/** * @Name: 易维护、可扩展定制的 倒计时插件 * @Author: 大兵博客(虾兵) @Blog:http://ddbing.com/ * @param 参数暂支持三个,cid,data,nowDate。 * @param cid: 倒计时模块id,以区分多个倒计时模块的情况。 * @param nowDate: 开始时间,不设置则默认为系统当前时间。 * @param data: 初始化后台传过来的活动结束时间数据,JSON格式如: [ { "id":"1",time:"2015/09/05 10:27:30" }, { "id":"2",time:"2015/09/09 09:08:40" }, { "id":"3",time:"2015/06/03 12:30:10" } ]; */ ;( function ($, window, document, undefined) { var countDown = function (cid,data,nowDate){ this .cid = cid; this .data = data; this .nowDate = nowDate; }; countDown.prototype = { constructor: countDown, main: function (){ var that = this , data, newData = []; this .init(); data = that.backData; that.initTemp(data); that._init ? that._init = false : '' ; $.each(data, function (i,val){ if (val.ms) { newData.push({id:val.id,ms:val.ms}); }; }); that.backData = newData; setTimeout( function (){ that.handle(); },1000); }, //初始化处理 init: function (){ var that = this , data = that.data, backData=[], ms = 0, msEnd, msNow, _init = that._init = true ; msNow = ( new Date(that.nowDate) ).getTime() || ( new Date() ).getTime(); $.each(data, function (i,val){ msEnd =( new Date(val.time) ).getTime(); ms = msEnd - msNow; if ( ms < 1000 ) { that.msHandle(ms,val.id, '-1' ); } else { that.msHandle(ms,val.id); }; }); }, //初始转化时间格式 msHandle: function (ms,id,flag){ var D, H, M, S, objTime = {}, backData = this .backData || [] ; if (flag < 0) { objTime = { id: id, no: flag }; backData.push(objTime); } else { S = Math.floor( ms/1000 ); M = Math.floor( S/60 ); H = Math.floor( M/60 ); D = Math.floor( H/24 ); S = S % 60; M = M % 60; H = H % 24; objTime = { id:id, D:D, H:H, M:M, S:S, ms:ms }; objTime = this .normTime(objTime); backData.push(objTime); }; this .backData = backData; return this ; }, //倒计时定时器 handle: function (){ var that = this , timer, data = that.backData, cid = this .cid; $.each(data, function (i,val){ var ms = val.ms; if (ms < 1000) { $( '#' +cid).find( '#count' +val.id).html( '距离活动结束还剩:活动已结束' ); } else { ms -= 1000; that.msChange(ms, val.id); data[i].ms = ms; }; }); !!timer && clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout( function (){ that.handle(); },1000); }, //ms处理 msChange: function (ms,id){ var D, H, M, S, objTime = {},cid = this .cid, data = this .backData; S = Math.floor( ms/1000 ); M = Math.floor( S/60 ); H = Math.floor( M/60 ); D = Math.floor( H/24 ); S = S % 60; M = M % 60; H = H % 24; objTime = { id:id, D:D, H:H, M:M, S:S }; objTime = this .normTime(objTime); $( '#' +cid).find( '#count' +id).children( '.d' ).children( 'i' ).text( objTime.D ); $( '#' +cid).find( '#count' +id).children( '.h' ).children( 'i' ).text( objTime.H ); $( '#' +cid).find( '#count' +id).children( '.m' ).children( 'i' ).text( objTime.M ); $( '#' +cid).find( '#count' +id).children( '.s' ).children( 'i' ).text( objTime.S ); }, //统一处理时刻格式 normTime: function (objTime){ for ( var i in objTime) { if (objTime.hasOwnProperty(i) && i != 'id' ) { objTime[i] = objTime[i] < 10 ? '0' + objTime[i] : objTime[i]; }; }; return objTime; }, //初始化模板 initTemp: function (data){ var temp = '' ; $.each(data, function (i,val){ if (val.no < 0) { temp += '距离活动结束还剩:活动已结束' ; } else { temp += '距离活动结束还剩:' + val.D + '天' + '' + val.H + '时' + val.M + '分' + '' + val.S + '秒' + '' ; }; }); temp += '' ; $( '#' + this .cid).append(temp); } }; window.countDown = countDown; }(jQuery, window, document)); |
var time_data = [ { "id" : "1" ,time: "2015/09/05 10:27:30" }, { "id" : "2" ,time: "2015/09/09 09:08:40" }, { "id" : "3" ,time: "2015/06/03 12:30:10" }, { "id" : "4" ,time: "2015/10/12 13:15:30" }, { "id" : "5" ,time: "2015/09/11 18:36:40" } ]; /** * @param 创建倒计时对象 * @param 倒计时模块id:countdown1 * @param 倒计时初始化数据 * @param 最后一个参数倒计时开始时间,格式如:"2015/09/03 10:30:00",不传则默认为系统当前时间 */ var tCountDown = new countDown( 'countdown1' ,time_data, '2015/09/03 10:30:00' ); tCountDown.main(); |
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