1) {
        throw new IOException("numSelectorThreads must be at least 1");

    numWorkerThreads = Integer.getInteger(
    workerShutdownTimeoutMS = Long.getLong(

    LOG.info("Configuring NIO connection handler with "
             + (sessionlessCnxnTimeout/1000) + "s sessionless connection"
             + " timeout, " + numSelectorThreads + " selector thread(s), "
             + (numWorkerThreads > 0 ? numWorkerThreads : "no")
             + " worker threads, and "
             + (directBufferBytes == 0 ? "gathered writes." :
                ("" + (directBufferBytes/1024) + " kB direct buffers.")));
    for(int i=0; i<numSelectorThreads; ++i) {
        selectorThreads.add(new SelectorThread(i));

    // 初始化 NIO 服务端 socket,绑定 2181 端口,可以接收客户端请求
    this.ss = ServerSocketChannel.open();
    LOG.info("binding to port " + addr);
    acceptThread = new AcceptThread(ss, addr, selectorThreads);

4. ZkServer 加载数据源码#

4.1 原理图示#

  1. Zk 中的数据模型,是一棵 DataTree,每个节点,叫做 DataNode
  2. Zk 集群中的 DataTree 时刻保持状态同步;
  3. Zk 集群中每个 Zk 节点中,数据在内存和磁盘中都有一份完整的数据;
    • 内存数据:DataTree
    • 磁盘数据:快照文件 + 编辑日志

4.2 源码流程#


public synchronized void start() {
    if (!getView().containsKey(myid)) {
       throw new RuntimeException("My id " + myid + " not in the peer list");
    // ========== ↓ Step Into ↓ ==========
    // 冷启动数据恢复
    try {
        // 启动通信工厂实例对象
    } catch (AdminServerException e) {
        LOG.warn("Problem starting AdminServer", e);
    // 准备选举环境
    // 执行选举

private void loadDataBase() {
    try {
        // zk 的操作分两种:事务操作和非事务操作
        // ---- 事务操作:zk.cteate() 都会被分配一个全局唯一的 zxid(64位)
        // -------- 前 32 位:epoch 每个 leader 任期的代号
        // -------- 后 32 位:txid 为事务 id
        // ---- 非事务操作:zk.getData()

        // 数据恢复过程:
        // 1. 从快照文件中恢复大部分数据,并得到一个 lastProcessZXid
        // 2. 再从编辑(事务)日志中执行 replay,执行到最后一条日志并更新 lastProcessZXid
        // 3. 最终得到 datatree 和 lastProcessZXid,表示数据恢复完成

        // ========== ↓ Step Into ↓ ==========
        // 加载磁盘数据到内存,恢复 DataTree

        // load the epochs
        long lastProcessedZxid = zkDb.getDataTree().lastProcessedZxid;
        long epochOfZxid = ZxidUtils.getEpochFromZxid(lastProcessedZxid);
        try {
            currentEpoch = readLongFromFile(CURRENT_EPOCH_FILENAME);
        } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {
        	// pick a reasonable epoch number
        	// this should only happen once when moving to a new code version
        	currentEpoch = epochOfZxid;
        	writeLongToFile(CURRENT_EPOCH_FILENAME, currentEpoch);
        if (epochOfZxid > currentEpoch) {
            throw new IOException(...);
        try {
            acceptedEpoch = readLongFromFile(ACCEPTED_EPOCH_FILENAME);
        } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {
        	// pick a reasonable epoch number
        	// this should only happen once when moving to a
        	// new code version
        	acceptedEpoch = epochOfZxid;
        	writeLongToFile(ACCEPTED_EPOCH_FILENAME, acceptedEpoch);
        if (acceptedEpoch < currentEpoch) {
            throw new IOException(...);
    } catch(IOException ie) {
        LOG.error("Unable to load database on disk", ie);
        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to run quorum server ", ie);


 * load the database from the disk onto memory and also add
 * the transactions to the committedlog in memory.
 * @return the last valid zxid on disk
 * @throws IOException
public long loadDataBase() throws IOException {
  long zxid = snapLog.restore(dataTree, sessionsWithTimeouts, commitProposalPlaybackListener);
  initialized = true;
  return zxid;


