

# switch caps lock with esc
xmodmap -e 'clear Lock' -e 'keycode 0x42 = Escape'
#sudo loadkeys .swap_esc_capslock

# aliases
alias ll='ls -l'
#alias dict='/home/akaedu/c/Jul29/stardict/dict'
alias dict='sdcv'
alias lynx='lynx -accept_all_cookies'
alias vi='vim'

# show time in en_US
export LC_TIME='en_US.UTF-8'

# single vim
export VIM_SINGLE=`which vim`
export SUPPORTS=`$VIM_SINGLE --version | grep "+clientserver"`
if [ "$SUPPORTS" != '' ];then
alias vim="single-vim"
function single-vim(){
    filenameWithoutDouble=`echo $filename | sed -rn "s/(.*):$/\1/p"`
    if [ ! -f "$filename" ] && [ -f "$filenameWithoutDouble" ]; then
    pid=`ps ax | grep -v grep | grep vim$$`
    if [ -z "$pid" ]; then
        $VIM_SINGLE --servername vim$$ $filename
        $VIM_SINGLE --servername vim$$ --remote-tab $filename
#        $VIM_SINGLE --servername vim$$ --remote-send ':tabp<CR>:tabn<CR>'




" leader
let mapleader = ","
nnoremap <leader>ev :vsplit ~/.vimrc<cr>
nnoremap <leader>sv :source ~/.vimrc<cr>

" syntax
syntax on

" tablewidth
set tabstop=8
set softtabstop=8
set shiftwidth=8

" indent
set autoindent
set cindent

" show line number
set nu

" hilight search results
set hlsearch

" color scheme
set t_Co=256
colo molokai
" hilight function name
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead * :syntax match cfunctions "\<[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\>[^()]*)("me=e-2
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead * :syntax match cfunctions "\<[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\>\s*("me=e-1
hi cfunctions ctermfg=green

" abbreviate
iab main #include <stdio.h>
\<CR>int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
\<CR>return 0; }
iab p printf("%d\n", );

" auto compile
autocmd BufWritePost *.c :call Compile()
"map <C-M> :call Compile()
func! Compile()
    if &filetype == 'c'
        exec "w"
        exec "! clear; rm -f %<; gcc % -o %< -g -Wall -lm -lpthread; ./%<;"

"    exec "w"
"    exec "! clear; rm -f %<; echo [Assemble %]; as % -o %<.o; echo [Link %<.o]; ld %<.o -o %<; echo [Run %<]; ./%<;"
"    exec "w"
"    exec "! clear; rm -f %<; echo [Assemble %]; nasm -f elf hello.s; echo [Link %<.o]; ld -s -o %< %<.o; echo [Run %<]; ./%<;"

" Man
set laststatus=0
source $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/man.vim
nnoremap K :Man <C-R><C-W><cr>:res<cr>:set nonu<cr>:<Esc>
nnoremap 1K :Man 1 <C-R><C-W><cr>:res<cr>:set nonu<cr>:<Esc>
nnoremap 2K :Man 2 <C-R><C-W><cr>:res<cr>:set nonu<cr>:<Esc>
nnoremap 3K :Man 3 <C-R><C-W><cr>:res<cr>:set nonu<cr>:<Esc>
nnoremap 4K :Man 4 <C-R><C-W><cr>:res<cr>:set nonu<cr>:<Esc>
nnoremap 5K :Man 5 <C-R><C-W><cr>:res<cr>:set nonu<cr>:<Esc>
nnoremap 6K :Man 6 <C-R><C-W><cr>:res<cr>:set nonu<cr>:<Esc>
nnoremap 7K :Man 7 <C-R><C-W><cr>:res<cr>:set nonu<cr>:<Esc>
nnoremap 8K :Man 8 <C-R><C-W><cr>:res<cr>:set nonu<cr>:<Esc>
nnoremap 9K :Man 9 <C-R><C-W><cr>:res<cr>:set nonu<cr>:<Esc>

" Rename tabs to show tab number.
" (Based on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5927952/whats-implementation-of-vims-default-tabline-function)
if exists("+showtabline")
    function! MyTabLine()
        let s = ''
        let wn = ''
        let t = tabpagenr()
        let i = 1
        while i <= tabpagenr('$')
            let buflist = tabpagebuflist(i)
            let winnr = tabpagewinnr(i)
            let s .= '%' . i . 'T'
            let s .= (i == t ? '%1*' : '%2*')
            let s .= ' '
            let wn = tabpagewinnr(i,'$')

            let s .= '%#TabNum#'
            let s .= i
            " let s .= '%*'
            let s .= (i == t ? '%#TabLineSel#' : '%#TabLine#')
            let bufnr = buflist[winnr - 1]
            let file = bufname(bufnr)
            let buftype = getbufvar(bufnr, 'buftype')
            if buftype == 'nofile'
            if file =~ '\/.'
                let file = substitute(file, '.*\/\ze.', '', '')
                let file = fnamemodify(file, ':p:t')
            if file == ''
                let file = '[No Name]'
            let s .= ' ' . file . ' '
            let i = i + 1

        let s .= '%T%#TabLineFill#%='
        let s .= (tabpagenr('$') > 1 ? '%999XX' : 'X')
        return s

    set stal=2
    set tabline=%!MyTabLine()
    highlight link TabNum Special


" Insert or delete brackets, parens, quotes in pairs.
" Maintainer:    JiangMiao <jiangfriend@gmail.com>
" Contributor: camthompson
" Last Change:  2013-04-01
" Version: 1.3.1
" Homepage: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3599
" Repository: https://github.com/jiangmiao/auto-pairs
" License: MIT

if exists('g:AutoPairsLoaded') || &cp
let g:AutoPairsLoaded = 1

if !exists('g:AutoPairs')
  let g:AutoPairs = {'(':')', '[':']', '{':'}',"'":"'",'"':'"', '`':'`'}

if !exists('g:AutoPairsParens')
  let g:AutoPairsParens = {'(':')', '[':']', '{':'}'}

if !exists('g:AutoPairsMapBS')
  let g:AutoPairsMapBS = 1

if !exists('g:AutoPairsMapCR')
  let g:AutoPairsMapCR = 1

if !exists('g:AutoPairsMapSpace')
  let g:AutoPairsMapSpace = 1

if !exists('g:AutoPairsCenterLine')
  let g:AutoPairsCenterLine = 1

if !exists('g:AutoPairsShortcutToggle')
  let g:AutoPairsShortcutToggle = '<M-p>'

if !exists('g:AutoPairsShortcutFastWrap')
  let g:AutoPairsShortcutFastWrap = '<M-e>'

if !exists('g:AutoPairsShortcutJump')
  let g:AutoPairsShortcutJump = '<M-n>'

