



  1 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."showcreatetable"("dbinstancename" varchar, "namespace" varchar, "tablename" varchar, "tenantid" varchar)
  2   RETURNS "pg_catalog"."varchar" AS $BODY$
  3 declare
  4     tableScript      character varying default '';
  5     indexScripe      character varying default '';
  6     constraintScripe character varying default '';
  7     p_namespace      character varying default '';
  8     p_tablename      character varying default '';
  9     tableNum         int2 ;
 10     constraintIds    oid[];
 11     v_conname        varchar;
 13 begin
 14     p_namespace := namespace;
 15     p_tablename := tablename;
 16 -- check db extist
 17     tableNum := count(*)
 18                 from pg_class
 19                 where relname = p_tablename
 20                   and relnamespace = (
 21                     select oid
 22                     from pg_namespace
 23                     where nspname = p_namespace
 24                 );
 25     IF tableNum = 0 then
 26         return '' ;
 27     end if;
 28 -- columns
 29     tableScript := tableScript || ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' || '"sch_' || tenantid || '".' || p_tablename || ' ( ' || array_to_string(
 30             array(
 31                     select concat(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6) as column_line
 32                     from (
 33                              select '"' || column_name || '"' || ' ' ||
 34                                     case
 35                                         when data_type = 'ARRAY' then ltrim(udt_name, '_') || '[]'
 36                                         when data_type = 'USER-DEFINED' then udt_name
 37                                         else data_type end                                                                                         as c1,
 38                                     case when character_maximum_length > 0 then '(' || character_maximum_length || ')' end                         as c2,
 39                                     case when numeric_precision > 0 and numeric_scale < 1 then null end                                            as c3,
 40                                     case when numeric_precision > 0 and numeric_scale > 0 then null end                                            as c4,
 41                                     case when is_nullable = 'NO' then ' NOT NULL' end                                                              as c5,
 42                                     case when column_default is not Null then ' DEFAULT' end || ' ' || replace(case
 43                                                                                                                    when position('nextval(''"' in column_default) > 0
 44                                                                                                                        then replace(column_default, 'nextval(''"', 'nextval(''"' || 'sch_' || tenantid || '.')
 45                                                                                                                    when
 46                                                                                                                        position('nextval(''' in column_default) > 0
 47                                                                                                                        then
 48                                                                                                                        replace(column_default, 'nextval(''', 'nextval(''' || 'sch_' || tenantid || '.')
 49                                                                                                                    ELSE column_default
 50                                                                                                                    end, '::character varying', '') as c6
 51                              from information_schema.columns
 52                              where table_name = p_tablename
 53                                and table_catalog = dbinstancename
 54                                and table_schema = p_namespace
 55                              order by ordinal_position
 56                          ) as string_columns
 57                 ), ' , ') || ',';
 60 -- 约束
 61     constraintIds := array(select oid
 62                            from pg_constraint c
 63                            where conrelid = (
 64                                select oid
 65                                from pg_class
 66                                where relname = p_tablename
 67                                  and relnamespace = (
 68                                    select oid
 69                                    from pg_namespace
 70                                    where nspname = p_namespace
 71                                )
 72                            ));
 74     if array_length(constraintIds, 1) > 0 then
 75         for i in 1..array_length(constraintIds, 1)
 76             loop
 77                 v_conname := conname
 78                              from pg_constraint c
 79                              where c.oid = constraintIds[i];
 80                 constraintScripe := constraintScripe || ' CONSTRAINT '
 81                     '"' || v_conname || '"' || pg_get_constraintdef(constraintIds[i]) || ',';
 82             end loop;
 83         constraintScripe := rtrim(constraintScripe, ',');
 84     end if;
 86     if constraintScripe = '' or constraintScripe is null then
 87         tableScript := trim(trailing ',' from tableScript);
 88     end if;
 89     tableScript := tableScript || constraintScripe || ' ); ';
 91     /** **/
 92 --- 获取非约束索引 column
 93     indexScripe := array_to_string(ARRAY(SELECT CASE
 94                                                     WHEN position('"' in indexdef) > 0 THEN
 95                                                         replace(indexdef,' INDEX ',' INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ')
 96                                                     ELSE
 97                                                         replace(replace(indexdef,' INDEX ',' INDEX IF NOT EXISTS '), indexname, '"' || indexname || '"')
 98                                                     END
 99                                          from pg_indexes i
100                                          where i.schemaname = p_namespace
101                                            and i.tablename = p_tablename
102                                            and i.indexname not in
103                                                (select distinct conname
104                                                 from pg_constraint c
105                                                 where conrelid = (
106                                                     select oid
107                                                     from pg_class
108                                                     where relname = p_tablename
109                                                       and relnamespace = (
110                                                         select oid
111                                                         from pg_namespace
112                                                         where nspname = p_namespace
113                                                     )
114                                                 ))), ';');
116     if indexScripe <> '' or indexScripe is not null then
117         indexScripe := replace(indexScripe, ' ' || p_namespace || '.' || p_tablename || ' ', ' "sch_' || tenantid || '".' || p_tablename || ' ') || ';';
118         tableScript := tableScript || indexScripe;
119     end if;
122     return tableScript;
124 end
125 $BODY$
127   COST 100


posted @ 2020-03-16 10:33  liugh  阅读(1165)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报