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摘要: C. Coloring Trees time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output ZS the Coder and Chris 阅读全文
posted @ 2016-08-30 16:07 卷珠帘 阅读(206) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: D. Vasiliy's Multiset time limit per test 4 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Author has gone ou 阅读全文
posted @ 2016-08-29 20:00 卷珠帘 阅读(244) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: 统计难题 Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 131070/65535 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 34600 Accepted Submission(s): 13014 Problem 阅读全文
posted @ 2016-08-29 18:59 卷珠帘 阅读(260) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: E. Connecting Universities time limit per test 3 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output E. Connecting 阅读全文
posted @ 2016-08-29 00:09 卷珠帘 阅读(176) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: D. As Fast As Possible time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output D. As Fast As Poss 阅读全文
posted @ 2016-08-28 20:52 卷珠帘 阅读(242) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: 题目链接: C. They Are Everywhere time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Sergei B., 阅读全文
posted @ 2016-08-28 20:46 卷珠帘 阅读(240) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: D. Recover the String time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output For each string s c 阅读全文
posted @ 2016-08-26 12:38 卷珠帘 阅读(244) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: 题目链接:http://codeforces.com/contest/707/my 看了这位大神的详细分析,一下子明白了。链接:http://blog.csdn.net/queuelovestack/article/details/52269321 搞了两天,终于彻底理解了。本来觉得怎么也不可能和D 阅读全文
posted @ 2016-08-23 13:42 卷珠帘 阅读(218) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: 题目链接:Sudoku Time Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 18105 Accepted: 8772 Special Judge Description Sudoku is a very simple task. A 阅读全文
posted @ 2016-08-19 21:52 卷珠帘 阅读(1251) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: A - Memory Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:65535KB 64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu Submit Status Practice UESTC 1262 A - Memory Submit Status Practice UEST 阅读全文
posted @ 2016-08-18 22:50 卷珠帘 阅读(195) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
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