1 #! /usr/bin/python
2 # Filename:using_file.py
4 poem = '''\
5 Programming is fun
6 When the work is done
7 if you wanna make your work also fun:
8 use Pyhon!
9 '''
11 f = file('poem.txt', 'w') # open for 'w'riting
12 f.write(poem) # write text to file
13 f.close() # close the file
15 f = file('poem.txt')
16 # if no mode is sepecified, 'r'ead mode is assumed by default
17 while True:
18 line = f.readline()
19 if len(line) == 0: # zero length indecates eof
20 break
21 print line,
22 # notice comma to avoid automatic newline added by python
24 f.close() # close the file