
1.题目:Select the plates   


1 <div class="table">
2 <plate></plate>
3 <plate></plate>
4 </div>

2.题目:Select the bento boxes


1 <div class="table">
2   <bento></bento>
3   <plate></plate>
4   <bento</bento>
5 </div>

3.题目:Select the fancy plate


1 <div class="table">
2   <plate id="fancy"></plate>
3   <plate></plate>
4   <bento</bento>
5 </div>

4.题目:Select the apple on the plate

   答案:plate > apple  或者 plate apple

1 <div class="table">
2     <bento></bento>
3     <plate>
4         <apple/>
5     </plate>
6     <apple/>
7 </div>

5.题目:Select the pickle on the fancy plate

  答案:#fancy pickle  或者    plate#fancy > pickle

 1 <div class="table">
 2     <bento>
 3         <orange/>
 4     </bento>
 5     <plate id="fancy">
 6         <pickle/>
 7     </plate>
 8     <plate>
 9         <pickle/>
10     </plate>
11 </div>

 6.题目:Select the small apples


1 <div class="table">
2     <apple/>
3     <apple class="small"/>
4     <plate>
5         <apple class="small" />
6     </plate>
7     <plate></plate>
8 </div>

7.题目:Select the small oranges

   答案: orange.small

 1 <div class="table">
 2     <apple/>
 3     <apple class="small"/>
 4     <bento>
 5         <orange class="small"/P>
 6     </bento>
 7     <plate>
 8         <orange/>
 9     </plate>
10     <plate>
11         <orange class="small"/>
12     </plate>
13 </div>

8.题目:Select the small oranges in the bentos

   答案:bento orange.small  或者   bento > orange.small

 1 <div class="table">
 2     <apple/>
 3     <plate>
 4         <orange class="small"/>
 5     </plate>
 6     <bento>
 7         <orange class="small"/>
 8     </bento>
 9     <bento>
10         <apple class="small"/>
11     </bento>
12     <bento>
13         <orange class="small"/>
14     </bento>
15 </div>

9.题目:Select all the plates and bentos


 1 <div class="table">
 2     <pickle class="small" />
 3     <pickle/>
 4     <plate>
 5         <pickle/>
 6     </plate>
 7     <bento>
 8         <pickle/>
 9     </bento>
10     <plate>
11         <pickle/>
12     </plate>
13     <pickle/>
14     <pickle class="small"/>
15 </div>

10.题目:Select all the things!


 1 <div class="table">
 2     <apple/>
 3     <plate>
 4         <orange class="small"/P>
 5     </plate>
 6     <bento></bento>
 7     <bento>
 8         <orange/>
 9     </bento>
10     <plate id="fancy"></plate>
11 </div>

11.题目:Select everything on a plate

    答案:plate *

 1 <div class="table">
 2     <plate id="fancy">
 3         <orange class="small" />
 4     </plate>
 5     <plate>
 6         <pickle/>
 7     </plate>
 8     <apple class="small"/>
 9     <plate>
10         <apple/>
11     </plate>
12 </div>

12.题目:Select every apple that's next to a plate

     答案:plate + apple

 1 <div class="table">
 2     <bento>
 3         <apple class="small"/>
 4     </bento>
 5     <plate></plate>
 6     <apple class="small" />
 7     <plate></plate>
 8     <apple/>
 9     <apple class="small" />
10     <apple class="small" />
11 </div>

 13.题目:Select every pickle to the right of the bento


 1 <div class="table">
 2     <pickle/>
 3     <bento>
 4         <orange class="small"/P>
 5     </bento>
 6     <pickle class="small"/><pickle/>
 7     <plate>
 8         <pickle/>
 9     </plate>
10     <plate>
11         <pickle class="small"/></plate>
12 </div>

14.题目:Select the apple directly on a plate

     答案:plate > apple

 1 <div class="table">
 2     <plate>
 3         <bento>
 4             <apple/>
 5         </bento>
 6     </plate>
 7     <plate>
 8         <apple/>
 9     </plate>
10     <plate></plate>
11     <apple/>
12     <apple class="small"/>
13 </div>

