Get file name without extension.

Ref:How to get file name without the extension?

Normally,there are two ways to implements this:use the library or the regular expression.

here I use the regular expression.

String s = "";
String result = s.replaceFirst("[.][^.]+$", "");

 以上是不考虑到Path, 若有Path,需要先截断路径分隔符,如:

	 * "promt-workspace-startup"
	 * @param fileFullName 文件的完整路径.
	 * @return
	public static String getFileNameWithoutExtention(String fileFullName) {
		int backslash = fileFullName.lastIndexOf("\\") != -1 ? fileFullName.lastIndexOf("\\") : fileFullName.lastIndexOf("/");
		int dot = fileFullName.lastIndexOf(".");
		if (backslash > 0 && dot > 0) {
			fileFullName = fileFullName.substring(backslash + 1, dot);
		return fileFullName;


posted @ 2014-03-02 02:56  wonkju  阅读(756)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报