
bug hunting

Posted on 2014-02-22 16:10  littledot  阅读(350)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

1. What is bug hunting? -- the process of finding bugs in software/hardware. security related bugs are called security vulnerablities, the programs that take advantage of them are called exploits.

2. Why hunting security bugs? -- Mostly for profits.

3. Techniques: static analysis and dynamic analysis

static analysis -- examining source code or disassembly of a binary but don't execute it.

dynamic analysis -- debugging the code while it is executing

入手点: Identify where user-influenced input enter into the software

          Find potential vulnerable code locations (such as strcpy, strcat) and trace backward


4. Goal: gain control of program counter (EIP), when you achieve control over EIP, you controls the execution of the software, and there are many ways to turn it into a fully working, weaponized exploits.