15.题目:Select the top orange

     答案:plate > orange:first-child   或者   orange:first-child

1 <div class="table">
2     <bento></bento>
3     <plate></plate>
4     <plate>
5         <orange/><orange/>
6         <orange/></plate>
7     <pickle class="small" />
8 </div>

 16.题目:Select the apple and the pickle on the plates


 1 <div class="table">
 2     <plate>
 3         <apple/>
 4     </plate>
 5     <plate>
 6         <pickle class="small"/P>
 7     </plate>
 8     <bento></bento>
 9     <pickle/>
10     <plate>
11         <orange class="small"/><orange/>
12     </plate>
13     <pickle class="small"/>
14 </div>

 17.题目:Select the small apple and the pickle

      答案:apple,pickle   或者    apple:last-child,pickle:last-child

 1 <div class="table">
 2     <plate id="fancy">
 3         <apple class="small"/>
 4     </plate>
 5     <plate></plate>
 6     <plate>
 7         <orange class="small"/P><orange/>
 8     </plate>
 9     <pickle class="small" />
10 </div>

18.题目:Select the 3rd plate

     答案:plate:nth-of-type(3)    或者   plate:nth-child(3)

1 <div class="table">
2     <plate></plate>
3     <plate></plate>
4     <plate></plate>
5     <plate id="fancy"></plate>
6 </div>

19.题目:Select the 1st bento

     答案:bento:nth-of-type(1)   或者   bento:nth-last-child(4)

 1 <div class="table">
 2     <plate></plate>
 3     <bento></bento>
 4     <apple class="small"/>
 5     <plate>
 6         <orange/>
 7         <orange/>
 8         <orange/>
 9     </plate>
10     <bento></bento>
11 </div>

20.题目:Select first apple


1 <div class="table">
2     <apple/>
3     <apple class="small"/>
4     <apple class="small"/>
5     <apple class="small"/>
6     <plate>
7         <orange class="small"/><orange/>
8     </plate>
9 </div>

21.题目:Select all even plates

     答案:plate:nth-child(even)   或者  plate:nth-of-type(2n)

1 <div class="table">
2     <plate></plate>
3     <plate</plate>
4     <plate</plate>
5     <plate></plate>
6     <plate id="fancy"></plate>
7     <plate></plate>
8 </div>

22.题目:Select every 2nd plate, starting from the 3rd


 1 <div class="table">
 2     <plate></plate>
 3     <plate>
 4         <pickle class="small"/P>
 5     </plate>
 6     <plate>
 7         <apple class="small" />
 8     </plate>
 9     <plate></plate>
10     <plate>
11         <apple/>
12     </plate>
13     <plate</plate>
14 </div>

23.题目:Select the apple on the middle plate.

     答案:apple.small:only-of-type   或者    apple:only-of-type

 1 <div class="table">
 2     <plate>
 3         <apple class="small" /><apple/>
 4     </plate>
 5     <plate>
 6         <apple class="small" />
 7     </plate>
 8     <plate>
 9         <pickle class="small"/P>
10     </plate>
11 </div>

24.题目:Select the second apple and orange

     答案:orange:last-of-type,apple:last-of-type   或者   orange:nth-of-type(2),apple:nth-of-type(2)

1 <div class="table">
2     <orange class="small"/>
3     <orange class="small" />
4     <pickle/>
5     <pickle/>
6     <apple class="small"/>
7     <apple class="small"/>
8 </div>

25.题目:Select the empty bentos

     答案:bento:empty   或者   bento:not(:nth-of-type(2))

1 <div class="table">
2     <bento></bento>
3     <bento>
4         <pickle class="small"/>
5     </bento>
6     <bento></bento>
7     <bento></bento>
8 </div>

26.题目:Select the big apples

     答案:apple:not(.small)   或者    apple:not(#fancy>apple)

 1 <div class="table">
 2     <plate id="fancy">
 3         <apple class="small" />
 4     </plate>
 5     <plate>
 6         <apple/>
 7     </plate>
 8     <apple/>
 9     <plate>
10         <orange class="small"/>
11     </plate>
12     <pickle class="small"/>
13 </div>     
posted on 2022-05-28 09:27  我不想一直当菜鸟  阅读(571)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报