" Fly mode will for closed pair to jump to closed pair instead of insert.
" also support AutoPairsBackInsert to insert pairs where jumped.
if !exists('g:AutoPairsFlyMode')
  let g:AutoPairsFlyMode = 0

" Work with Fly Mode, insert pair where jumped
if !exists('g:AutoPairsShortcutBackInsert')
  let g:AutoPairsShortcutBackInsert = '<M-b>'

if !exists('g:AutoPairsSmartQuotes')
  let g:AutoPairsSmartQuotes = 1

" Will auto generated {']' => '[', ..., '}' => '{'}in initialize.
let g:AutoPairsClosedPairs = {}

function! AutoPairsInsert(key)
  if !b:autopairs_enabled
    return a:key

  let line = getline('.')
  let pos = col('.') - 1
  let before = strpart(line, 0, pos)
  let after = strpart(line, pos)
  let next_chars = split(after, '\zs')
  let current_char = get(next_chars, 0, '')
  let next_char = get(next_chars, 1, '')
  let prev_chars = split(before, '\zs')
  let prev_char = get(prev_chars, -1, '')

  let eol = 0
  if col('$') -  col('.') <= 1
    let eol = 1

  " Ignore auto close if prev character is \
  if prev_char == '\'
    return a:key

  " The key is difference open-pair, then it means only for ) ] } by default
  if !has_key(b:AutoPairs, a:key)
    let b:autopairs_saved_pair = [a:key, getpos('.')]

    " Skip the character if current character is the same as input
    if current_char == a:key
      return "\<Right>"

    if !g:AutoPairsFlyMode
      " Skip the character if next character is space
      if current_char == ' ' && next_char == a:key
        return "\<Right>\<Right>"

      " Skip the character if closed pair is next character
      if current_char == ''
        let next_lineno = line('.')+1
        let next_line = getline(nextnonblank(next_lineno))
        let next_char = matchstr(next_line, '\s*\zs.')
        if next_char == a:key
          return "\<ESC>e^a"

    " Fly Mode, and the key is closed-pairs, search closed-pair and jump
    if g:AutoPairsFlyMode && has_key(b:AutoPairsClosedPairs, a:key)
      if search(a:key, 'W')
        return "\<Right>"

    " Insert directly if the key is not an open key
    return a:key

  let open = a:key
  let close = b:AutoPairs[open]

  if current_char == close && open == close
    return "\<Right>"

  " Ignore auto close ' if follows a word
  " MUST after closed check. 'hello|'
  if a:key == "'" && prev_char =~ '\v\w'
    return a:key

  " support for ''' ``` and """
  if open == close
    " The key must be ' " `
    let pprev_char = line[col('.')-3]
    if pprev_char == open && prev_char == open
      " Double pair found
      return repeat(a:key, 4) . repeat("\<LEFT>", 3)

  let quotes_num = 0
  " Ignore comment line for vim file
  if &filetype == 'vim' && a:key == '"'
    if before =~ '^\s*$'
      return a:key
    if before =~ '^\s*"'
      let quotes_num = -1

  " Keep quote number is odd.
  " Because quotes should be matched in the same line in most of situation
  if g:AutoPairsSmartQuotes && open == close
    " Remove \\ \" \'
    let cleaned_line = substitute(line, '\v(\\.)', '', 'g')
    let n = quotes_num
    let pos = 0
    while 1
      let pos = stridx(cleaned_line, open, pos)
      if pos == -1
      let n = n + 1
      let pos = pos + 1
    if n % 2 == 1
      return a:key

  return open.close."\<Left>"

function! AutoPairsDelete()
  if !b:autopairs_enabled
    return "\<BS>"

  let line = getline('.')
  let pos = col('.') - 1
  let current_char = get(split(strpart(line, pos), '\zs'), 0, '')
  let prev_chars = split(strpart(line, 0, pos), '\zs')
  let prev_char = get(prev_chars, -1, '')
  let pprev_char = get(prev_chars, -2, '')

  if pprev_char == '\'
    return "\<BS>"

  " Delete last two spaces in parens, work with MapSpace
  if has_key(b:AutoPairs, pprev_char) && prev_char == ' ' && current_char == ' '
    return "\<BS>\<DEL>"

  " Delete Repeated Pair eg: '''|''' [[|]] {{|}}
  if has_key(b:AutoPairs, prev_char)
    let times = 0
    let p = -1
    while get(prev_chars, p, '') == prev_char
      let p = p - 1
      let times = times + 1

    let close = b:AutoPairs[prev_char]
    let left = repeat(prev_char, times)
    let right = repeat(close, times)

    let before = strpart(line, pos-times, times)
    let after  = strpart(line, pos, times)
    if left == before && right == after
      return repeat("\<BS>\<DEL>", times)

  if has_key(b:AutoPairs, prev_char)
    let close = b:AutoPairs[prev_char]
    if match(line,'^\s*'.close, col('.')-1) != -1
      " Delete (|___)
      let space = matchstr(line, '^\s*', col('.')-1)
      return "\<BS>". repeat("\<DEL>", len(space)+1)
    elseif match(line, '^\s*$', col('.')-1) != -1
      " Delete (|__\n___)
      let nline = getline(line('.')+1)
      if nline =~ '^\s*'.close
        if &filetype == 'vim' && prev_char == '"'
          " Keep next line's comment
          return "\<BS>"

        let space = matchstr(nline, '^\s*')
        return "\<BS>\<DEL>". repeat("\<DEL>", len(space)+1)

  return "\<BS>"

function! AutoPairsJump()
  call search('["\]'')}]','W')
" string_chunk cannot use standalone
let s:string_chunk = '\v%(\\\_.|[^\1]|[\r\n]){-}'
let s:ss_pattern = '\v''' . s:string_chunk . ''''
let s:ds_pattern = '\v"'  . s:string_chunk . '"'

func! s:RegexpQuote(str)
  return substitute(a:str, '\v[\[\{\(\<\>\)\}\]]', '\\&', 'g')

func! s:RegexpQuoteInSquare(str)
  return substitute(a:str, '\v[\[\]]', '\\&', 'g')

" Search next open or close pair
func! s:FormatChunk(open, close)
  let open = s:RegexpQuote(a:open)
  let close = s:RegexpQuote(a:close)
  let open2 = s:RegexpQuoteInSquare(a:open)
  let close2 = s:RegexpQuoteInSquare(a:close)
  if open == close
    return '\v'.open.s:string_chunk.close
    return '\v%(' . s:ss_pattern . '|' . s:ds_pattern . '|' . '[^'.open2.close2.']|[\r\n]' . '){-}(['.open2.close2.'])'

