
一: multi与easy接口的不同处
The multi interface offers several abilities that the easy interface doesn't. They are mainly:
1. Enable a "pull" interface. The application that uses libcurl decides where and when to ask libcurl to get/send data.
2. Enable multiple simultaneous transfers in the same thread without making it complicated for the application.
3. Enable the application to wait for action on its own file descriptors and curl's file descriptors simultaneous easily.
4. Enable event-based handling and scaling transfers up to and beyond thousands of parallel connections.

应用程序能够同时等待它自己 和curl的文件描述符(句柄)。

CURLM *curl_multi_init( );
CURLMcode curl_multi_cleanup( CURLM *multi_handle );

With a multi handle and the multi interface you can do several simultaneous transfers in parallel.
Each single transfer is built up around an easy handle.
You create all the easy handles you need, and setup the appropriate options for each easy handle using curl_easy_setopt.

When an easy handle is setup and ready for transfer, then instead of using curl_easy_perform like when using the easy interface for transfers, you should add the easy handle to the multi handle with curl_multi_add_handle. You can add more easy handles to a multi handle at any point, even if other transfers are already running.

Should you change your mind, the easy handle is again removed from the multi stack using curl_multi_remove_handle. Once removed from the multi handle, you can again use other easy interface functions like curl_easy_perform on the handle or whatever you think is necessary. You can remove handles at any point in time during transfers.

Adding the easy handle to the multi handle does not start the transfer. Remember that one of the main ideas with this interface is to let your application drive. You drive the transfers by invoking curl_multi_perform. libcurl will then transfer data if there is anything available to transfer. It'll use the callbacks and everything else you have setup in the individual easy handles. It'll transfer data on all current transfers in the multi stack that are ready to transfer anything. It may be all, it may be none. When there's nothing more to do for now, it returns back to the calling application.
启动后将执行所有multi stack中的收发事件。如果栈上是空的直接返回。

CURLMcode curl_multi_perform(CURLM *multi_handle, int *running_handles);
If the amount of running_handles is changed from the previous call (or is less than the amount of easy handles you've added to the multi handle), you know that there is one or more transfers less "running". You can then call curl_multi_info_read to get information about each individual completed transfer, and that returned info includes CURLcode and more. If an added handle fails very quickly, it may never be counted as a running_handle.
/* call curl_multi_perform or curl_multi_socket_action first, then loop
  through and check if there are any transfers that have completed */
struct CURLMsg *m;
do {
  int msgq = 0;
  m = curl_multi_info_read(multi_handle, &msgq);
  if(m && (m->msg == CURLMSG_DONE)) {
  CURL *e = m->easy_handle;
  curl_multi_remove_handle(multi_handle, e);
} while(m);

Your application extracts info from libcurl about when it would like to get invoked to transfer data or do other work. The most convenient way is to use curl_multi_wait that will help you wait until the application should call libcurl again. The older API to accomplish the same thing is curl_multi_fdset that extracts fd_sets from libcurl to use in select() or poll() calls in order to get to know when the transfers in the multi stack might need attention. Both these APIs allow for your program to wait for input on your own private file descriptors at the same time curl_multi_timeout also helps you with providing a suitable timeout period for your select() calls.
通常使用curl_multi_wait等待直到线程被libcurl唤起。老的api使用curl_multi_fdset设置 select或者poll模型触发。

curl_multi_wait polls all file descriptors used by the curl easy handles contained in the given multi handle set. It will block until activity is detected on at least one of the handles or timeout_ms has passed. Alternatively, if the multi handle has a pending internal timeout that has a shorter expiry time than timeout_ms, that shorter time will be used instead to make sure timeout accuracy is reasonably kept.
The calling application may pass additional curl_waitfd structures which are similar to poll(2)'s pollfd structure to be waited on in the same call.
On completion, if numfds is non-NULL, it will be populated with the total number of file descriptors on which interesting events occurred. This number can include both libcurl internal descriptors as well as descriptors provided in extra_fds
CURLMcode curl_multi_wait(CURLM *multi_handle,

  struct curl_waitfd extra_fds[],

  unsigned int extra_nfds,

  int timeout_ms,

  int *numfds);

CURLMcode curl_multi_timeout(CURLM *multi_handle, long *timeout);
An application using the libcurl multi interface should call curl_multi_timeout to figure out how long it should wait for socket actions - at most - before proceeding.
The timeout value returned in the long timeout points to, is in number of milliseconds at this very moment. If 0, it means you should proceed immediately without waiting for anything. If it returns -1, there's no timeout at all set.
struct timeval timeout;

long timeo;
curl_multi_timeout(multi_handle, &timeo);
if(timeo < 0)
  timeo = 980;// no set timeout, use a default
timeout.tv_sec = timeo / 1000;
timeout.tv_usec = (timeo % 1000) * 1000;
select(maxfd+1, &fdread, &fdwrite, &fdexcep, &timeout);// wait for activities no longer than the set timeout

