
select * from /.*/ limit 1

select * from cpu_idle


select * from response_times where value > 200

select * from user_events where url_base = ‘friends#show’

select line from log_lines where line =~ /paul@influx.com/

按照30m分钟进行聚合,时间范围是大于昨天的   主机名是server1的。 

select mean(value) from cpu_idle group by time(30m) where time > now() – 1d and hostName = ‘server1′

select column_one  from foo  where time > now() – 1h limit 1000;

select reqtime, url from web9999.httpd where reqtime > 2.5;

select reqtime, url from web9999.httpd where time > now() – 1h limit 1000;


select reqtime, url from web9999.httpd where url =~ /^\/login\//;


select reqtime, url from web9999.httpd merge web0001.httpd;


Aggregate Functions
InfluxDB contains a number of functions that you can use for computing aggregates, rollups, or doing downsampling on the fly. These are always used in conjunction with a group by time(…) clause. If no group by clause is given, then a default will be applied from the start of the series to now().

COUNT() takes a single column name, and counts the number of points that contains a non NULL value for the given column name in the group by interval.

SELECT COUNT(column_name) FROM series_name group by time(10m) …
MIN() returns the lowest value from the specified column over a given interval. The column must contain int64 or float64 values.

SELECT MIN(column_name) FROM series_name group by time(10m) …
MAX() returns the highest value from the specified column over a given interval. The column must be of type int64 or float64.

SELECT MAX(column_name) FROM series_name group by time(10m) …
MEAN() returns the arithmetic mean (average) of the specified column over a given interval. The column must be of type int64 or float64.

SELECT MEAN(column_name) FROM series_name group by time(10m) …

这里提一下,Influxdb和rrdtool最大的区别在于,rrdtool是可以做汇聚 聚合的,也就是预先的计算,而不是等准备要获取的时候,再进行汇聚的计算。 哎 ···   

我这里做了一些压力的测试,Influxdb在5s内100个线程的插入和平均数的计算,进程占用了150% …. 对的,是150%左右。 io方面倒是很小,内存方面也不是很大。  

记录了 求平均值的消耗时间,基本是2s左右。 个人觉得还是可以忍受的。

posted @ 2016-11-03 11:21  众里寻,阑珊处  阅读(2002)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报