 * this function restores the server database after reading from the
 * snapshots and transaction logs
 * @param dt the datatree to be restored
 * @param sessions the sessions to be restored
 * @param listener the playback listener to run on the database restoration
 * @return the highest zxid restored
 * @throws IOException
public long restore(DataTree dt, Map<Long, Integer> sessions,
                    PlayBackListener listener) throws IOException {

  // =====> a. 恢复快照文件数据到 DataTree
  long deserializeResult = snapLog.deserialize(dt, sessions);
  FileTxnLog txnLog = new FileTxnLog(dataDir);

  RestoreFinalizer finalizer = () -> {
    // =====> b. 恢复编辑日志数据到 DataTree
    long highestZxid = fastForwardFromEdits(dt, sessions, listener);
    return highestZxid;

  // ...

  return finalizer.run();

a. 恢复快照数据#


 * deserialize a data tree from the most recent snapshot
 * @return the zxid of the snapshot
public long deserialize(DataTree dt, Map<Long, Integer> sessions)
        throws IOException {
    // we run through 100 snapshots (not all of them)
    // if we cannot get it running within 100 snapshots
    // we should give up
    List<File> snapList = findNValidSnapshots(100);
    if (snapList.size() == 0) {
        return -1L;
    File snap = null;
    boolean foundValid = false;

    // =====> 依次遍历每一个快照的数据
    for (int i = 0, snapListSize = snapList.size(); i < snapListSize; i++) {
        snap = snapList.get(i);
        LOG.info("Reading snapshot " + snap);
        // =====> 反序列化环境准备
        try (InputStream snapIS = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(snap));
             CheckedInputStream crcIn = new CheckedInputStream(snapIS, new Adler32())) {
            InputArchive ia = BinaryInputArchive.getArchive(crcIn);
            // =====> 反序列化,恢复数据到 DataTree
            deserialize(dt, sessions, ia);
            long checkSum = crcIn.getChecksum().getValue();
            long val = ia.readLong("val");
            if (val != checkSum) {
                throw new IOException("CRC corruption in snapshot :  " + snap);
            foundValid = true;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.warn("problem reading snap file " + snap, e);
    if (!foundValid) {
        throw new IOException("Not able to find valid snapshots in " + snapDir);
    dt.lastProcessedZxid = Util.getZxidFromName(snap.getName(), SNAPSHOT_FILE_PREFIX);
    return dt.lastProcessedZxid;

 * deserialize the datatree from an inputarchive
 * @param dt the datatree to be serialized into
 * @param sessions the sessions to be filled up
 * @param ia the input archive to restore from
 * @throws IOException
public void deserialize(DataTree dt, Map<Long, Integer> sessions, InputArchive ia) {
    FileHeader header = new FileHeader();
    header.deserialize(ia, "fileheader");
    if (header.getMagic() != SNAP_MAGIC) {
        throw new IOException("mismatching magic headers "
                + header.getMagic() + " !=  " + FileSnap.SNAP_MAGIC);
    // =====> 恢复快照数据到 DataTree


public static void deserializeSnapshot(DataTree dt,InputArchive ia,
        Map<Long, Integer> sessions) throws IOException {
    int count = ia.readInt("count");
    while (count > 0) {
        long id = ia.readLong("id");
        int to = ia.readInt("timeout");
        sessions.put(id, to);
        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
            ZooTrace.logTraceMessage(LOG, ZooTrace.SESSION_TRACE_MASK,
                    "loadData --- session in archive: " + id + " with timeout: " + to);
    // =====> 恢复快照数据到 DataTree
    dt.deserialize(ia, "tree");

