We will consider the numbers 𝑎a and 𝑏b as adjacent if they differ by exactly one, that is, |𝑎−𝑏|=1|a−b|=1. We will consider cells of a square matr 阅读全文
You are playing the game "Arranging The Sheep". The goal of this game is to make the sheep line up. The level in the game is described by a string of 阅读全文
AIR学术沙龙 I《动态卷积神经网络》视频学习笔记 Convolutional Networks 多种网络模型被提出来:AlexNet,VGG... 网络在做什么?为什么要提出新的结构? 网络结构影响着: 表达能力(Representation power) 深度学习表达能力更好。 优化性质(Opt 阅读全文