" Fast wrap the word in brackets
function! AutoPairsFastWrap()
  let line = getline('.')
  let current_char = line[col('.')-1]
  let next_char = line[col('.')]
  let open_pair_pattern = '\v[({\[''"]'
  let at_end = col('.') >= col('$') - 1
  normal x
  " Skip blank
  if next_char =~ '\v\s' || at_end
    call search('\v\S', 'W')
    let line = getline('.')
    let next_char = line[col('.')-1]

  if has_key(b:AutoPairs, next_char)
    let followed_open_pair = next_char
    let inputed_close_pair = current_char
    let followed_close_pair = b:AutoPairs[next_char]
    if followed_close_pair != followed_open_pair
      " TODO replace system searchpair to skip string and nested pair.
      " eg: (|){"hello}world"} will transform to ({"hello})world"}
      call searchpair('\V'.followed_open_pair, '', '\V'.followed_close_pair, 'W')
      call search(s:FormatChunk(followed_open_pair, followed_close_pair), 'We')
    return "\<RIGHT>".inputed_close_pair."\<LEFT>"
    normal he
    return "\<RIGHT>".current_char."\<LEFT>"

function! AutoPairsMap(key)
  " | is special key which separate map command from text
  let key = a:key
  if key == '|'
    let key = '<BAR>'
  let escaped_key = substitute(key, "'", "''", 'g')
  " use expr will cause search() doesn't work
  execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> '.key." <C-R>=AutoPairsInsert('".escaped_key."')<CR>"

function! AutoPairsToggle()
  if b:autopairs_enabled
    let b:autopairs_enabled = 0
    echo 'AutoPairs Disabled.'
    let b:autopairs_enabled = 1
    echo 'AutoPairs Enabled.'
  return ''

function! AutoPairsReturn()
  if b:autopairs_enabled == 0
    return ''
  let line = getline('.')
  let pline = getline(line('.')-1)
  let prev_char = pline[strlen(pline)-1]
  let cmd = ''
  let cur_char = line[col('.')-1]
  if has_key(b:AutoPairs, prev_char) && b:AutoPairs[prev_char] == cur_char
    if g:AutoPairsCenterLine && winline() * 3 >= winheight(0) * 2
      " Use \<BS> instead of \<ESC>cl will cause the placeholder deleted
      " incorrect. because <C-O>zz won't leave Normal mode.
      " Use \<DEL> is a bit wierd. the character before cursor need to be deleted.
      let cmd = " \<C-O>zz\<ESC>cl"

    " If equalprg has been set, then avoid call =
    " https://github.com/jiangmiao/auto-pairs/issues/24
    if &equalprg != ''
      return "\<ESC>O".cmd

    " conflict with javascript and coffee
    " javascript   need   indent new line
    " coffeescript forbid indent new line
    if &filetype == 'coffeescript' || &filetype == 'coffee'
      return "\<ESC>k==o".cmd
      return "\<ESC>=ko".cmd
  return ''

function! AutoPairsSpace()
  let line = getline('.')
  let prev_char = line[col('.')-2]
  let cmd = ''
  let cur_char =line[col('.')-1]
  if has_key(g:AutoPairsParens, prev_char) && g:AutoPairsParens[prev_char] == cur_char
    let cmd = "\<SPACE>\<LEFT>"
  return "\<SPACE>".cmd

function! AutoPairsBackInsert()
  if exists('b:autopairs_saved_pair')
    let pair = b:autopairs_saved_pair[0]
    let pos  = b:autopairs_saved_pair[1]
    call setpos('.', pos)
    return pair
  return ''

function! AutoPairsInit()
  let b:autopairs_loaded  = 1
  let b:autopairs_enabled = 1
  let b:AutoPairsClosedPairs = {}

  if !exists('b:AutoPairs')
    let b:AutoPairs = g:AutoPairs

  " buffer level map pairs keys
  for [open, close] in items(b:AutoPairs)
    call AutoPairsMap(open)
    if open != close
      call AutoPairsMap(close)
    let b:AutoPairsClosedPairs[close] = open

  " Still use <buffer> level mapping for <BS> <SPACE>
  if g:AutoPairsMapBS
    " Use <C-R> instead of <expr> for issue #14 sometimes press BS output strange words
    execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> <BS> <C-R>=AutoPairsDelete()<CR>'

  if g:AutoPairsMapSpace
    execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> <SPACE> <C-R>=AutoPairsSpace()<CR>'

  if g:AutoPairsShortcutFastWrap != ''
    execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> '.g:AutoPairsShortcutFastWrap.' <C-R>=AutoPairsFastWrap()<CR>'

  if g:AutoPairsShortcutBackInsert != ''
    execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> '.g:AutoPairsShortcutBackInsert.' <C-R>=AutoPairsBackInsert()<CR>'

  if g:AutoPairsShortcutToggle != ''
    " use <expr> to ensure showing the status when toggle
    execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> <expr> '.g:AutoPairsShortcutToggle.' AutoPairsToggle()'
    execute 'noremap <buffer> <silent> '.g:AutoPairsShortcutToggle.' :call AutoPairsToggle()<CR>'

  if g:AutoPairsShortcutJump != ''
    execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:AutoPairsShortcutJump. ' <ESC>:call AutoPairsJump()<CR>a'
    execute 'noremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:AutoPairsShortcutJump. ' :call AutoPairsJump()<CR>'


function! s:ExpandMap(map)
  let map = a:map
  let map = substitute(map, '\(<Plug>\w\+\)', '\=maparg(submatch(1), "i")', 'g')
  return map

function! AutoPairsTryInit()
  if exists('b:autopairs_loaded')

