解析文本 导出XML 拼写检查

#region Parser
    /// <summary>
    /// Parser Analysis.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool Parser()
        #region Initialization Variables
        string FileName, strXmlTemplateFolder, extendName, commandName, strParserDestFolder, TxtFile;
        string sLine, xmlFilePath, sql, Element = "", ElementValue = "", ElementValueTemp;
        string str = "", strPattern, FaxInfoXMLTempID, ReceiveNumber = "";
        string[] filesDestFolder;
        int TemplateID = 0, SemicolonPos, FaxInfoID;
        string sqlUpFaxInfo = "", sqlUpFaxInfo2 = "";
        bool isNoKeyWord = true, isFindFile = false, Flag = true;
        List<string> TxtList = new List<string>();
        string KeyWord = "", Hint = "";
        int Line = 0, Column = 0;
        int EntityID = 0, xmlTemplateID = 0;
        string sqlEntity = "", sqlTemplateByEntity = "";

        //Get parser and xmlTemplate folder's location
        sql = "SELECT parserfilepath,xmlTemplateFilePath FROM FilePath";
        DataSet ds = DbHelperSQL.Query(sql);
        if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
            //Get ParserFilePath
            strParserDestFolder = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["parserfilepath"].ToString();
            strXmlTemplateFolder = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["xmlTemplateFilePath"].ToString();

            //Check Dest folder is existed or not.
            filesDestFolder = Directory.GetFiles(strParserDestFolder);
            if (filesDestFolder.Length > 0)
                    foreach (string s in filesDestFolder)
                        //Get Extent Name "txt" Or "tif".
                        extendName = s.Substring(s.Length - 3, 3);
                        //Get command Name like "051-010-28663122~051-010-88663122~2007-7-6~1" etc.
                        commandName = s.Substring(s.LastIndexOf("""") + 1, s.LastIndexOf(".") - s.LastIndexOf("""") - 1);

                        //Only Get Txt File
                        if (extendName == "txt")
                            //Get FileName When State=1 In FaxInfo Table.
                            sql = "SELECT * FROM FaxInfo WHERE status=1 ORDER BY ReceiveDate";
                            DataSet ds2 = DbHelperSQL.Query(sql);
                            if (ds2.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                //Traversing All equal condition data.
                                foreach (DataRow row in ds2.Tables[0].Rows)
                                    //2007-8-13: Get ReceiveNumber Field
                                    ReceiveNumber = row["ReceiveNumber"].ToString();

                                    FileName = row["FileName"].ToString();
                                    FaxInfoID = Convert.ToInt32(row["ID"]);
                                    FaxInfoXMLTempID = row["XMLTempID"].ToString();

                                    #region Compare FaxInfo.FileName whether equal FilesDestFolder.commandName
                                    if (FileName == commandName)
                                        #region Initialization Local Variables
                                        isFindFile = true;
                                        TxtFile = strParserDestFolder + FileName + ".txt";
                                        xmlFilePath = strParserDestFolder + FileName + ".xml";

                                        StreamReader objReader = null;
                                        XmlTextWriter xtw = new XmlTextWriter(xmlFilePath, Encoding.UTF8);

                                        xtw.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
                                        xtw.Indentation = 2;

                                        //Write XML Start Tag.

                                        //"Details"as Root Element.

                                        //Load Txt File
                                        StreamReader txtReader = new StreamReader(TxtFile, Encoding.UTF8);

                                        //2007-8-13:Identity Entity By Fax Tel(Need parse txt ReceiveNumber)
                                        sqlEntity = "SELECT EntityID FROM EntityDetail WHERE Info= " + "'" + ReceiveNumber + "'";
                                        DataSet dsEntity = DbHelperSQL.Query(sqlEntity);
                                        if (dsEntity.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                            foreach (DataRow rowEntity in dsEntity.Tables[0].Rows)
                                                //Get EntityID
                                                EntityID = Convert.ToInt32(rowEntity["EntityID"]);

                                                //2007-8-13:Get Template Name By EntityID
                                                sqlTemplateByEntity = "SELECT XmlTemplate.id FROM XmlTemplate WHERE XmlTemplate.EntityID=" + EntityID;

