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常见错误提示:Default constructor not found for type +类名


1.给被误删除的类所在的命名空间前加属性字段——[assembly: Preserve];



  Preserve types and members in an assembly
  <assembly fullname="Assembly1">
    <!--Preserve an entire type-->
    <type fullname="Assembly1.A" preserve="all"/>

    <!--No "preserve" attribute and no members specified 
        means preserve all members-->
    <type fullname="Assembly1.B"/>

    <!--Preserve all fields on a type-->
    <type fullname="Assembly1.C" preserve="fields"/>

    <!--Preserve all fields on a type-->
    <type fullname="Assembly1.D" preserve="methods"/>

    <!--Preserve the type only-->
    <type fullname="Assembly1.E" preserve="nothing"/>

    <!--Preserving only specific members of a type-->
    <type fullname="Assembly1.F">
      <field signature="System.Int32 field1" />

      <!--Preserve a field by name rather than signature-->
      <field name="field2" />
      <method signature="System.Void Method1()" />

      <!--Preserve a method with parameters-->
      <method signature="System.Void Method2(System.Int32,System.String)" />

      <!--Preserve a method by name rather than signature-->
      <method name="Method3" />


      <!--Preserve a property, its backing field (if present), 
          getter, and setter methods-->
      <property signature="System.Int32 Property1" />

      <property signature="System.Int32 Property2" accessors="all" />

      <!--Preserve a property, its backing field (if present), and getter method-->
      <property signature="System.Int32 Property3" accessors="get" />

      <!--Preserve a property, its backing field (if present), and setter method-->
      <property signature="System.Int32 Property4" accessors="set" />

      <!--Preserve a property by name rather than signature-->
      <property name="Property5" />


      <!--Preserve an event, its backing field (if present), 
          add, and remove methods-->
      <event signature="System.EventHandler Event1" />

      <!--Preserve an event by name rather than signature-->
      <event name="Event2" />


    <!--Examples with generics-->
    <type fullname="Assembly1.G`1">

      <!--Preserve a field with generics in the signature-->
      <field signature="System.Collections.Generic.List`1&lt;System.Int32&gt; field1" />

      <field signature="System.Collections.Generic.List`1&lt;T&gt; field2" />

      <!--Preserve a method with generics in the signature-->
      <method signature="System.Void Method1(System.Collections.Generic.List`1&lt;System.Int32&gt;)" />

      <!--Preserve an event with generics in the signature-->
      <event signature="System.EventHandler`1&lt;System.EventArgs&gt; Event1" />


    <!--Preserve a nested type-->
    <type fullname="Assembly1.H/Nested" preserve="all"/>

    <!--Preserve all fields of a type if the type is used.  If the type is not 
        used it will be removed-->
    <type fullname="Assembly1.I" preserve="fields" required="0"/>

    <!--Preserve all methods of a type if the type is used.  
        If the type is not used it will be removed-->
    <type fullname="Assembly1.J" preserve="methods" required="0"/>

    <!--Preserve all types in a namespace-->
    <type fullname="Assembly1.SomeNamespace*" />

    <!--Preserve all types with a common prefix in their name-->
    <type fullname="Prefix*" />

  <!--Preserve an entire assembly-->
  <assembly fullname="Assembly2" preserve="all"/>

  <!--No "preserve" attribute and no types specified means preserve all-->
  <assembly fullname="Assembly3"/>

  <!--Fully qualified assembly name-->
  <assembly fullname="Assembly4, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null">
    <type fullname="Assembly4.Foo" preserve="all"/>

  <!--Force an assembly to be processed for roots but don’t explicitly preserve 
      anything in particular.  Useful when the assembly is not referenced.-->
  <assembly fullname="Assembly5" preserve="nothing"/>

posted @ 2022-03-12 14:49  小紫苏  阅读(773)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报