public void deserialize(InputArchive ia, String tag) throws IOException {

    // =====> 从快照中恢复每一个 DataNode 节点数据到 DataTree
    String path = ia.readString("path");
    while (!"/".equals(path)) {
        // =====> 每次循环创建一个节点对象
        DataNode node = new DataNode();
        ia.readRecord(node, "node");
        // =====> 将 DataNode 恢复到 DataTree
        nodes.put(path, node);
        synchronized (node) {
        int lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf('/');
        if (lastSlash == -1) {
            root = node;
        } else {
            // =====> 处理父节点
            String parentPath = path.substring(0, lastSlash);
            DataNode parent = nodes.get(parentPath);
            if (parent == null) {
                throw new IOException("Invalid Datatree, unable to find " +
                        "parent " + parentPath + " of path " + path);
            // =====> 处理子节点
            parent.addChild(path.substring(lastSlash + 1));
            // =====> 处理临时节点和永久节点
            long eowner = node.stat.getEphemeralOwner();
            EphemeralType ephemeralType = EphemeralType.get(eowner);
            if (ephemeralType == EphemeralType.CONTAINER) {
            } else if (ephemeralType == EphemeralType.TTL) {
            } else if (eowner != 0) {
                HashSet<String> list = ephemerals.get(eowner);
                if (list == null) {
                    list = new HashSet<String>();
                    ephemerals.put(eowner, list);
        path = ia.readString("path");
    nodes.put("/", root);
    // we are done with deserializing the the datatree
    // update the quotas - create path trie and also update the stat nodes


b. 恢复编辑日志#


 * This function will fast forward the server database to have the latest
 * transactions in it.  This is the same as restore, but only reads from
 * the transaction logs and not restores from a snapshot.
 * @param dt the datatree to write transactions to.
 * @param sessions the sessions to be restored.
 * @param listener the playback listener to run on the database transactions.
 * @return the highest zxid restored.
 * @throws IOException
public long fastForwardFromEdits(DataTree dt, Map<Long, Integer> sessions,
                                 PlayBackListener listener) throws IOException {
    // 在此之前,已经从快照文件中恢复了大部分数据,接下来只需从快照的 zxid + 1 位置开始恢复
    TxnIterator itr = txnLog.read(dt.lastProcessedZxid+1);
    // 快照中最大的 zxid,在执行编辑日志时,这个值会不断更新,直到所有操作执行完
    long highestZxid = dt.lastProcessedZxid;
    TxnHeader hdr;
    try {
        // 从 lastProcessedZxid 事务编号器开始,不断的从编辑日志中恢复剩下的还没有恢复的数据
        while (true) {
            // iterator points to the first valid txn when initialized
            // =====> 获取事务头信息(有 zxid)
            hdr = itr.getHeader();
            if (hdr == null) {
                // empty logs
                return dt.lastProcessedZxid;
            if (hdr.getZxid() < highestZxid && highestZxid != 0) {
                LOG.error("{}(highestZxid) > {}(next log) for type {}",
                        highestZxid, hdr.getZxid(), hdr.getType());
            } else {
                highestZxid = hdr.getZxid();
            try {
                // =====> 根据编辑日志恢复数据到 DataTree
                // 每执行一次,对应的事务 id -> highestZxid + 1
                processTransaction(hdr,dt,sessions, itr.getTxn());
            } catch(KeeperException.NoNodeException e) {
               throw new IOException("Failed to process transaction type: " +
                     hdr.getType() + " error: " + e.getMessage(), e);
            listener.onTxnLoaded(hdr, itr.getTxn());
            if (!itr.next())
    } finally {
        if (itr != null) {
    return highestZxid;

 * process the transaction on the datatree
 * @param hdr the hdr of the transaction
 * @param dt the datatree to apply transaction to
 * @param sessions the sessions to be restored
 * @param txn the transaction to be applied
public void processTransaction(TxnHeader hdr,DataTree dt,
        Map<Long, Integer> sessions, Record txn)
    throws KeeperException.NoNodeException {
    ProcessTxnResult rc;
    switch (hdr.getType()) {
    case OpCode.createSession:
        sessions.put(hdr.getClientId(), ((CreateSessionTxn) txn).getTimeOut());
        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    "playLog --- create session in log: 0x"
                            + Long.toHexString(hdr.getClientId())
                            + " with timeout: "
                            + ((CreateSessionTxn) txn).getTimeOut());
        // give dataTree a chance to sync its lastProcessedZxid
        rc = dt.processTxn(hdr, txn);
    case OpCode.closeSession:
        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    "playLog --- close session in log: 0x"
                            + Long.toHexString(hdr.getClientId()));
        rc = dt.processTxn(hdr, txn);
        // =====> 创建节点、删除节点和其他的各种事务操作等
        rc = dt.processTxn(hdr, txn);