                                                DataSet dsTemplateByEntity = DbHelperSQL.Query(sqlTemplateByEntity);
                                                if (dsTemplateByEntity.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                                    foreach (DataRow rowTemplateByEntity in dsTemplateByEntity.Tables[0].Rows)
                                                        xmlTemplateID = Convert.ToInt32(rowTemplateByEntity["id"]);

                                                        #region Execute Inner Code (Include KeyWord,Fuzzy,ExportXML)
                                                        sql = "SELECT elemName,XmlTemplateID,Line,[Column],Hint,FuzzyFields FROM XmlEditTemp" +
                                                              " WHERE elemName IS NOT NULL AND XmlTemplateID=" + xmlTemplateID +
                                                              " ORDER BY ID ";

                                                        DataSet ds3 = DbHelperSQL.Query(sql);
                                                        if (ds3.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                                            #region Traversing database find Keyword
                                                            foreach (DataRow row3 in ds3.Tables[0].Rows)
                                                                #region Get KeyWord,Hint,Line,Column,TemplateID
                                                                //KeyWord <-XmlEditTemp.elemName
                                                                if (row3["elemName"] + "" != string.Empty)
                                                                    KeyWord = row3["elemName"].ToString();

                                                                //Hint <-XmlEditTemp.Hint
                                                                if (row3["Hint"] + "" != string.Empty)
                                                                    Hint = row3["Hint"].ToString();

                                                                //Line <-XmlEditTemp.Line
                                                                if (row3["Line"] + "" != string.Empty)
                                                                    Line = Convert.ToInt32(row3["Line"]);

                                                                //Column <-XmlEditTemp.Column
                                                                if (row3["Column"] + "" != string.Empty)
                                                                    Column = Convert.ToInt32(row3["Column"]);

                                                                //TemplateID <-XmlEditTemp.XmlTemplateID
                                                                if (row3["XmlTemplateID"] != null)
                                                                    TemplateID = Convert.ToInt32(row3["XmlTemplateID"]);

                                                                //Judgemant whether find template from XmlTemplate.
                                                                string sql2 = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM XmlTemplate WHERE ID=" + TemplateID;
                                                                int tempcount = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteId(sql2);

                                                                if (tempcount > 0)
                                                                        objReader = new StreamReader(TxtFile);

                                                                        sLine = "";
                                                                        //KeyWordManage KeyWord Fields.
                                                                        string sKeyWord = KeyWord;
                                                                        //Save Line and Column Value.
                                                                        List<int> list = new List<int>();
                                                                        //From the first line,first Column starts.
                                                                        int iRowNo = 0;
                                                                        int iColumnNo = 1;

                                                                        sLine = objReader.ReadLine();

                                                                        int flag = 0;

                                                                        while (sLine != null)

                                                                            MatchCollection mc1 = Regex.Matches(sLine, sKeyWord, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                                                                            string sTemp = sLine;

                                                                            #region Search By KeyWord
                                                                            foreach (Match m1 in mc1)
                                                                                if (m1.Success)
                                                                                    iColumnNo = sTemp.IndexOf(m1.Value);
                                                                                    sTemp = sLine.Substring(iColumnNo + sKeyWord.Length);
                                                                                    list.Add(iColumnNo + 1);
                                                                                    int rn = list[0];
                                                                                    int cn = list[1];

                                                                                    #region Judgement whether find keyword.
                                                                                    //Judgment LineNo and ColumnNo in txtFile,
                                                                                    //whether equal KeyWord table Line, Column Data.
                                                                                    if ((rn == Line) && (cn == Column))
                                                                                        //Markup Whether has KeyWord. Default Value is False.
                                                                                        isNoKeyWord = false;

                                                                                        // Extraction ':' As elements
                                                                                        if (sLine.Contains(":") == true)
                                                                                            #region Handling "#" Use "NO." Replace it.
                                                                                            if (sLine.Contains("#"))
                                                                                                string sLineTemp = sLine;
                                                                                                int JPos;

                                                                                                JPos = sLineTemp.IndexOf("#");
                                                                                                sLineTemp = sLineTemp.Replace(sLineTemp.Substring(JPos, 1), "NO.");

