monitor disk

 1 #!/bin/bash
 2 #
 3 #top 10
 4 #Big_USERS - find big disk space users in various directories
 5 ##############################################################
 6 #Parameters for Script
 7 #
 8 CHECK_DIRECTORIES=" $HOME" #directories to check
 9 #
10 ##############################################################
11 #
12 ########### Main Script #####################################
13 #
14 DATE=$(date '+%m%d%y') #Date for report file
15 #
16 exec > disk_space_$DATE.rpt #Make report file Std Output
17 #
18 echo "Top Ten Disk Space Usage" #Report header for whole report
19 echo "for $CHECK_DIRECTORIES Directories"
20 #
21 for DIR_CHECK in $CHECK_DIRECTORIES #loop to du directories
22 do
23 echo ""
24 echo "The $DIR_CHECK Directories:" #title header for each directories
25 #
26 #Create a listing of top ten disk space users
27 du -S $DIR_CHECK 2>/dev/null | #'S': make a total than 's'.
28 sort -rn |    #rank with figure(n) and big is top(r).
29 sed '{11,$D;=}' |
30 sed 'N;s/\n/ /' |
31 gawk '{printf $1 ":" "\t" $2 "\t" $3 "\n"}' #'\t' is table-make mark which equal a tab(there).
32 #
33 done
34 #


posted @ 2015-06-05 23:24  little-snake  阅读(178)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报