     * Snapshots are lazily created. So when a snapshot is in progress,
     * there is a chance for later transactions to make into the
     * snapshot. Then when the snapshot is restored, NONODE/NODEEXISTS
     * errors could occur. It should be safe to ignore these.
    if (rc.err != Code.OK.intValue()) {


public ProcessTxnResult processTxn(TxnHeader header, Record txn) {
    return this.processTxn(header, txn, false);

public ProcessTxnResult processTxn(TxnHeader header, Record txn, boolean isSubTxn) {
  ProcessTxnResult rc = new ProcessTxnResult();

  try {
    rc.clientId = header.getClientId();
    rc.cxid = header.getCxid();
    rc.zxid = header.getZxid();
    rc.type = header.getType();
    rc.err = 0;
    rc.multiResult = null;
    switch (header.getType()) {
        case OpCode.create:
            CreateTxn createTxn = (CreateTxn) txn;
            rc.path = createTxn.getPath();
                createTxn.getEphemeral() ? header.getClientId() : 0,
                header.getZxid(), header.getTime(), null);
        case OpCode.create2:
            CreateTxn create2Txn = (CreateTxn) txn;
            rc.path = create2Txn.getPath();
            Stat stat = new Stat();
                create2Txn.getEphemeral() ? header.getClientId() : 0,
                header.getZxid(), header.getTime(), stat);
            rc.stat = stat;
        case OpCode.createTTL:
            CreateTTLTxn createTtlTxn = (CreateTTLTxn) txn;
            rc.path = createTtlTxn.getPath();
            stat = new Stat();
                header.getZxid(), header.getTime(), stat);
            rc.stat = stat;
        case OpCode.createContainer:
            CreateContainerTxn createContainerTxn = (CreateContainerTxn) txn;
            rc.path = createContainerTxn.getPath();
            stat = new Stat();
                header.getZxid(), header.getTime(), stat);
            rc.stat = stat;
        case OpCode.delete:
        case OpCode.deleteContainer:
            DeleteTxn deleteTxn = (DeleteTxn) txn;
            rc.path = deleteTxn.getPath();
            deleteNode(deleteTxn.getPath(), header.getZxid());
        case OpCode.reconfig:
        case OpCode.setData:
            SetDataTxn setDataTxn = (SetDataTxn) txn;
            rc.path = setDataTxn.getPath();
            rc.stat = setData(setDataTxn.getPath(), setDataTxn
                    .getData(), setDataTxn.getVersion(), header
                    .getZxid(), header.getTime());
        case OpCode.setACL:
            SetACLTxn setACLTxn = (SetACLTxn) txn;
            rc.path = setACLTxn.getPath();
            rc.stat = setACL(setACLTxn.getPath(), setACLTxn.getAcl(),
        case OpCode.closeSession:
            killSession(header.getClientId(), header.getZxid());
        case OpCode.error:
            ErrorTxn errTxn = (ErrorTxn) txn;
            rc.err = errTxn.getErr();
        case OpCode.check:
            CheckVersionTxn checkTxn = (CheckVersionTxn) txn;
            rc.path = checkTxn.getPath();
        case OpCode.multi:
            MultiTxn multiTxn = (MultiTxn) txn ;
            List<Txn> txns = multiTxn.getTxns();
            rc.multiResult = new ArrayList<ProcessTxnResult>();
            boolean failed = false;
            for (Txn subtxn : txns) {
                if (subtxn.getType() == OpCode.error) {
                    failed = true;

