PHP Examples

	// php comments
	/* More comments */

	$var = "hello world"
	print $var." from php";
	echo "{$var}, like shell";
	define("MY_PI", 3.14159);
	print MY_PI;
	if($x > $y){
		$max = $x;
	}else {
		$max = $y;
	$count = $result = 1;
	while($count <= $N){
		$result *= $count;
	for($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++)
		$result += $i;
	/* type converting */
	string strval(mixed var);
	integer intval(mixed var [, integer base]);
	float floatval(mixed var);
	boolean settype(mixed var, string type);
	/* type checking */
	boolean is_int(mixed var);
	boolean is_float(mixed var);
	boolean is_bool(mixed var);
	boolean is_string(mixed var);
	boolean is_array(mixed var);
	boolean is_object(mixed var);

	/* debug */
	string gettype(mixed var);
	print_r(mixed expr);
	var_dump(mixed expr [, mixed expr]);
	/* test setting */
	boolean isset(mixed var);
	boolean empty(mixed var);
	/* user defined function */
	function func($arg1 = 0, &$arg2)
		global $temp;
		static $count = 0;
	func($a, $b);
	include "";
	require "/DB.php"; #relative to include_path defined in php.ini

	$numbers = array(5,6,7,8,9);
	$shopping = array();
	$shopping[] = "milk";
	$shopping[] = "coffee";
	$shopping[] = "sugar";

	$mapping = array("first" => 1, "second" => 2, "third" => 3);
	$mapping["first"] = 0;
	unset($mapping); // destory a whole array
	$planets = array(
		"Mecury" => array("dist" => 0.39, "dia" => 0.38),
		"Venus"  => array("dist" => 0.72, "dia" => 0.95),
		"Earth"  => array("dist" => 1.00, "dia" => 1.00, "moon" => array("Moon")),
		"Mars"   => array("dist" => 0.39, "dia" => 0.53, "moon" => array("Phobos", "Deimos")),
	print $planets["Earth"]["moon"][0];
	/* foreach with array */
	foreach($mapping as $number)
	foreach($planets as $name => $info)
	// array functions
	integer count(mixed var);
	array array_count_values(array input); #count every value's frequence
	array array_fill(integer start, integer count, mixed val);
	array range(mixed low, mixed high [, integer step]);
	array explode(string separator, string subject[, integer limit]); // break string into array at each occurence of the separator string
	string implode(string glue, array pieces); // join each element in pieces, inserting glue between each piece
	number max(array numbers);
	number min(array numbers);
	boolean in_array(mixed needle, array haystack [, boolean strict]);
	mixed array_search(mixed needle, array haystack [, boolean strict]); // return the key of the matching value or false
	boolean array_key_exists(mixed key, array source);
	array array_keys(array input [, mixed search_value]); // return all keys or find keys for a particular value
	array array_values(array input);
	array array_unique(array values);
	array array_merge(array array1, array array2 [, array ...]);
	array array_reverse(array source [, bool preserve_keys]);
	sort(array subject [, integer sort_flag]); // SORT_STRING, SORT_REGULAR
	rsort(array subject [, integer sort_flag]); // descending order
	asort(array subject [, integer sort_flag]); // sort associative array on its values
	arsort(array subject [, integer sort_flag]); 
	usort(array subject, string compare_function); // user defined sort: integer compare_function(mixed a, mixed b);
	uasort(array subject, string compare_function);  
	uksort(array subject, string compare_function); // based on key 

	/* string functions */
	integer strlen(string subject);
	// formatting string
	string sprintf(string format [, mixed args]); // %b %c %d %u %o %xX %f %s
	integer printf(string format [, mixed args]);
	// string padding
	string str_pad(string input, int length [, string padding [, int pad_type]]); // STR_PAD_LEFT, STR_PAD_BOTH
	// change case
	string strtolower(string subject);
	string strtoupper(string subject);
	string ucfirst(string subject);
	string ucwords(string subject);
	// trim whitespace
	string ltrim(string subject [, string character_list]);
	string rtrim(string subject [, string character_list]);
	string trim(string subject [, string character_list]);
	// compare string
	integer strcmp(string str1, string str2);
	integer strcmp(string str1, string str2, integer length);
	// substring
	string substr(string source, integer start [, integer length]);
	integer strpos(string haystack, string needle [, integer offset]); // search occurs from offset
	integer strrpos(string haystack, string needle); // return last occurence of the needle
	string strstr(string haystack, string needle); // return the portion of haystack from the first occurence of needle to the end of haystack
	string stristr(string haystack, string needle); // case insensitive
	string substr_replace(string source, string replace, int start [, int length]);
	mixed str_replace(mixed search, mixed replace, mixed subject);
	// translate
	string strtr(string subject, string from, string to);
	string strtr(string subject, array map);
	// regular expression functions
	boolean ereg(string pattern, string subject [, array var]); // var is populated with the portions of subject that are matched by pattern
	boolean eregi(string pattern, string subject [, array var]); // case-insensitive
	string ereg_replace(string pattern, string replacement, string souce);
	string eregi_replace(string pattern, string replacement, string souce);
	array split(string pattern, string source [, int limit]);
	array spliti(string pattern, string source [, int limit]);
	// date and time
	integer time(); // return timestamp since 1970
	int mktime(int hour, int minute, int second, int month, int day, int year [, int is_dst]); // create timestamp for a date
	integer strtotime(string time);
	string microtime(); // begin with microsecond, followed by integer timestamp
	string date(string format [, int timestamp]);
	boolean checkdate(int month, int day, int year);
	// int and float
	mixed abs(mixed number);
	float round(float val [, int precision]);
	// number systems
	string decbin(int number);
	int bindec(string binarystring);
	string dechex(int number);
	int hexdec(string hecstring);
	string decoct(int number);
	int octdec(string octalstring);
	// OOP
	class CaseCounter extends UnitCounter
		private $unitsPerCase;
		var $caseCapacity = 1.0;
		protected function addCase()
		function __construct($unitWeight)
			$this->unitsPerCase = $caseCapacity;



posted @ 2014-01-01 19:54  YanJiaqi  阅读(110)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报