                                                                                                sLine = sLineTemp;
                                                                                                strPattern = @""D+".+:.*?(?="D+".+:|$)";
                                                                                                strPattern = @""w+:.*?(?="w+:|$)";

                                                                                            MatchCollection mc = Regex.Matches(sLine, strPattern);
                                                                                            foreach (Match m in mc)
                                                                                                str = m.Value;

                                                                                                SemicolonPos = str.IndexOf(":");
                                                                                                Element = str.Substring(0, SemicolonPos);
                                                                                                ElementValueTemp = str.Substring(SemicolonPos, (str.Length - str.Substring(0, SemicolonPos).Length));
                                                                                                ElementValue = ElementValueTemp.Remove(0, 1).Trim();

                                                                                                this.WriteXML(TxtFile, sLine, xtw, Element, ElementValue, TemplateID, TxtList, false, "", "");


                                                                            sLine = objReader.ReadLine();

                                                                            if (sLine == null)
                                                                                flag = 1;
                                                                        if (flag == 1)
                                                                    catch (Exception ex2)
                                                                        #region Update FaxInfo Status=2, ErrorMessage=3(Data Problem)
                                                                        sqlUpFaxInfo2 = "UPDATE [FaxInfo] SET [Status] = 2," + "[XMLTempID]= " + TemplateID +
                                                                            " ,[ErrorMessage] = 3 WHERE ID=" + FaxInfoID;
                                                                        return false;
                                                                    #region Don't find Template,throw exception
                                                                    //Update FaxInfo Status=2, ErrorMessage=4(No Template), XMLTempID=0
                                                                    sqlUpFaxInfo = "UPDATE [FaxInfo] SET [Status] = 2," +
                                                                        " [ErrorMessage] = 4,[XMLTempID] = 0 WHERE ID=" + FaxInfoID;
                                                                    return false;

                                                            #region No KeyWord (Execute Fuzzy Search)
                                                            if (isNoKeyWord == true)
                                                                #region By Fuzzy Search

                                                                this.WriteXML(TxtFile, "", xtw, "", "", TemplateID, TxtList, true, "", "");




                                                            #region Success:Update FaxInfo Status=4
                                                            string sqlSuccess = "UPDATE [FaxInfo] SET [Status] = 4, " + "ErrorMessage=0," +
                                                                         "[XMLTempID]= " + TemplateID +
                                                                         " WHERE ID=" + FaxInfoID;
                                                            return true;

                                                            #region Template ID equal 0
                                                            string sqlNoTemplate = "UPDATE [FaxInfo] SET [Status] = 2," +
                                                                            " [ErrorMessage] = 4 WHERE ID=" + FaxInfoID;
                                                            return false;



                                    #region No find match file.
                                    if (isFindFile == false)
                                        //If haven't find match file,throw exception.
                                        string sqlIsFindFile = "UPDATE [FaxInfo] SET [Status] = 2, " + "ErrorMessage=6" +
                                                        " WHERE ID=" + FaxInfoID;
                                        return false;

                catch (Exception ex1)
                    return false;
        return Flag;


    #region Export XML For Parser
    /// <summary>
    /// According to Find Txt Write XML
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="filePath">Txt File Path</param>
    /// <param name="sLine">Current Read Line</param>
    /// <param name="xtw">XmlTextWriter Object</param>
    /// <param name="element">Line Element</param>
    /// <param name="elementValue">Line ElementValue</param>
    /// <param name="templateID">Template ID</param>
    private void WriteXML(string filePath, string sLine, XmlTextWriter xtw,
                          string element, string elementValue, int templateID,
                           List<string> TxtList, bool isFuzzyField, string FuzzyField, string RightFields)
        string Sql, ElemName, ElemName2, strTxtLine = "";
        string strPattern2 = "", FuzzyTemp = "";
        StreamReader txt = new StreamReader(filePath, Encoding.UTF8);

        #region In XmlEditTemp table Find Template,When Match Sucessful,Write XML File.