  " for auto-pairs starts with 'a', so the priority is higher than supertab and vim-endwise
  " vim-endwise doesn't support <Plug>AutoPairsReturn
  " when use <Plug>AutoPairsReturn will cause <Plug> isn't expanded
  " supertab doesn't support <SID>AutoPairsReturn
  " when use <SID>AutoPairsReturn  will cause Duplicated <CR>
  " and when load after vim-endwise will cause unexpected endwise inserted.
  " so always load AutoPairs at last
  " Buffer level keys mapping
  " comptible with other plugin
  if g:AutoPairsMapCR
    if v:version >= 703 && has('patch32')
      " VIM 7.3 supports advancer maparg which could get <expr> info
      " then auto-pairs could remap <CR> in any case.
      let info = maparg('<CR>', 'i', 0, 1)
      if empty(info)
        let old_cr = '<CR>'
        let is_expr = 0
        let old_cr = info['rhs']
        let old_cr = s:ExpandMap(old_cr)
        let old_cr = substitute(old_cr, '<SID>', '<SNR>' . info['sid'] . '_', 'g')
        let is_expr = info['expr']
        let wrapper_name = '<SID>AutoPairsOldCRWrapper73'
      " VIM version less than 7.3
      " the mapping's <expr> info is lost, so guess it is expr or not, it's
      " not accurate.
      let old_cr = maparg('<CR>', 'i')
      if old_cr == ''
        let old_cr = '<CR>'
        let is_expr = 0
        let old_cr = s:ExpandMap(old_cr)
        " old_cr contain (, I guess the old cr is in expr mode
        let is_expr = old_cr  =~ '\V(' && toupper(old_cr) !~ '\V<C-R>'
        let wrapper_name = '<SID>AutoPairsOldCRWrapper'

    if old_cr !~ 'AutoPairsReturn'
      if is_expr
        " remap <expr> to `name` to avoid mix expr and non-expr mode
        execute 'inoremap <buffer> <expr> <script> '. wrapper_name . ' ' . old_cr
        let old_cr = wrapper_name
      " Alawys slient mapping
      execute 'inoremap <script> <buffer> <silent> <CR> '.old_cr.'<SID>AutoPairsReturn'
  call AutoPairsInit()

" Always silent the command
inoremap <silent> <SID>AutoPairsReturn <C-R>=AutoPairsReturn()<CR>
imap <script> <Plug>AutoPairsReturn <SID>AutoPairsReturn

au BufEnter * :call AutoPairsTryInit()



" Vim color file
" Author: Tomas Restrepo <tomas@winterdom.com>
" Note: Based on the monokai theme for textmate
" by Wimer Hazenberg and its darker variant
" by Hamish Stuart Macpherson

hi clear

set background=dark
if version > 580
    " no guarantees for version 5.8 and below, but this makes it stop
    " complaining
    hi clear
    if exists("syntax_on")
        syntax reset
let g:colors_name="molokai"

" Support for 256-color terminal
if &t_Co > 255
   hi Boolean         ctermfg=135
   hi Character       ctermfg=144
   hi Number          ctermfg=135
   hi String          ctermfg=144
   hi Conditional     ctermfg=161               cterm=bold
   hi Constant        ctermfg=135               cterm=bold
   hi Cursor          ctermfg=16  ctermbg=253
   hi Debug           ctermfg=225               cterm=bold
   hi Define          ctermfg=81
   hi Delimiter       ctermfg=241

   hi DiffAdd                     ctermbg=24
   hi DiffChange      ctermfg=181 ctermbg=239
   hi DiffDelete      ctermfg=162 ctermbg=53
   hi DiffText                    ctermbg=102 cterm=bold

   hi Directory       ctermfg=118               cterm=bold
   hi Error           ctermfg=219 ctermbg=89
   hi ErrorMsg        ctermfg=199 ctermbg=16    cterm=bold
   hi Exception       ctermfg=118               cterm=bold
   hi Float           ctermfg=135
   hi FoldColumn      ctermfg=67  ctermbg=16
   hi Folded          ctermfg=67  ctermbg=16
   hi Function        ctermfg=118
   hi Identifier      ctermfg=208
   hi Ignore          ctermfg=244 ctermbg=232
   hi IncSearch       ctermfg=193 ctermbg=16

   hi Keyword         ctermfg=161               cterm=bold
   hi Label           ctermfg=229               cterm=none
   hi Macro           ctermfg=193
   hi SpecialKey      ctermfg=81

   hi MatchParen      ctermfg=16  ctermbg=208 cterm=bold
   hi ModeMsg         ctermfg=229
   hi MoreMsg         ctermfg=229
   hi Operator        ctermfg=161

   " complete menu
   hi Pmenu           ctermfg=81  ctermbg=16
   hi PmenuSel                    ctermbg=244
   hi PmenuSbar                   ctermbg=232
   hi PmenuThumb      ctermfg=81

   hi PreCondit       ctermfg=118               cterm=bold
   hi PreProc         ctermfg=118
   hi Question        ctermfg=81
   hi Repeat          ctermfg=161               cterm=bold
   hi Search          ctermfg=253 ctermbg=66

   " marks column
   hi SignColumn      ctermfg=118 ctermbg=235
   hi SpecialChar     ctermfg=161               cterm=bold
   hi SpecialComment  ctermfg=245               cterm=bold
   hi Special         ctermfg=81  ctermbg=232
   hi SpecialKey      ctermfg=245

   hi Statement       ctermfg=161               cterm=bold
   hi StatusLine      ctermfg=238 ctermbg=253
   hi StatusLineNC    ctermfg=244 ctermbg=232
   hi StorageClass    ctermfg=208
   hi Structure       ctermfg=81
   hi Tag             ctermfg=161
   hi Title           ctermfg=166
   hi Todo            ctermfg=231 ctermbg=232   cterm=bold

   hi Typedef         ctermfg=81
   hi Type            ctermfg=81                cterm=none
   hi Underlined      ctermfg=244               cterm=underline

   hi VertSplit       ctermfg=244 ctermbg=232   cterm=bold
   hi VisualNOS                   ctermbg=238
   hi Visual                      ctermbg=235
   hi WarningMsg      ctermfg=231 ctermbg=238   cterm=bold
   hi WildMenu        ctermfg=81  ctermbg=16

   hi Normal          ctermfg=252 ctermbg=234
   hi Comment         ctermfg=59
   hi CursorLine                  ctermbg=234   cterm=none
   hi CursorColumn                ctermbg=234
   hi LineNr          ctermfg=250 ctermbg=234
   hi NonText         ctermfg=250 ctermbg=234



