[Nios][Eclipse] find_fast_cwd: WARNING: Couldn't compute FAST_CWD pointer



If you are using Windows 8 or 8.1 with Quartus 13.0sp1, you may encounter the following error when you launch a Cygwin command shell:

  • find_fast_cwd: WARNING: Couldn't compute FAST_CWD pointer.

If you encounter this warning, you may be able to just ignore it. However, it appears to affect the ability of the Altera Monitor Program to work correctly. The error is caused by an older version of the Cygwin tools being bundled with Quartus II 13.0sp1.

I have heard that some students were able to fix this problem simply by updating the copy of Cygwin that was installed by Quartus. Alternatively, a patch for Quartus 13.1 can be downloaded here, but it isn't clear whether this also works for Quartus 13.0sp1:

Altera may eventually update Quartus 13.0sp1 to include this patch. Here is what Altera writes about this patch:

Updating Cygwin for Quartus II 13.1 on Windows 8.1

There is a compatibility issue that causes old versions of Cygwin to fail to run on Windows 8.1. This affects all of Altera’s tools that use Cygwin, such as Altera Monitor Program and Nios II EDS. To solve this issue, the Cygwin that is installed with Quartus II must be updated as follows:

  • Download the patch at ftp://ftp.altera.com/up/pub/Cygwin_Patch/cygwin_patch.zip
  • Extract the contents of cygwin_patch.zip to your Quartus II install directory, overwriting existing files. Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Cygwin are included in the zip file; extract both of these versions to your Quartus II install folder. The default path to the Quartus II install folder is “C:\altera\13.1\quartus”.


我看了一下 13.01sp1的cygwin是1.75版本,將altera_quartus13.1_cywin_patch.zip解壓縮覆蓋到 altera\13.0sp1\quartus\bin\cygwin 即可正常使用。


[1] http://help.ece.ubc.ca/Altera

[2] 【小梅哥SOPC學習筆記】SOPC開發常見問題及解決辦法集錦

posted @ 2018-05-25 09:51  Harris_Li  阅读(3192)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报