        Sql = "SELECT XmlEditTemp.ElemName,XmlEditTemp.FuzzyFields FROM XmlEditTemp " +
              " WHERE XmlEditTemp.XmlTemplateID= " + templateID +
              " ORDER BY XmlEditTemp.ID";

        if (isFuzzyField == false)
            #region Find match template according to KeyWord

            strTxtLine = txt.ReadLine();

            while (strTxtLine != null)
                //Select txt contain ":" and don't contain "/" data.
                if (strTxtLine.Contains(":") && (strTxtLine.Contains("/") == false))
                    #region Handling "#" Use "NO." Replace it.
                    if (strTxtLine.Contains("#"))
                        string sLineTemp = strTxtLine;
                        int JPos;

                        JPos = sLineTemp.IndexOf("#");
                        sLineTemp = sLineTemp.Replace(sLineTemp.Substring(JPos, 1), "NO.");

                        strTxtLine = sLineTemp;
                        strPattern2 = @""D+".+:.*?(?="D+".+:|$)";
                        strPattern2 = @""w+:.*?(?="w+:|$)";

                    //match correspond pattern.
                    MatchCollection mc2 = Regex.Matches(strTxtLine, strPattern2);
                    foreach (Match m in mc2)
                        DataSet ds2 = DbHelperSQL.Query(Sql);
                        if (ds2.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            foreach (DataRow row2 in ds2.Tables[0].Rows)
                                ElemName2 = row2["elemname"].ToString();

                                string mvalueTemp = m.Value;
                                string valueTemp2 = mvalueTemp;
                                int SemicolonPos1 = mvalueTemp.IndexOf(":");
                                mvalueTemp = mvalueTemp.Substring(0, SemicolonPos1);
                                valueTemp2 = valueTemp2.Substring(0, SemicolonPos1);

                                if (mvalueTemp.Contains(" "))
                                    int lastBlank2 = mvalueTemp.LastIndexOf(" ");
                                    mvalueTemp = mvalueTemp.Substring(lastBlank2).Trim();

                                    if (valueTemp2.ToUpper().IndexOf(ElemName2.ToUpper()) > 0)
                                        int posTemp = valueTemp2.IndexOf(ElemName2);

                                        valueTemp2 = valueTemp2.Substring(posTemp);

                                        mvalueTemp = valueTemp2.Replace(" ", "_");

                                if (mvalueTemp.ToUpper() == ElemName2.ToUpper())
                                    string str2 = m.Value;
                                    int SemicolonPos2 = str2.LastIndexOf(":");
                                    string Element2 = str2.Substring(0, SemicolonPos2);
                                    string ElementValueTemp2 = str2.Substring(SemicolonPos2, (str2.Length - str2.Substring(0, SemicolonPos2).Length));
                                    string ElementValue2 = ElementValueTemp2.Remove(0, 1).Trim();

                                    if (Element2.Contains(" "))
                                        int lastBlank = Element2.LastIndexOf(" ");
                                        Element2 = Element2.Substring(lastBlank).Trim();

                                    if (mvalueTemp.IndexOf("_") > 0)
                                        xtw.WriteElementString(mvalueTemp, ElementValue2);
                                        xtw.WriteElementString(ElemName2, ElementValue2);

                strTxtLine = txt.ReadLine();
            #region Find match template according to FuzzyField

            strTxtLine = txt.ReadLine();

            while (strTxtLine != null)
                //Select txt contain ":" and don't contain "/" data.
                if (strTxtLine.Contains(":") && (strTxtLine.Contains("/") == false))
                    //string sqlFuzzy = "Select ElemName,FuzzyFields From XmlEditTemp " +
                    //                  " WHERE ElemName IS NOT NULL " +
                    //                  " AND XmlEditTemp.XmlTemplateID= " + templateID;
                    DataSet dsFuzzy = DbHelperSQL.Query(Sql);

                    if (dsFuzzy.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        foreach (DataRow rowFuzzy in dsFuzzy.Tables[0].Rows)
                            FuzzyTemp = rowFuzzy["FuzzyFields"].ToString();
                            RightFields = rowFuzzy["ElemName"].ToString();

                            //If current line contain FuzzyField,replace FuzzyField to ElemName

                            if (FuzzyTemp.Length != 0)
                                if (strTxtLine.ToUpper().Contains(FuzzyTemp.ToUpper()))
                                    strTxtLine = strTxtLine.Replace(FuzzyTemp, RightFields);