"   ___  __)                   )   ___                  ______)
"  (,  |/                     (__/_____)   /)          (, /      /)  /)
"      |  _/_  _  __  ____      /      ___// _____       /  _   (/_ //  _
"   ) /|_ (___(/_/ (_/ / /_  (_/      (_)(/_(_)/ (_   ) /  (_(_/_) (/__(/_
"  (_/                        (______)               (_/
"                                           guns <self@sungpae.com>

" Version:  1.6
" License:  MIT
" Homepage: http://github.com/guns/xterm-color-table.vim
"   * Provides command :XtermColorTable, as well as variants for different splits
"   * Xterm numbers on the left, equivalent RGB values on the right
"   * Press `#` to yank current color (shortcut for yiw)
"   * Press `t` to toggle RGB text visibility
"   * Press `f` to set RGB text to current color
"   * Buffer behavior similar to Scratch.vim
"   * http://www.calmar.ws/vim/256-xterm-24bit-rgb-color-chart.html
"   * http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Xterm256_color_names_for_console_Vim
"   * http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=664

" We have a dependency on buffer-local autocommands
if version < 700
    echo 'FAIL: XtermColorTable requires vim 7.0+'

let s:bufname = '__XtermColorTable__'

if !exists('g:XtermColorTableDefaultOpen')
    let g:XtermColorTableDefaultOpen = 'split'

command! XtermColorTable  execute 'call <SID>XtermColorTable(g:XtermColorTableDefaultOpen)'
command! SXtermColorTable call <SID>XtermColorTable('split')
command! VXtermColorTable call <SID>XtermColorTable('vsplit')
command! TXtermColorTable call <SID>XtermColorTable('tabnew')
command! EXtermColorTable call <SID>XtermColorTable('edit')
command! OXtermColorTable call <SID>XtermColorTable('edit') | only

augroup XtermColorTable "{{{
    autocmd BufNewFile  __XtermColorTable__ call <SID>ColorTable()
    autocmd ColorScheme *                   silent! doautoall XtermColorTableBuffer ColorScheme
augroup END "}}}

function! <SID>XtermColorTable(open) "{{{
    let bufid = bufnr(s:bufname)
    let winid = bufwinnr(bufid)

    if bufid == -1
        " Create new buffer
        execute a:open.' '.s:bufname
    elseif winid != -1 && winnr('$') > 1
        " Close extant window
        execute winid.'wincmd w' | close

    " Open extant buffer
    execute a:open.' +buffer'.bufid
endfunction "}}}

function! <SID>ColorTable() "{{{
    let rows = []

    call add(rows, <SID>ColorRow(0,  7))
    call add(rows, <SID>ColorRow(8, 15))
    call add(rows, '')

    for lnum in range(16, 250, 6)
        call add(rows, <SID>ColorRow(lnum, lnum + 5))
        if lnum == 226
            call add(rows, '')

    if &modifiable
        call append(0, rows)
        call append(len(rows) + 1, <SID>HelpComment())
        call <SID>SetBufferOptions()
endfunction "}}}

function! <SID>ColorRow(start, end) "{{{
    return join(map(range(a:start, a:end), '<SID>ColorCell(v:val)'))
endfunction "}}}

function! <SID>ColorCell(n) "{{{
    let rgb = s:xterm_colors[a:n]

    " Clear extant values
    execute 'silent! syntax clear fg_'.a:n
    execute 'silent! syntax clear bg_'.a:n

    execute 'syntax match fg_'.a:n.' " '.a:n.' " containedin=ALL'
    execute 'syntax match bg_'.a:n.' "'. rgb .'" containedin=ALL'

    call <SID>HighlightCell(a:n, -1)

    return printf(' %3s %7s', a:n, rgb)
endfunction "}}}

function! <SID>HighlightCell(n, bgf) "{{{
    let rgb = s:xterm_colors[a:n]

    " bgf has three states:
    "   -2) black or white depending on intensity
    "   -1) same as background
    "   0+) xterm color value
    if a:bgf == -2
        let sum = 0
        for val in map(split(substitute(rgb, '^#', '', ''), '\v\x{2}\zs'), 'str2nr(v:val, 16)')
            " TODO: does Vimscript have a fold/reduce function?
            let sum += val
        let bgf = sum > (0xff * 1.5) ? 0 : 15
    elseif a:bgf == -1
        let bgf = a:n
        let bgf = a:bgf

    " Clear any extant values
    execute 'silent! highlight clear fg_'.a:n
    execute 'silent! highlight clear bg_'.a:n

    execute 'highlight fg_'.a:n.' ctermfg='.a:n.' guifg='.rgb
    execute 'highlight bg_'.a:n.' ctermbg='.a:n.' guibg='.rgb
    execute 'highlight bg_'.a:n.' ctermfg='.bgf.' guifg='.s:xterm_colors[bgf]
endfunction "}}}

function! <SID>SetBufferOptions() "{{{
    setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=hide buflisted
    setlocal nomodified nomodifiable noswapfile readonly
    setlocal nocursorline nocursorcolumn
    setlocal iskeyword+=#

    let b:XtermColorTableRgbVisible = 0
    let b:XtermColorTableBGF = -2

    nmap <silent><buffer> # yiw:echo 'yanked: '.@"<CR>
    nmap <silent><buffer> t :call <SID>ToggleRgbVisibility()<CR>
    nmap <silent><buffer> f :call <SID>SetRgbForeground(expand('<cword>'))<CR>

