You are given a string s[1…n]s[1…n] consisting of lowercase Latin letters. It is guaranteed that n=2kn=2k for some integer k≥0k≥0 . The string s[1…n]s 阅读全文
You are given an array aa consisting of nn integers. You have to find the length of the smallest (shortest) prefix of elements you need to erase from 阅读全文
A permutation of length nn is a sequence of integers from 11 to nn of length nn containing each number exactly once. For example, [1][1] , [4,3,5,1,2] 阅读全文
You are given three positive (i.e. strictly greater than zero) integers xx , yy and zz . Your task is to find positive integers aa , bb and cc such th 阅读全文
Cuber QQ 长期在网络上与他人对线,一天,他发明了一台神奇的打字机。这台打字机只能处理由 a,b,X 构成的字符串。具体来说,打字机能够执行如下三种操作。 • 操作1:将任意一个 X 替换为 aX 。 • 操作2:将任意一个 X 替换为 aXbX 。 • 操作3:删除任意一个 X 。 打字机启 阅读全文
Cuber QQ 迎来了他在华师大的最后一次期末考试。由于情况特殊,这场考试改为线上进行。 这是为毕业班特别准备的一次期末考试,命题老师为了让各位考生顺利毕业,设计了如下考试规则: 期末考试试卷共 n (1≤n≤1000)道选择题,由单选题和多选题组成。每道题的选项个数可能不同,多选题保证至少有一个 阅读全文