            boolean post_failed = false;
            for (Txn subtxn : txns) {
                ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(subtxn.getData());
                Record record = null;
                switch (subtxn.getType()) {
                    case OpCode.create:
                        record = new CreateTxn();
                    case OpCode.createTTL:
                        record = new CreateTTLTxn();
                    case OpCode.createContainer:
                        record = new CreateContainerTxn();
                    case OpCode.delete:
                    case OpCode.deleteContainer:
                        record = new DeleteTxn();
                    case OpCode.setData:
                        record = new SetDataTxn();
                    case OpCode.error:
                        record = new ErrorTxn();
                        post_failed = true;
                    case OpCode.check:
                        record = new CheckVersionTxn();
                        throw new IOException("Invalid type of op: " + subtxn.getType());
                assert(record != null);

                ByteBufferInputStream.byteBuffer2Record(bb, record);

                if (failed && subtxn.getType() != OpCode.error){
                    int ec = post_failed ? Code.RUNTIMEINCONSISTENCY.intValue()
                                         : Code.OK.intValue();

                    record = new ErrorTxn(ec);

                if (failed) {
                    assert(subtxn.getType() == OpCode.error) ;

                TxnHeader subHdr = new TxnHeader(header.getClientId(), header.getCxid(),
                                                 header.getZxid(), header.getTime(),
                ProcessTxnResult subRc = processTxn(subHdr, record, true);
                if (subRc.err != 0 && rc.err == 0) {
                    rc.err = subRc.err ;
  } catch (KeeperException e) {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Failed: " + header + ":" + txn, e);
    rc.err = e.code().intValue();
  } catch (IOException e) {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Failed: " + header + ":" + txn, e);

     * Things we can only update after the whole txn is applied to data
     * tree.
     * If we update the lastProcessedZxid with the first sub txn in multi
     * and there is a snapshot in progress, it's possible that the zxid
     * associated with the snapshot only include partial of the multi op.
     * When loading snapshot, it will only load the txns after the zxid
     * associated with snapshot file, which could cause data inconsistency
     * due to missing sub txns.
     * To avoid this, we only update the lastProcessedZxid when the whole
     * multi-op txn is applied to DataTree.
    if (!isSubTxn) {
         * A snapshot might be in progress while we are modifying the data
         * tree. If we set lastProcessedZxid prior to making corresponding
         * change to the tree, then the zxid associated with the snapshot
         * file will be ahead of its contents. Thus, while restoring from
         * the snapshot, the restore method will not apply the transaction
         * for zxid associated with the snapshot file, since the restore
         * method assumes that transaction to be present in the snapshot.
         * To avoid this, we first apply the transaction and then modify
         * lastProcessedZxid.  During restore, we correctly handle the
         * case where the snapshot contains data ahead of the zxid associated
         * with the file.
        if (rc.zxid > lastProcessedZxid) {
            lastProcessedZxid = rc.zxid;

     * Snapshots are taken lazily. It can happen that the child
     * znodes of a parent are created after the parent
     * is serialized. Therefore, while replaying logs during restore, a
     * create might fail because the node was already
     * created.
     * After seeing this failure, we should increment
     * the cversion of the parent znode since the parent was serialized
     * before its children.
     * Note, such failures on DT should be seen only during
     * restore.
    if (header.getType() == OpCode.create &&
            rc.err == Code.NODEEXISTS.intValue()) {
        LOG.debug("Adjusting parent cversion for Txn: " + header.getType() +
                " path:" + rc.path + " err: " + rc.err);
        int lastSlash = rc.path.lastIndexOf('/');
        String parentName = rc.path.substring(0, lastSlash);
        CreateTxn cTxn = (CreateTxn)txn;
        try {
            setCversionPzxid(parentName, cTxn.getParentCVersion(),
        } catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException e) {
            LOG.error("Failed to set parent cversion for: " +
                  parentName, e);
            rc.err = e.code().intValue();
    } else if (rc.err != Code.OK.intValue()) {
        LOG.debug("Ignoring processTxn failure hdr: " + header.getType() +
              " : error: " + rc.err);
    return rc;
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