
Chapter 11 Inheritance

  1. 私有继承:







  1. 子类的构造函数:

ChildClassName(ParameterList):ParentClassName(ParameterList0) { // Initialize new data members in child class } 注意父类的参数列表的形参前面没有类型名


  1. 调用序列:父类-子类-子类-父类  类似先穿袜子后穿鞋,先脱鞋后脱袜子。
  2. Invoking Sequence

When a new instance of child class is created,  the constructor of  parent classis invoked first,  then the constructors of  subobjects are invoked,  and then the constructor of  child classis invoked

When an instance of child class is destroyed,

 the destructor of child classis invoked first,  then the destructors of  subobjects are invoked,  and then the destructor of parent classis invoked

  1. 内存分配策略:Minimum Static Space Allocation—Allocate the amount of space necessary for the base classonly. (C++)
  2. 多重继承声明:

class ChildName:[public|private] ParentName1,…, [public|private] ParentNameN{ … };

  1. 多重继承下子类的构造函数:

ChildName(ParameterList) :ParentName1(ParameterList1), … ,ParentNameN(ParameterListN){ … };


  1. Problem with Multiple Inheritance -Name Ambiguity

class X{ public: int f( ); };

class Y{ public: int f( ); int g( ); };

class Z:public X, public Y{ public: int g( ); int h( ); };

Z obj;

obj . f( );  //error 引起歧义 不知道调用哪个

obj . g( );  //


Z obj; obj . X::f( );  // selects f( ) in X

obj . Y::f( );  // selects f( ) in Y

obj . Y:: g( );  // selects g( ) in Y

obj . g( );  // selects g( ) in Z

另一种解决方法:虚基类 适用于三代以上继承存在的情况


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