                            #region Handling "#" Use "NO." Replace it.
                            if (strTxtLine.Contains("#"))
                                string sLineTemp = strTxtLine;
                                int JPos;

                                JPos = sLineTemp.IndexOf("#");
                                sLineTemp = sLineTemp.Replace(sLineTemp.Substring(JPos, 1), "NO.");

                                strTxtLine = sLineTemp;
                                strPattern2 = @""D+".+:.*?(?="D+".+:|$)";
                                strPattern2 = @""w+:.*?(?="w+:|$)";

                            #region Match correspond pattern,Write XML
                            MatchCollection mc2 = Regex.Matches(strTxtLine, strPattern2);
                            foreach (Match m in mc2)
                                string mvalueTemp = m.Value;
                                string valueTemp2 = mvalueTemp;
                                int SemicolonPos1 = mvalueTemp.IndexOf(":");
                                mvalueTemp = mvalueTemp.Substring(0, SemicolonPos1);
                                valueTemp2 = valueTemp2.Substring(0, SemicolonPos1);

                                #region Handling " "
                                if (mvalueTemp.Contains(" "))
                                    int lastBlank2 = mvalueTemp.LastIndexOf(" ");
                                    mvalueTemp = mvalueTemp.Substring(lastBlank2).Trim();

                                    if (valueTemp2.ToUpper().IndexOf(RightFields.ToUpper()) > 0)
                                        int posTemp = valueTemp2.IndexOf(RightFields);

                                        valueTemp2 = valueTemp2.Substring(posTemp);

                                        mvalueTemp = valueTemp2.Replace(" ", "_");

                                if (mvalueTemp.Contains(RightFields))
                                    string str2 = m.Value;
                                    int SemicolonPos2 = str2.LastIndexOf(":");
                                    string Element2 = str2.Substring(0, SemicolonPos2);
                                    string ElementValueTemp2 = str2.Substring(SemicolonPos2, (str2.Length - str2.Substring(0, SemicolonPos2).Length));
                                    string ElementValue2 = ElementValueTemp2.Remove(0, 1).Trim();

                                    if (Element2.Contains(" "))
                                        int lastBlank = Element2.LastIndexOf(" ");
                                        Element2 = Element2.Substring(lastBlank).Trim();

                                    if (mvalueTemp.IndexOf("_") > 0)
                                        xtw.WriteElementString(mvalueTemp, ElementValue2);
                                        xtw.WriteElementString(RightFields, ElementValue2);


                strTxtLine = txt.ReadLine();

        //    }


    #region SpellCheck
    /// <summary>
    /// CheckSpell
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="word">Need Check Word</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public string CheckSpelling(string word)
        System.Type wordType = System.Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Word.Application");
        object wd = System.Activator.CreateInstance(wordType);

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        object start = 0;
        object end = 0;

        object missing = System.Type.Missing;
        object IgnoreUppercase = true;
        object AlwaysSuggest = true;

        ((ApplicationClass)wd).Visible = false;
        ((ApplicationClass)wd).Documents.Add(ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing);
        ((ApplicationClass)wd).ActiveDocument.Range(ref start, ref end).Text = word;
        ((ApplicationClass)wd).Options.CheckGrammarWithSpelling = true;
        ((ApplicationClass)wd).Options.SuggestSpellingCorrections = true;
        ((ApplicationClass)wd).CheckSpelling(word, ref IgnoreUppercase, ref AlwaysSuggest, ref missing, ref missing,
            ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing);

        if (((ApplicationClass)wd).ActiveDocument.SpellingErrors.Count > 0)
            foreach (SpellingSuggestion Suggestion in
                ((ApplicationClass)wd).GetSpellingSuggestions(word, ref missing, ref missing,
                ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing,
                ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing))


        object savechanges = false;

        ((ApplicationClass)wd).ActiveDocument.Close(ref savechanges, ref missing, ref missing);
        ((ApplicationClass)wd).Quit(ref savechanges, ref missing, ref missing);

        wd = null;

        return sb.ToString();


posted @ 2009-02-16 17:13  litao6664  阅读(320)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报