

  以前很少能调试,甚至以为不能调试(好笨),后来我看了一本叫做<<Learning Three.js>>的一本书后,里面推荐有几种javascript的编辑工具,都蛮好的,在这里我用 WebStorm,最灵活的是"提示功能",真的很强,比我们在 Visual Studio不懂要强多少倍.可能很多人都应该会用很多强灵活的开发工具,这里我就说怎么调试单个 html文本的javascript:

Local debugging: starting a debugging session from an HTML file

  1. Set the breakpoints in the JavaScript code, as required.
  2. Open the HTML file with the JavaScript injection to debug or select the HTML file in the Project view.
  3. On the context menu of the editor or the selection, choose Debug <file name>. The automatically generated debug configuration starts a debugging session. This configuration is temporary but you can save it later.

    The file opens in the default browser and the Debug tool window appears.

  4. If you are using Chrome or Dartium, you need a Chrome extension. If the extension is not installed and activated in your browser, the Debug tool window shows a message with a link to the web store where the extension is available. Click the link and install the extension. For details, see Using JetBrains Chrome Extension.
  5. In the Debug tool window, proceed as usual: step through the programstop and resume program execution, examine it when suspendedview actual HTML DOMedit the code, etc.


posted @ 2013-12-07 02:13  wonkju  阅读(1563)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报