    " Colorschemes often call `highlight clear';
    " register a handler to deal with this
    augroup XtermColorTableBuffer
        autocmd! * <buffer>
        autocmd ColorScheme <buffer> call <SID>HighlightTable(-1)
    augroup END
endfunction "}}}

function! <SID>HelpComment() "{{{
    " we have to define our own comment type
    silent! syntax clear XtermColorTableComment
    syntax match XtermColorTableComment ';.*'
    highlight link XtermColorTableComment Comment

    let lines = []
    call add(lines, "; # to copy current color (yiw)")
    call add(lines, "; t to toggle RGB visibility")
    call add(lines, "; f to set RGB foreground color")

    return lines
endfunction "}}}

function! <SID>ToggleRgbVisibility() "{{{
    let bgf = b:XtermColorTableRgbVisible ? -1 : b:XtermColorTableBGF
    let b:XtermColorTableRgbVisible = (b:XtermColorTableRgbVisible + 1) % 2

    call <SID>HighlightTable(bgf)
endfunction "}}}

function! <SID>HighlightTable(bgf) "{{{
    for val in range(0, 0xff) | call <SID>HighlightCell(val, a:bgf) | endfor
endfunction "}}}

function! <SID>SetRgbForeground(cword) "{{{
    if len(a:cword)
        let sname = synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 0), 'name')
        let b:XtermColorTableBGF = substitute(sname, '\v^\w+_', '', '') + 0
        let b:XtermColorTableBGF = -2

    if b:XtermColorTableRgbVisible
        call <SID>HighlightTable(b:XtermColorTableBGF)
        call <SID>ToggleRgbVisibility()
endfunction "}}}

""" Xterm 256 color dictionary {{{

let s:xterm_colors = {
    \ '0':   '#000000', '1':   '#800000', '2':   '#008000', '3':   '#808000', '4':   '#000080',
    \ '5':   '#800080', '6':   '#008080', '7':   '#c0c0c0', '8':   '#808080', '9':   '#ff0000',
    \ '10':  '#00ff00', '11':  '#ffff00', '12':  '#0000ff', '13':  '#ff00ff', '14':  '#00ffff',
    \ '15':  '#ffffff', '16':  '#000000', '17':  '#00005f', '18':  '#000087', '19':  '#0000af',
    \ '20':  '#0000df', '21':  '#0000ff', '22':  '#005f00', '23':  '#005f5f', '24':  '#005f87',
    \ '25':  '#005faf', '26':  '#005fdf', '27':  '#005fff', '28':  '#008700', '29':  '#00875f',
    \ '30':  '#008787', '31':  '#0087af', '32':  '#0087df', '33':  '#0087ff', '34':  '#00af00',
    \ '35':  '#00af5f', '36':  '#00af87', '37':  '#00afaf', '38':  '#00afdf', '39':  '#00afff',
    \ '40':  '#00df00', '41':  '#00df5f', '42':  '#00df87', '43':  '#00dfaf', '44':  '#00dfdf',
    \ '45':  '#00dfff', '46':  '#00ff00', '47':  '#00ff5f', '48':  '#00ff87', '49':  '#00ffaf',
    \ '50':  '#00ffdf', '51':  '#00ffff', '52':  '#5f0000', '53':  '#5f005f', '54':  '#5f0087',
    \ '55':  '#5f00af', '56':  '#5f00df', '57':  '#5f00ff', '58':  '#5f5f00', '59':  '#5f5f5f',
    \ '60':  '#5f5f87', '61':  '#5f5faf', '62':  '#5f5fdf', '63':  '#5f5fff', '64':  '#5f8700',
    \ '65':  '#5f875f', '66':  '#5f8787', '67':  '#5f87af', '68':  '#5f87df', '69':  '#5f87ff',
    \ '70':  '#5faf00', '71':  '#5faf5f', '72':  '#5faf87', '73':  '#5fafaf', '74':  '#5fafdf',
    \ '75':  '#5fafff', '76':  '#5fdf00', '77':  '#5fdf5f', '78':  '#5fdf87', '79':  '#5fdfaf',
    \ '80':  '#5fdfdf', '81':  '#5fdfff', '82':  '#5fff00', '83':  '#5fff5f', '84':  '#5fff87',
    \ '85':  '#5fffaf', '86':  '#5fffdf', '87':  '#5fffff', '88':  '#870000', '89':  '#87005f',
    \ '90':  '#870087', '91':  '#8700af', '92':  '#8700df', '93':  '#8700ff', '94':  '#875f00',
    \ '95':  '#875f5f', '96':  '#875f87', '97':  '#875faf', '98':  '#875fdf', '99':  '#875fff',
    \ '100': '#878700', '101': '#87875f', '102': '#878787', '103': '#8787af', '104': '#8787df',
    \ '105': '#8787ff', '106': '#87af00', '107': '#87af5f', '108': '#87af87', '109': '#87afaf',
    \ '110': '#87afdf', '111': '#87afff', '112': '#87df00', '113': '#87df5f', '114': '#87df87',
    \ '115': '#87dfaf', '116': '#87dfdf', '117': '#87dfff', '118': '#87ff00', '119': '#87ff5f',
    \ '120': '#87ff87', '121': '#87ffaf', '122': '#87ffdf', '123': '#87ffff', '124': '#af0000',
    \ '125': '#af005f', '126': '#af0087', '127': '#af00af', '128': '#af00df', '129': '#af00ff',
    \ '130': '#af5f00', '131': '#af5f5f', '132': '#af5f87', '133': '#af5faf', '134': '#af5fdf',
    \ '135': '#af5fff', '136': '#af8700', '137': '#af875f', '138': '#af8787', '139': '#af87af',
    \ '140': '#af87df', '141': '#af87ff', '142': '#afaf00', '143': '#afaf5f', '144': '#afaf87',
    \ '145': '#afafaf', '146': '#afafdf', '147': '#afafff', '148': '#afdf00', '149': '#afdf5f',
    \ '150': '#afdf87', '151': '#afdfaf', '152': '#afdfdf', '153': '#afdfff', '154': '#afff00',
    \ '155': '#afff5f', '156': '#afff87', '157': '#afffaf', '158': '#afffdf', '159': '#afffff',
    \ '160': '#df0000', '161': '#df005f', '162': '#df0087', '163': '#df00af', '164': '#df00df',
    \ '165': '#df00ff', '166': '#df5f00', '167': '#df5f5f', '168': '#df5f87', '169': '#df5faf',
    \ '170': '#df5fdf', '171': '#df5fff', '172': '#df8700', '173': '#df875f', '174': '#df8787',
    \ '175': '#df87af', '176': '#df87df', '177': '#df87ff', '178': '#dfaf00', '179': '#dfaf5f',
    \ '180': '#dfaf87', '181': '#dfafaf', '182': '#dfafdf', '183': '#dfafff', '184': '#dfdf00',
    \ '185': '#dfdf5f', '186': '#dfdf87', '187': '#dfdfaf', '188': '#dfdfdf', '189': '#dfdfff',
    \ '190': '#dfff00', '191': '#dfff5f', '192': '#dfff87', '193': '#dfffaf', '194': '#dfffdf',
    \ '195': '#dfffff', '196': '#ff0000', '197': '#ff005f', '198': '#ff0087', '199': '#ff00af',
    \ '200': '#ff00df', '201': '#ff00ff', '202': '#ff5f00', '203': '#ff5f5f', '204': '#ff5f87',
    \ '205': '#ff5faf', '206': '#ff5fdf', '207': '#ff5fff', '208': '#ff8700', '209': '#ff875f',
    \ '210': '#ff8787', '211': '#ff87af', '212': '#ff87df', '213': '#ff87ff', '214': '#ffaf00',
    \ '215': '#ffaf5f', '216': '#ffaf87', '217': '#ffafaf', '218': '#ffafdf', '219': '#ffafff',
    \ '220': '#ffdf00', '221': '#ffdf5f', '222': '#ffdf87', '223': '#ffdfaf', '224': '#ffdfdf',
    \ '225': '#ffdfff', '226': '#ffff00', '227': '#ffff5f', '228': '#ffff87', '229': '#ffffaf',
    \ '230': '#ffffdf', '231': '#ffffff', '232': '#080808', '233': '#121212', '234': '#1c1c1c',
    \ '235': '#262626', '236': '#303030', '237': '#3a3a3a', '238': '#444444', '239': '#4e4e4e',
    \ '240': '#585858', '241': '#606060', '242': '#666666', '243': '#767676', '244': '#808080',
    \ '245': '#8a8a8a', '246': '#949494', '247': '#9e9e9e', '248': '#a8a8a8', '249': '#b2b2b2',
    \ '250': '#bcbcbc', '251': '#c6c6c6', '252': '#d0d0d0', '253': '#dadada', '254': '#e4e4e4',
    \ '255': '#eeeeee', 'fg': 'fg', 'bg': 'bg', 'NONE': 'NONE' }




