1、UPF in SOC:
set_design_top SoC/Video_SB #指定design_top为Video_SB
set_scope . #指定命令作用的范围为当前层次即Video_SB
set_scope V1/LV1 #指定命令作用的范围为V1/LV1
Video_SB top层次下存在下面5个domain和sub_domain
1. set_scope Video_SB #set the scope to Video_SB
2. create_power_domain Video_PD -include_scope #create Video_PD power domain in current scope.
3. create_power_domain V1_PD -elements {V1} #creates V1‘s domain,its own power domain called V1_PD
4. create_power_domain LV12_PD -elements {V1/LV1 V1/LV2}
5. create_power_domain V2_PD -elements {V2}
6. create_power_domain LV34_PD -elements {V2/LV3 V2/LV4}
3、描述power_domain的电源网络: Supply Network
power domain中电源网络的定义如下图:
create_supply_port VDD -direction in
create_supply_port VSS -direction in
create_supply_net Pwr -domain Video_PD
create_supply_net Gnd -domain Video_PD
connect_supply_net Pwr -ports (VDD)
connect_supply_net Gnd -ports (VSS)
set_domain_supply_net Video_PD \
-primary_power_net Pwr \
-primary_ground_net Gnd
下图中,V_PD domain 中的supply_net复用Video_PD domain中的supply_net。需要-reuse进行描述
create_supply_net Pwr -reuse -domain V_PD
create_supply_net Gnd -reuse -domain V_PD
set_domain_supply_net V_PD \
-primary_power_net Pwr \
-primary_ground_net Gnd
create_supply_net VDDsw -domain V_PD #定义switch产生的supply_net。
create_power_switch SW -domain V_PD \
-input_supply_port {pwin Pwr} \
-output_supply_prt {pwout VDDsw } \
-control_port {swctrl sw_ctrl} \
-on_state {Pwon swctrl} \
-off_state {Pwoff !swctrl}
set_domain_supply_net V_PD \ #V_PD的primary_power_net为switch产生的net
-primary_power_net VDDsw \
-primary_ground_net Gnd
5、设定Supply Port的值
add_port_state VDD -state {ON_10 1.0} #VDD只有一种常开的状态,其电压值为1.0v
add_port_state VSS -state {ON_00 0.0}
add_port_state SW/VDDsw -state {ON_10 1.0} -state {OFF off} #switch开关电压VDDsw,存在ON和OFF两种状态。
6、Power State Table的描述
create_pst PST1 -supplies {VDD, VDDsw, VDD2, VSS}
add_pst_state Normal -pst PST1 -state {ON_10, ON_10, ON_08, ON_00}
add_pst_state Sleep -pst PST1 -state {ON_10, OFF, ON_08, ON_00}
add_pst_state Normal -pst PST1 -state {ON_10, OFF, OFF, ON_00}
7、set retention快速回复被关断domain的状态
其中retention cell的电源和地为红色VDD和VSS
set_retention V_PD_retention \ #所以V_PD domain的状态都要能被恢复
-domain V_PD \
-retention_power_net Pwr \
-retention_ground_net Gnd
set_retention_control V_PD_retention \
-domain V_PD \
-save_signal {SRctrl posedge} \
-restore_signal {SRctrl negedge}
8、用isolation cell 隔离ON domain和OFF domain
OFF domain 其输出连接至ON domain,所以其输出需要处理。
set_isolation V_PD_isolation \
-domain V_PD \
-applies_to outputs \
-clamp_value 0 \
-isolation_power_net Pwr \
Isolation_ground_net Gnd
set_isolation_control V_PD_isolation \
-domain V_PD \
-isolation_signal vISO \
-isolation_sense high \
-location parent
9、level shift cell 处理不同电压域之间信号的传递。
set_level_shifter LV_PD_LS
-domain LV_PD \
-threshold 0.1 \
-applies_to both \
-rule both \
-location self
posted on 2019-06-24 22:59 hematologist 阅读(3154) 评论(1) 编辑 收藏 举报