
Chapter 8 Classes and Objects


1.头文件:It is common to place struct type declarations with TypeNames in a (.h) header file and # include that file.


2.Aggregate(聚合)struct Operations

3.Visibility Modifiers(可见修饰)分为public和private(还有protected等等)

区别:public features can be seen and manipulated (操 纵)by anybody --they are the external (interface or service) view. private features can be manipulated only within a class. They are the internal (implementation) view.


member selection using dot ( . ) operator ,  assignment to another class variable using ( = ),  pass to a function as argument (by value or by reference),  returnas value of a function



6.separate files Generally Used forclassType(多文件)

.h:定义 data and function members.


7.Scope Resolution Operator ( :: ):In the implementation file, the scope resolution operator is used in the heading before the function member’s nameto specify its class.

void  TimeType ::Write ( ) {           .  .  . }

8.Object Creation

class PlayingCard { … }aCard;
PlayingCard aCard; 
PlayingCard * pCard = new PlayingCard; 


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