hi x016_Grey0 ctermfg=16 guifg=#000000 "rgb=0,0,0
hi x017_NavyBlue ctermfg=17 guifg=#00005f "rgb=0,0,95
hi x018_DarkBlue ctermfg=18 guifg=#000087 "rgb=0,0,135
hi x019_Blue3 ctermfg=19 guifg=#0000af "rgb=0,0,175
hi x020_Blue3 ctermfg=20 guifg=#0000d7 "rgb=0,0,215
hi x021_Blue1 ctermfg=21 guifg=#0000ff "rgb=0,0,255
hi x022_DarkGreen ctermfg=22 guifg=#005f00 "rgb=0,95,0
hi x023_DeepSkyBlue4 ctermfg=23 guifg=#005f5f "rgb=0,95,95
hi x024_DeepSkyBlue4 ctermfg=24 guifg=#005f87 "rgb=0,95,135
hi x025_DeepSkyBlue4 ctermfg=25 guifg=#005faf "rgb=0,95,175
hi x026_DodgerBlue3 ctermfg=26 guifg=#005fd7 "rgb=0,95,215
hi x027_DodgerBlue2 ctermfg=27 guifg=#005fff "rgb=0,95,255
hi x028_Green4 ctermfg=28 guifg=#008700 "rgb=0,135,0
hi x029_SpringGreen4 ctermfg=29 guifg=#00875f "rgb=0,135,95
hi x030_Turquoise4 ctermfg=30 guifg=#008787 "rgb=0,135,135
hi x031_DeepSkyBlue3 ctermfg=31 guifg=#0087af "rgb=0,135,175
hi x032_DeepSkyBlue3 ctermfg=32 guifg=#0087d7 "rgb=0,135,215
hi x033_DodgerBlue1 ctermfg=33 guifg=#0087ff "rgb=0,135,255
hi x034_Green3 ctermfg=34 guifg=#00af00 "rgb=0,175,0
hi x035_SpringGreen3 ctermfg=35 guifg=#00af5f "rgb=0,175,95
hi x036_DarkCyan ctermfg=36 guifg=#00af87 "rgb=0,175,135
hi x037_LightSeaGreen ctermfg=37 guifg=#00afaf "rgb=0,175,175
hi x038_DeepSkyBlue2 ctermfg=38 guifg=#00afd7 "rgb=0,175,215
hi x039_DeepSkyBlue1 ctermfg=39 guifg=#00afff "rgb=0,175,255
hi x040_Green3 ctermfg=40 guifg=#00d700 "rgb=0,215,0
hi x041_SpringGreen3 ctermfg=41 guifg=#00d75f "rgb=0,215,95
hi x042_SpringGreen2 ctermfg=42 guifg=#00d787 "rgb=0,215,135
hi x043_Cyan3 ctermfg=43 guifg=#00d7af "rgb=0,215,175
hi x044_DarkTurquoise ctermfg=44 guifg=#00d7d7 "rgb=0,215,215
hi x045_Turquoise2 ctermfg=45 guifg=#00d7ff "rgb=0,215,255
hi x046_Green1 ctermfg=46 guifg=#00ff00 "rgb=0,255,0
hi x047_SpringGreen2 ctermfg=47 guifg=#00ff5f "rgb=0,255,95
hi x048_SpringGreen1 ctermfg=48 guifg=#00ff87 "rgb=0,255,135
hi x049_MediumSpringGreen ctermfg=49 guifg=#00ffaf "rgb=0,255,175
hi x050_Cyan2 ctermfg=50 guifg=#00ffd7 "rgb=0,255,215
hi x051_Cyan1 ctermfg=51 guifg=#00ffff "rgb=0,255,255
hi x052_DarkRed ctermfg=52 guifg=#5f0000 "rgb=95,0,0
hi x053_DeepPink4 ctermfg=53 guifg=#5f005f "rgb=95,0,95
hi x054_Purple4 ctermfg=54 guifg=#5f0087 "rgb=95,0,135
hi x055_Purple4 ctermfg=55 guifg=#5f00af "rgb=95,0,175
hi x056_Purple3 ctermfg=56 guifg=#5f00d7 "rgb=95,0,215
hi x057_BlueViolet ctermfg=57 guifg=#5f00ff "rgb=95,0,255
hi x058_Orange4 ctermfg=58 guifg=#5f5f00 "rgb=95,95,0
hi x059_Grey37 ctermfg=59 guifg=#5f5f5f "rgb=95,95,95
hi x060_MediumPurple4 ctermfg=60 guifg=#5f5f87 "rgb=95,95,135
hi x061_SlateBlue3 ctermfg=61 guifg=#5f5faf "rgb=95,95,175
hi x062_SlateBlue3 ctermfg=62 guifg=#5f5fd7 "rgb=95,95,215
hi x063_RoyalBlue1 ctermfg=63 guifg=#5f5fff "rgb=95,95,255
hi x064_Chartreuse4 ctermfg=64 guifg=#5f8700 "rgb=95,135,0
hi x065_DarkSeaGreen4 ctermfg=65 guifg=#5f875f "rgb=95,135,95
hi x066_PaleTurquoise4 ctermfg=66 guifg=#5f8787 "rgb=95,135,135
hi x067_SteelBlue ctermfg=67 guifg=#5f87af "rgb=95,135,175
hi x068_SteelBlue3 ctermfg=68 guifg=#5f87d7 "rgb=95,135,215