CURLMcode curl_multi_fdset(CURLM *multi_handle,
                           fd_set *read_fd_set,
                           fd_set *write_fd_set,
                           fd_set *exc_fd_set,
                           int *max_fd);

If no file descriptors are set by libcurl, max_fd will contain -1 when this function returns. Otherwise it will contain the highest descriptor number libcurl set. When libcurl returns -1 in max_fd, it is because libcurl currently does something that isn't possible for your application to monitor with a socket and unfortunately you can then not know exactly when the current action is completed using select(). You then need to wait a while before you proceed and call curl_multi_perform anyway. How long to wait? We suggest 100 milliseconds at least, but you may want to test it out in your own particular conditions to find a suitable value.


curl_multi _init初始化一个multi curl对象,
为了同时进行多个curl的并发访问,需要初始化多个easy curl对象,使用curl_easy_setopt进行相关设置,
然后调用curl_multi _add_handle把easy curl对象添加到multi curl对象中,
访问结束后curl_multi_remove_handle移除相关easy curl对象,
curl_easy_cleanup清除easy curl对象,
最后curl_multi_cleanup清除multi curl对象。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <curl/curl.h>
/* This is a simple example showing how to fetch mail using libcurl's IMAP
* capabilities. It builds on the imap-fetch.c example to demonstrate how to
* use libcurl's multi interface.
* Note that this example requires libcurl 7.30.0 or above.


static struct timeval tvnow(void)
    struct timeval now;
    /* time() returns the value of time in seconds since the epoch */
    now.tv_sec = (long)time(NULL);
    now.tv_usec = 0;

    return now;

static long tvdiff(struct timeval newer, struct timeval older)
    return (newer.tv_sec - older.tv_sec) * 1000 +
        (newer.tv_usec - older.tv_usec) / 1000;

int main(void)
    CURL *curl;
    CURLM *mcurl;
    int still_running = 1;
    struct timeval mp_start;

    curl = curl_easy_init()
    if (!curl)
        return 1;

    mcurl = curl_multi_init();
    if (!mcurl)
        return 2;

    /* Set username and password */
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERNAME, "user");
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PASSWORD, "secret");

    /* This will fetch message 1 from the user's inbox */
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, "imap://;UID=1");

    /* Tell the multi stack about our easy handle */
    curl_multi_add_handle(mcurl, curl);

    /* Record the start time which we can use later */
    mp_start = tvnow();

    /* We start some action by calling perform right away */
    curl_multi_perform(mcurl, &still_running);

    while (still_running) {
        struct timeval timeout;
        fd_set fdread;
        fd_set fdwrite;
        fd_set fdexcep;
        int maxfd = -1;
        int rc;
        CURLMcode mc; /* curl_multi_fdset() return code */
        long curl_timeo = -1;

        /* Initialise the file descriptors */

        /* Set a suitable timeout to play around with */
        timeout.tv_sec = 1;
        timeout.tv_usec = 0;

        curl_multi_timeout(mcurl, &curl_timeo);
        if (curl_timeo >= 0) {
            timeout.tv_sec = curl_timeo / 1000;
            if (timeout.tv_sec > 1)
                timeout.tv_sec = 1;
                timeout.tv_usec = (curl_timeo % 1000) * 1000;

        /* get file descriptors from the transfers */
        mc = curl_multi_fdset(mcurl, &fdread, &fdwrite, &fdexcep, &maxfd);
        if (mc != CURLM_OK) {
            fprintf(stderr, "curl_multi_fdset() failed, code %d.\n", mc);

        /* On success the value of maxfd is guaranteed to be >= -1. We call
        select(maxfd + 1, ...); specially in case of (maxfd == -1) there are
        no fds ready yet so we call select(0, ...) --or Sleep() on Windows--
        to sleep 100ms, which is the minimum suggested value in the
        curl_multi_fdset() doc. */

        if (maxfd == -1) {
#ifdef _WIN32
            rc = 0;
            /* Portable sleep for platforms other than Windows. */
            struct timeval wait = { 0, 100 * 1000 }; /* 100ms */
            rc = select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &wait);
        else {
            /* Note that on some platforms 'timeout' may be modified by select().
            If you need access to the original value save a copy beforehand. */
            rc = select(maxfd + 1, &fdread, &fdwrite, &fdexcep, &timeout);

        if (tvdiff(tvnow(), mp_start) > MULTI_PERFORM_HANG_TIMEOUT) {
                "ABORTING: Since it seems that we would have run forever.\n");

        switch (rc) {
        case -1: /* select error */
        case 0: /* timeout */
        default: /* action */
            curl_multi_perform(mcurl, &still_running);

    /* Always cleanup */
    curl_multi_remove_handle(mcurl, curl);

    return 0;
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