






附录:How to change cygwin hostname

Cygwin reads the host name from Windows. On Windows 7 (instructions will be similar for other versions of Windows) you can change this by doing the following:

  1. Open Control Panel
  2. Click System and Security
  3. Click System
  4. Under "Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings", click Change Settings
  5. Next to "To rename this computer…" click "Change…"
  6. Enter your desired host name in the "Computer name" box then click OK twice.

To simply change the Bash prompt, however, you don't need to jump through those hoops. The Bash prompt is controlled by the PS1 environment variable, and there're extensive instructions in the Bash man pages under "Prompting".

For example, to temporarily set your Bash prompt to Howdy>, you can use the following command:

PS1='Howdy> '

While to set it whenever you restart the Bash shell, use the following to add it to your .bashrc file (which is run whenever Bash is started).

echo 'PS1="Howdy> "' >>~/.bashrc
posted @ 2018-07-16 10:53  立体风  阅读(1528)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报