hi x069_CornflowerBlue ctermfg=69 guifg=#5f87ff "rgb=95,135,255
hi x070_Chartreuse3 ctermfg=70 guifg=#5faf00 "rgb=95,175,0
hi x071_DarkSeaGreen4 ctermfg=71 guifg=#5faf5f "rgb=95,175,95
hi x072_CadetBlue ctermfg=72 guifg=#5faf87 "rgb=95,175,135
hi x073_CadetBlue ctermfg=73 guifg=#5fafaf "rgb=95,175,175
hi x074_SkyBlue3 ctermfg=74 guifg=#5fafd7 "rgb=95,175,215
hi x075_SteelBlue1 ctermfg=75 guifg=#5fafff "rgb=95,175,255
hi x076_Chartreuse3 ctermfg=76 guifg=#5fd700 "rgb=95,215,0
hi x077_PaleGreen3 ctermfg=77 guifg=#5fd75f "rgb=95,215,95
hi x078_SeaGreen3 ctermfg=78 guifg=#5fd787 "rgb=95,215,135
hi x079_Aquamarine3 ctermfg=79 guifg=#5fd7af "rgb=95,215,175
hi x080_MediumTurquoise ctermfg=80 guifg=#5fd7d7 "rgb=95,215,215
hi x081_SteelBlue1 ctermfg=81 guifg=#5fd7ff "rgb=95,215,255
hi x082_Chartreuse2 ctermfg=82 guifg=#5fff00 "rgb=95,255,0
hi x083_SeaGreen2 ctermfg=83 guifg=#5fff5f "rgb=95,255,95
hi x084_SeaGreen1 ctermfg=84 guifg=#5fff87 "rgb=95,255,135
hi x085_SeaGreen1 ctermfg=85 guifg=#5fffaf "rgb=95,255,175
hi x086_Aquamarine1 ctermfg=86 guifg=#5fffd7 "rgb=95,255,215
hi x087_DarkSlateGray2 ctermfg=87 guifg=#5fffff "rgb=95,255,255
hi x088_DarkRed ctermfg=88 guifg=#870000 "rgb=135,0,0
hi x089_DeepPink4 ctermfg=89 guifg=#87005f "rgb=135,0,95
hi x090_DarkMagenta ctermfg=90 guifg=#870087 "rgb=135,0,135
hi x091_DarkMagenta ctermfg=91 guifg=#8700af "rgb=135,0,175
hi x092_DarkViolet ctermfg=92 guifg=#8700d7 "rgb=135,0,215
hi x093_Purple ctermfg=93 guifg=#8700ff "rgb=135,0,255
hi x094_Orange4 ctermfg=94 guifg=#875f00 "rgb=135,95,0
hi x095_LightPink4 ctermfg=95 guifg=#875f5f "rgb=135,95,95
hi x096_Plum4 ctermfg=96 guifg=#875f87 "rgb=135,95,135
hi x097_MediumPurple3 ctermfg=97 guifg=#875faf "rgb=135,95,175
hi x098_MediumPurple3 ctermfg=98 guifg=#875fd7 "rgb=135,95,215
hi x099_SlateBlue1 ctermfg=99 guifg=#875fff "rgb=135,95,255
hi x100_Yellow4 ctermfg=100 guifg=#878700 "rgb=135,135,0
hi x101_Wheat4 ctermfg=101 guifg=#87875f "rgb=135,135,95
hi x102_Grey53 ctermfg=102 guifg=#878787 "rgb=135,135,135
hi x103_LightSlateGrey ctermfg=103 guifg=#8787af "rgb=135,135,175
hi x104_MediumPurple ctermfg=104 guifg=#8787d7 "rgb=135,135,215
hi x105_LightSlateBlue ctermfg=105 guifg=#8787ff "rgb=135,135,255
hi x106_Yellow4 ctermfg=106 guifg=#87af00 "rgb=135,175,0
hi x107_DarkOliveGreen3 ctermfg=107 guifg=#87af5f "rgb=135,175,95
hi x108_DarkSeaGreen ctermfg=108 guifg=#87af87 "rgb=135,175,135
hi x109_LightSkyBlue3 ctermfg=109 guifg=#87afaf "rgb=135,175,175
hi x110_LightSkyBlue3 ctermfg=110 guifg=#87afd7 "rgb=135,175,215
hi x111_SkyBlue2 ctermfg=111 guifg=#87afff "rgb=135,175,255
hi x112_Chartreuse2 ctermfg=112 guifg=#87d700 "rgb=135,215,0
hi x113_DarkOliveGreen3 ctermfg=113 guifg=#87d75f "rgb=135,215,95
hi x114_PaleGreen3 ctermfg=114 guifg=#87d787 "rgb=135,215,135
hi x115_DarkSeaGreen3 ctermfg=115 guifg=#87d7af "rgb=135,215,175
hi x116_DarkSlateGray3 ctermfg=116 guifg=#87d7d7 "rgb=135,215,215
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posted on 2013-08-16 09:56  刘宝成  阅读(870)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
