backup daily

 1 #!/bin/bash
 2 #
 3 #This is a test in book.thanks for Richard Blum.
 4 #Please put this file to crontab,thanks.
 5 #Please touch a new configuration file.
 6 #Daily_Archive - Archive designated files & directories
 7 #
 8 ##########################################################
 9 #
10 #Gather Current Date.the format of date is only " date +%d%m%y".
11 #
12 #
13 DATE=`date +%y%m%d`
14 #
15 echo $DATE
16 #Set Archive File Name
17 #
18 FILE=backup$DATE.tar.gz
19 #
20 #Set Configuration and Destination File.The configuration file include directories that you want to backup.
21 #
22 CONFIG_FILE=/home/ach/test/shell-practices/backup-daily.conf
23 DESTINATION=/home/ach/backup/$FILE
24 #
25 ############ Main Script ##################################
26 #
27 #Check Backup Config file exists
28 #
29 if [ -f $CONFIG_FILE ] #Make sure the config file still exists.
30 then #If it existd,do nothing but continue on.
31 echo
32 else    #If it doesn't exist,issue error & exit script.
33 echo 
34 echo "$CONFIG_FILE does not exist."
35 echo "Backup not completed due to missing Configuration File."
36 echo
37 exit
38 fi
39 #
40 #Build the names of all the files to backup
41 #
42 FILE_NO=1    #Start on Line 1 of Config File
43 exec < $CONFIG_FILE    #Redirect Std Input to name of Config File.
44 #
45 read FILE_NAME #read 1st record.
46 # 
47 while [ $? -eq 0 ]    #Create list of files to backup
48 do
49 #Make sure the file or directories exists.
50 if [ -f $FILE_NAME -o -d $FILE_NAME ]
51 then 
52 #If file exists, add its name to the list.
54 else 
55 #If file does not exist,issue warning.
56 echo 
57 echo "FILE_NAME does not exist."
58 echo "Obviously,I will not include it in this archive."
59 echo "It is listed on line $FILE_NO of the config file."
60 echo "Continuing to build archive list......"
61 echo
62 fi
63 #
64 FILE_NO=$[FILE_NO+1] #Increase Line/File number by one.
65 read FILE_NAME    #read next record.
66 done 
67 #
68 ############################################################
69 #
70 #Backup the files and compress archive
71 #
72 tar -czf $DESTINATION $FILE_LIST 2> /dev/null
73 #To decompress use command : -xf (extract)
74 #END with the backup-daily
75 #Next is backup-hour,which will use a new method that can level directories.
76 #
77 #DAY=`date +%d`
78 #MONTH=`date +%m`
79 #TIME=`date +%M`
80 #
81 #mkdir -p $BASEDEST/$MONTH/$DAY
82 #
84 #
85 #
86 #
87 ##END


posted @ 2015-03-23 08:10  little-snake  阅读(168)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报